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Super mod... nice one.


We need maybe 1 more admin because blike/sayo/dave haven't been around that much recently (it was a point someone made in one of the comments for Sayo's blog).


Yes, sorry about that. It's been rather busy with getting back to uni and all that.


I believe blike's looking into the entire staff thing atm, so I guess we'll see what he comes up with.


OMG......As sayo seems to be too busy these days,what on the surface looks a direct replacement.Is the most rediculus (intellectually dishonest)choice of moderator i have ever seen at SFN.


Whilst there is a moderate similarity of character,Mokele lacks the charisma and dry wit.Instead we are offered other atributes,an arrogant, self righteous,obnoxious,insulting,undignified little boy.Frankly its laughable.


I can only assume the admin has had a bad trip on LSD,there are far more sensible and deserving members whom would benefit SFN and its membership.Unfortunately people whom can conduct themselves in exemplary fashion and are well recieved and respected are overlooked for this moron.People like Severian/Ophiolite.


There are only a few admin and mods that can and actually do a good service to SFN,Blike/Phi/Dave/Coquina.....the rest think they are on some power trip(its a science forum on the internet..get a grip!!!)....ive watched some good and poor members leave SFN mainly because of frustration at the poor moderation being carried out.Moderators whom evidently do not adhere to the forum rules themselves(YT ??).


This is a Science forum....and at one time a great one ....not a platform for friendless insignificant little pricks to disrespect,insult the people whom make up the SFN membership.Without the membership there is no SFN forum...


SFN is being eroded and im sure the hard core members are aware of it.Jeez you may as well go the whole ten yards and promote Hellbender(sorry hellbender)


Anyway needed to get that out... the forum is sinking beneath the waves.....of mediocrity.


IMO moderators should be selected by the membership.Voted in by the membership.That way you actually get the best most respected members moderating.


Relax. In you're own words...

  Newtonian said:
its a science forum on the internet..get a grip!!!
Mokele is an excellent choice. He is intelligent, and as a poster he does his best to help those who want to learn something about a particular field, and I have yet to see him needlessly attack reasonable debaters. He is far more relaxed and sane than many *ahem* (see above) and he has earned the respect of many of us. What's better, it's a friendly respect. I can't imagine a better choice for mod.
  Newtonian said:
Whilst there is a moderate similarity of character,Mokele lacks the charisma and dry wit.Instead we are offered other atributes,an arrogant, self righteous,obnoxious,insulting,undignified little boy.Frankly its laughable.

Oh, stop being jealous.

friendless insignificant little pricks to disrespect,insult the people whom make up the SFN membership.

You mean members like you?

SFN is being eroded and im sure the hard core members are aware of it.Jeez you may as well go the whole ten yards and promote Hellbender(sorry hellbender)

And just WTF is your problem with me? Please, do tell before your troll ass gets banned. IMO, I would make a much better mod than you thats for sure. You're just a common troll with some serious problems.

Anyway needed to get that out... the forum is sinking beneath the waves.....of mediocrity.

Then leave. No one here likes you anyways.

IMO moderators should be selected by the membership.Voted in by the membership.That way you actually get the best most respected members moderating.

In that case, I'm sure you would be at the bottom of the list.


Nice knowing you, Newt.


I recall a quote from confuscius:


Do not try to be liked by everyone. It is better to be liked by the good and hated by the bad.


Of course, I may be mis-remembering, but I need to run anyway. I'll check up on this later.




in a perfect world it`s better to be Loved and Feared, but of the two, it`s better to be feared :)


(I forgot who said it)

This is a Science forum....and at one time a great one ....not a platform for friendless insignificant little pricks to disrespect,insult the people whom make up the SFN membership.Without the membership there is no SFN forum...
Then leave. No one here likes you anyways.
This is GD so I'm not going to give any warning points but LET'S LIGHTEN UP on the flaming. Newtonian is entitled to his opinion as long as he keeps it civil. And Hellbender might just take Mokele's place as Resident Biology Expert if he can keep his cool.


Mokele is a great choice and he's going to find his perspective changed by being a Moderator. As a Mod it's not enough to just dismiss someone as an idiot, you have to explain to them why they're being an idiot. You may have had a problem with Mokele's often caustic approach in the past but he's going to be going out of his way to make sure this forum maintains high standards for posting.


Newtonian, I'm sorry you feel the way you do. You seem to think Mokele's going to go ballistic and rampage through downtown Tokyo, knocking over buildings and killing people. No one can get away with a power trip on staff at SFN.


Mokele's got the scientific knowledge we need on staff and if everyone will give him the chance to become an experienced Moderator, I think you're all going to like the improvements.

  Phi for All said:
This is GD so I'm not going to give any warning points but LET'S LIGHTEN UP on the flaming. Newtonian is entitled to his opinion as long as he keeps it civil. And Hellbender might just take Mokele's place as Resident Biology Expert if he can keep his cool.

I apologize. Newtonian's comments rub me the wrong way, and I buy into it, like a fool. I'll place Newt on my ignore list once again, and try not to take his insults too seriously.

Mokele's got the scientific knowledge we need on staff and if everyone will give him the chance to become an experienced Moderator, I think you're all going to like the improvements.

And congrats to pangloss for his promotion as well. Good choices, everyone.


Congratulations Pangloss!


Well deserved, indeed.


Now that you get paid $10000 a day to moderate the forums, do you think you can build me a particle accelerator in my backyard? My father says he can't afford one, so I was hoping you could buy it. ;)

No one can get away with a power trip on staff at SFN.








Sorry old man, but comming from you, this is just tooooooooooo much. :eek:

  Cap said:
I sense imminent flaming.




Note that I will not participate in it' date=' as I would rather see what nice insults others can throw.[/size']

Indeed, quite a bit of personal frustation and obscure anger seem to be popping out of the woodwork. Let us observe quietly in the company of popcorn.
Sorry old man, but comming from you, this is just tooooooooooo much.
Contrary to the popular notion, their isn't much of a powertrip to being a moderator. It gets old after about a day. Then the monotony of dealing with people like you sets in.


And Newtonian, no one makes you come back every day. Just leave.

  AzurePhoenix said:
Indeed, quite a bit of personal frustation and obscure anger seem to be popping out of the woodwork. Let us observe quietly in the company of popcorn.

I'll not take apart in it anymore either. However, I would hate to see more flame wars here. This is a fine site which I joined one lonely night this winter to discuss science and possibly, philosophy with like-minded people. I didn't join to be insulted and engage in mud-slinging. I guess this is why I tend to get angry and defensive sometimes.

  alibabba said:
Sorry old man, but comming from you, this is just tooooooooooo much. :eek:
Let's see, Eastern Time zone (my guess is Michigan), AOL proxy server, indiscriminate use of smilies, hates me for no apparent reason....


Hi, syntax252!


Ordinarily I'd just let it pass, but I still remember the vulgar, foul-mouthed email message you sent me while my 6-year-old was in the room. I also remember your bigotry and your excessive strawmanning and all the hatred you brought to this forum.


Bye, syntax252!

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