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Posted (edited)

Please correct me if any of this is wrong:

We live in a Universe that we cannot explain.

Time is a huge part of our reality.

We do not know what Time is.

We use mathematics to codify and understand our reality.

Our number system of 0-9 was introduced to the Western world by Fibonacci in his 'Liber Abaci' in the 13th Century.

This same numbering system is creating a recycling pattern of 60 numbers in the Fibonacci Series. (Empirical fact). 

These 60 numbers when placed around the circumference of a circle mimic a human clock.

We modern day humans have no real answer as to why our ancient ancestors used 60 in a clock and 360 on a compass. We think it was random.

When I connect two of these clocks of 60 units into this Venn diagram below it immediately generates the number 360. 

And this IMAGE is not strange at all? Not intriguing. Does not tickle any scientific curiosity. Does not raise and red flags. Must be random.

Time = 60. Space = 360. To me this screams SPACETIME. So I kept looking.   

vesica piscis.jpg

Edited by lucien216
32 minutes ago, lucien216 said:

Please correct me if any of this is wrong:

We live in a Universe that we cannot explain.

We can explain some of the universe.

32 minutes ago, lucien216 said:

Time is a huge part of our reality.

We do not know what Time is.

So is length. We don’t know what length is in the same way we don’t know what time is.


32 minutes ago, lucien216 said:

These 60 numbers when placed around the circumference of a circle mimic a human clock.

So would any set of numbers.

32 minutes ago, lucien216 said:

We modern day humans have no real answer as to why our ancient ancestors used 60 in a clock and 360 on a compass. We think it was random.

“We” don’t think it was random. Babylonians used a base 60 numbering system, and there are reasons why this makes sense. (both 60 and 12 are divisible by a lot of numbers)


8 hours ago, swansont said:

We can explain some of the universe.

So is length. We don’t know what length is in the same way we don’t know what time is.


So would any set of numbers.

“We” don’t think it was random. Babylonians used a base 60 numbering system, and there are reasons why this makes sense. (both 60 and 12 are divisible by a lot of numbers)


Can also count to 60 easily using just two hands.



Interesting to think that if we ever encounter an alien species we'd likely find a similar pattern.


So I kept looking......

The first question I asked myself is what is going on here?

I have 2 circles (waves) of Time with 60 units, when I smash them together I get a value of 360.

I don't have a particle accelerator to smash particles together. So what am I working with?


The waves of Time is made up of 60 units, as in there are 60 ticks on the circumference of the circle. 

But the new entity of 360 is not made up of 360 units.....the 360 is the sum of those units. 180+180 = 360. 

I am only working with information......somehow....one set of information is converting into a different set of information.

When I smash the two waves of time together I get a new entity of SPACETIME. I read up on Einstein. I learn that the universe according to Einstein is a fabric of space and time.

But nobody knows what the universe really is. And nobody knows what time really is.

Einstein shows that TIME is relative. Very interesting.

If the universe is made up of a fabric of space and time......and TIME is relative.....does this mean that SPACE must also be relative?

What does that mean? If space is only relative to me if my experience of TIME. Is space objectively real? 

I listen to many of the great new thinkers saying that the universe could be a simulation.

You know what that means? It means that the universe could be created out of information......like a virtual world on a computer.

Hhhhhmmm. I smash two waves of information together..... 2 waves of TIME .....and I get SPACETIME.....all created out of information.

I must share this with the worlds greatest minds and hear what they think. I wonder what Einstein would have made of this?

Could the universe be generated out of coded MATHEMATICAL information stored inside waves of TIME? 

Are we living inside a simulation? Is SPACE only relative to us?  



2 fib 8.jpg


16 hours ago, lucien216 said:

These 60 numbers when placed around the circumference of a circle mimic a human clock.

How do you make a clock out of this? 1 minute past, 1 minute past, 2 minutes past, 3 minutes past, 5 minutes past, etc. That’s a lousy clock.

You need more than numerology and hand-waving.


Are you saying that since the 60 numbers arranged around a circle resemble a clock, your mind made the jump to a connection with time, and 'waves of time ?

That is way beyond numerology.
It is 'seeing' non-existent connections with no basis in evidence or observation.
IOW, NOT science.

Posted (edited)

Moving on......

Saying that the universe might be a simulation is a huge philosophical jump.

If we look at the world we live in it is filled with almost infinite complexity. If this is a construct it is many orders of magnitude greater than what we humans can accomplish right now. But that is not really the greatest issue.

The problem with saying the universe is only a construct is that particle physics and quantum mechanics are very good at describing the behavior of particles and even predicting the behavior of particles. 

The universe appears to be made up of particles. So how can it be a virtual construct?

In order to understand this you need to step outside of reality and take a journey into a virtual world.

I'm sure everyone here has played a modern video game. But now you have to imagine yourself actually living inside one of those virtual world.

If you were the actual avatar inside a virtual world, you would not know that your reality is only a construct. You would not see the underlying code. To you physical objects would appear to be real and the space you occupy inside the virtual construct would also appear to physically exist.

