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I think Newtonian's idea of voting for a mod like an election is an interesting idea which could be thought about.

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as blike is soley financially responcable for the forum, i think its only fair that he gets to choose.

  Dak said:
as blike is soley financially responcable for the forum, i think its only fair that he gets to choose.

While this is probably true, I´d think that if he made this website without any other interest than providing a forum for scientifically interested people it might in fact be a good idea to let those scientifically interested people have a voice even when it comes to distributing moderator posts (not that I think the majority would have voted agains Mokele - I barely perceived him up to today).

But then, there is that very interesting quote (which I think was from a former US president*): "The best argument againt democracy is a 5 minute discussion with the average voter".

So far, I had no complaints about the mods here. Most are rather inconspicuous, some are outstandigly friendly and helpful (dave). I don´t really expect any change in that, now.


*EDIT: Seems I was wrong: The quote is from Winston Churchill (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Churchill), see: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/w/winstonchu105424.html

You seem to think Mokele's going to go ballistic and rampage through downtown Tokyo, knocking over buildings and killing people.




Hey JPQ, watch out for Rita down there. I'm staying up here in Broward tomorrow (the course I was teaching tomorrow was cancelled).

in a perfect world it`s better to be Loved and Feared, but of the two, it`s better to be feared :)


(I forgot who said it)


I dunno if this is what you're thinking, but Calligula once said "Let them hate me, so long as they fear me."


You seem to think Mokele's going to go ballistic and rampage through downtown Tokyo, knocking over buildings and killing people.


::Stomps my rampage in mid-stomp::


::Looks sheepish and straightens up a building, which then crumbles to rubble::


::Tries to walk off whistling and looking nonchalant and innocent::




It's the mighty caped flying intellect, In My Memory!


She will protect us from the large lizard!


But for the rest of you non-sfn users, RUN LIKE HELL!


P.S I have the feeling that Mokele isn't the only thing I should be running from, but the God-Damned hurricanes too. Pfft......

Contrary to the popular notion' date=' their isn't much of a powertrip to being a moderator. It gets old after about a day. Then the monotony of dealing with people like you sets in.


And Newtonian, no one makes you come back every day. Just leave.[/quote']


Ive tried the genuinely honest approach.Ive only stated what other people were thinking.Some may consider me tactless or a little over zealous.But i am not the issue here,only my points.


I do not need to invent fallacy.....mokeles has shown many examples as a poster he has no respect for the membership in general...he is not helpfull in any way,shape or form....to the contrary he is as i have previously described. He insults without regard many members here(i will gladly refer you to each post over the last say 2 month if you wish).If you consider that worthy of merit/reward then your time and money is wasted.


You appear in your post to have misread my concerns and intentions here.I will if you so wish leave.


I think that if we polled such thoughts, very few or no serious, respectable members of the forums would share your opinions about Mokele. If you disagree, go ahead and make a poll.


Personally I don't think you're overzealous at all. Just needlessly hostile based on some petty vendetta.


He's only lost his temper with people who deserved to be told down, and he never goes quite as far as the situation would allow him to. Trollers deserve to be put in their place, if not booted entirely. A sharp word or too from someone who actually knows what he's talking about should be encouraged, not condemned.


This arrogance you refer to is nonextistant. He is inarguably knowledgable, and has a right to be confidant. And when he does overlook something, misstate something, or is presented with something new to him, he will readily admit to it. Mokele is the epitome of a good SFN member.

I think that if we polled such thoughts' date=' very few or no serious, respectable members of the forums would share your opinions about Mokele. If you disagree, go ahead and make a poll.


Personally I don't think you're overzealous at all. Just needlessly hostile based on some petty vendetta.


He's only lost his temper with people who deserved to be told down, and he never goes quite as far as the situation would allow him to. Trollers deserve to be put in their place, if not booted entirely. A sharp word or too from someone who actually knows what he's talking about should be encouraged, not condemned.


This arrogance you refer to is nonextistant. He is inarguably knowledgable, and has a right to be confidant. And when he does overlook something, misstate something, or is presented with something new to him, he will readily admit to it. Mokele is the epitome of a good SFN member.[/quote']


I second that.

  JPQuiceno said:
I second that.


I third that.


I've found him very helpful in answering some questions I've had, and he's really nice about it (as long as you aren't trying to prove creation or some such thoery that cannot be scientifically proven because you can't test the theory at all).


As Phi said, if he decided to powertrip, Blike can (and will) do something about it.

  Newtonian said:
Ive tried the genuinely honest approach.Ive only stated what other people were thinking.

It always confuses me when people use this as a backup to their arguments *easily confused*. How do you know what other people are thinking?

Let's see' date=' Eastern Time zone (my guess is Michigan), AOL proxy server, indiscriminate use of smilies, hates me for no apparent reason....


Hi, syntax252!


Ordinarily I'd just let it pass, but I still remember the vulgar, foul-mouthed email message you sent me while my 6-year-old was in the room. I also remember your bigotry and your excessive strawmanning and all the hatred you brought to this forum.


Bye, syntax252![/quote']


:D Don't look now Phi, but I think you just made Ali's point for him...... ;)


Oop, I guess that is another "strawman" isn't it? :eek:

  Cathy Pa said:
:D Don't look now Phi, but I think you just made Ali's point for him...... ;)
Not really. Ali got himself banned a while back, then joined up under another name, which is also against the rules. After getting up to his old tricks again and getting banned, he joined up under two simultaneous accounts, yet another breach of the rules.


It's a shame, really. He's a very nice older guy who lives up in Michigan and seems very intelligent with an experienced POV, but he just doesn't know how to post in a science-based forum. He refuses to concede a point when faced with overwhelming evidence, he uses fallacious arguments that take threads way off topic and he is really foul in private messaging when he doesn't get his way. People like him take up everyone's time with their tangents and rants and thread derailings.


It doesn't give me a thrill to deal with crap like that. Banning people is the low point of my day, until I think of the rest of you out there and how you won't have to waste your time being harrassed by the syntax252's any more.


Until the next one shows up.

I dunno if this is what you're thinking' date=' but Calligula once said "Let them hate me, so long as they fear me."



naah that wasn`t it, I`ve found it it anyway: "And here comes in the question whether it is better to be loved rather than feared, or feared rather than loved. It might perhaps be answered that we should wish to be both; but since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved."


taken from: http://www.bartleby.com/36/1/17.html


it was Machiavelli.


I think he was wrong anyway. People will try to destroy what they fear (as history shows) but they will defend what they love.

OMG......As sayo seems to be too busy these days' date='what on the surface looks a direct replacement.Is the most rediculus (intellectually dishonest)choice of moderator i have ever seen at SFN.


Whilst there is a moderate similarity of character,Mokele lacks the charisma and dry wit.Instead we are offered other atributes,an arrogant, self righteous,obnoxious,insulting,undignified little boy.Frankly its laughable.


I can only assume the admin has had a bad trip on LSD,there are far more sensible and deserving members whom would benefit SFN and its membership.Unfortunately people whom can conduct themselves in exemplary fashion and are well recieved and respected are overlooked for this moron.People like Severian/Ophiolite.


There are only a few admin and mods that can and actually do a good service to SFN,Blike/Phi/Dave/Coquina.....the rest think they are on some power trip(its a science forum on the internet..get a grip!!!)....ive watched some good and poor members leave SFN mainly because of frustration at the poor moderation being carried out.Moderators whom evidently do not adhere to the forum rules themselves(YT ??).


This is a Science forum....and at one time a great one ....not a platform for friendless insignificant little pricks to disrespect,insult the people whom make up the SFN membership.Without the membership there is no SFN forum...


SFN is being eroded and im sure the hard core members are aware of it.Jeez you may as well go the whole ten yards and promote Hellbender(sorry hellbender)


Anyway needed to get that out... the forum is sinking beneath the waves.....of mediocrity.


IMO moderators should be selected by the membership.Voted in by the membership.That way you actually get the best most respected members moderating.[/quote']i wonder what he'd say if i were made a mod. :D

  • 3 weeks later...



Talk about good judge of character....it appears that it was wholly justifiable.In the short time since Mokele's promotion the threads are littered with his insulting remarks,threads closed and numerous bans....if thats your idea of what moderation is all about,or you think that it is acceptable.Then some criticism of the other current moderators is in order "just what were you doing before this gentleman came along,and showed you that you have been neglecting your duties"....*shakes head*


I could show you good moderation in 2 weeks compared to some here....to moderate well...is a time consuming effort,dedication to the tasks,always for the benefits of others without acknowledgment or reward...a good moderator is one that no one is aware of....it is not unfortunately like present a position to boost the ego's of a few individuals....


Anyone want a crash course or tuition on the subject im here....otherwise carry on the good work Mokele :rolleyes::confused:


A good Moderator doesn`t use More Than Transparent divide-and-conquer tactics either, if we have an issue with each other, we take it somewhere private like PM for instance, I beleive your account has this function too, it`s in the top right hand corner where it says surprisingly enough "Private Messages".


or is this all about YOUR ego here that you say this Publicly?

what happened to: "for the benefits of others without acknowledgment or reward...a good moderator is one that no one is aware of" ?


making a bit of a Fuss aren`t you?


The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


I'm getting tired of Newtonian's efforts to wipe up the bar with his sarcasm rag every time a few extra pints tells him he's been overlooked and underappreciated. His magic ability to know what everyone else thinks, coupled with his finger-pointing hypocrisy makes him about as low on the "Possible Mods list" as one can get. His own bitter insults bring out the worst in me every time.


Newtonian, do you seriously hear yourself saying things like, "I could show you good moderation in 2 weeks compared to some here...." and "Anyone want a crash course or tuition on the subject im here....". My six-year old throws fits like this occasionally, usually ending with, "Fine, then I'M NOT PLAYING!!!" Then she storms off to her room to sit and sulk.


Please go storm off to your room, Newtonian. Or just decide not to play anymore.


Forgive me for not understandng this !

The thread is about Mokele's promotion,if only positive feedback was invited, shouldn't it have been clearly stated.I post my PO on the subject regarding both his conduct as a member(in regards to his insulting other members) coupled with his inability (clearly evident over the few short weeks) to be a responsible moderator.Instead as i earlier stated he would,he has used the position as a soapbox to slag off,insult,close threads and ban people.


I do not have a magic ability of understanding others thoughts...its called common sense assesment when the threads are littered with his arguments and feaces throwing at other members.


Somehow merely bringing my concerns up publicly in the relevant thread qualifies myself for personal attack.I have no other agenda than told you so!

As i have been pretty consistsnt on the subject,Severian and Ophi are by example excellent members and my proposals for mod status...as regards to myself well i speak my mind if you find that objectionable,then coupled with my non american status i dont expect to be made MOD.


As to the last para..Yes i do hear myself saying it Phi,it happens to be true..if you liken that with a petulant six year old it just goes to show...theres nowt as queer as folk :-(

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