When your avatar interacts with objects inside a game, those objects have physical properties. Your avatar can sit on a chair as though the chair were really there. It can drive a car, etc etc.

Having experience with 3d programs I can tell you that the lights you see inside a game are not real lights, the shadows, the reflections, the caustics, it's all built on information, the explosions are not real explosions so they are not made out of real energy. The liquids are not real. The gas is not real.

All of the particle systems inside a virtual world are generated using information. All of the forces inside a virtual world (including gravity) are mathematically determined. 

If your avatar inside the game somehow became sentient and started to investigate the nature of his/her reality, they would probably conclude that all the objects inside their world were made up of tiny particles, maybe the voxels or pixels of information that render their virtual world. Their atoms. 

This is exactly the situation we are in. Physics is very good at understanding what our world appears to be made up of because the universe is REAL to us.

But what is the avatars world really made out of? Information. Coded mathematical information. Everything he/she experiences, the light, the explosions, the acceleration of driving a car, the force of gravity, the SPACE around them, its all information. 

The question is not: Is the universe real? The question is: What does 'real' mean? What is the TRUE nature of reality. Is it physical or informational?

We study our world and it all appears to be made up of quantized packets of energy (atoms). E=MC2. But what is that energy really? 

Can that energy simply be coded information? Where would the universe store that information? On a computer the information is stored on a hard drive. 

Where is our information being stored?   

Are there any similarities between energy and information? There's the law of conservation of energy. And the law of conservation of information. It seems that neither one of these can be created or destroyed.

Are they fundamentally the same thing?    

Edited by lucien216

Those are deep philosophical questions, but not related to Physics.

"What is reality?"
We don't know.
We build models to  'simulate' the way reality acts.
If there's even an underlying actual reality; QM tells us there is no local reality.

"Do we live in a simulated universe?"
Modern games populate a world/landscape only when the player looks in that direction.
Similarly in QM, the wavefunction only collapses when observed/interacted, to yield real results.
An uncollapsed wave function is just probability amlitudes in a mathematical limbo.
But since we cannot step out of 'reality', we can never tell if we are in a simulation or not, so the whole thought experiment is academic.

And I still don't see how this relates to Fbonacci series, clocks and 'waves' of time.



@MigL ..... this is all about information.....specifically the information that creates our universe. You sound very knowledgeable, so you must know that energy and information are inextricably linked.....up until now it was always thought that this information must be stored in some physical form....for example....a crude message scratched into a rock......or as binary code on a hard drive....it was thought that all the information that describes the physical world must be recorded in a physical form....but recently science has discovered that information can be stored within waves of TIME......i.e....Time Crystals...they hope to use these Time Crystals as memory in Quantum Computers......I know you guys have not really taken any of this seriously.....but what this means is that the information that describes our universe does not have to be a part of the physical universe....the information that describes our universe could be stored within waves of TIME....so now we could theoretically separate information from the physical world....if I am right....and I know how incredibly hard that is to believe....if I am right then the information that creates our universe is being stored inside these Fibonacci waves of Time........it is okay to mock me or call me a numerologist etc....but consider the importance of what I'm saying.... For anyone else reading this who does not know the history or importance of 'information', I highly recommend this video: Harnessing the power of Information.   If I am right then the information is not a part of the physical world, but it is instead generating the construct of the physical world in exactly the same way that we can use a binary code (information) to simulate a universe on a computer.   


The link between energy and information is very real.
All energy is information; so is matter, and everything else that makes up our universe.
One of the newest theories has all of the contents of our 4D space-time encoded on the 3D surface of that space-time.
One might say "the writing is on the wall" sort of thing.
See the Holographic Prrinciple.

But again, how do you make the leap from Fibonacci series to clocks and to waves of time ?


@MigL ........By investigating what this Fibonacci Clock has encoded into it. Physics is trying to find out what came before the Big Bang, where did the 4 fundamental forces come from? What is time? Where did time come from? What is spacetime? Someone commented that this Fibonacci Clock does not look like a clock. No. Our clocks look like this Fibonacci Wave of 'INFORMATION'. We are using clocks with 60 units and a day with 24 hours because somehow we are mimicking this wave of information.

The Fibonacci Series is creating these waves of information that repeat in cycles of 60 units. These waves are encoded with tremendous amounts of mathematical data. This is how the information that generates the construct of our universe is encoded in waves of TIME exactly like physicists hope to do with Quantum Computers.

I am not a scholar. I am someone who simply loves knowledge and has been searching for the answers to the riddle of Space and Time. As such, I am not confined to a single view of reality. I am not afraid to be called a numerologist or a pseudoscientist or a religious fanatic. I try to read as much as possible about what everyone has to say. 

I know what physics is looking for. I know almost everything they are saying about the TRUE nature of reality. I am not saying I understand all of physics or quantum physics or even 5% of it. But I do have a general grasp of the 'Bigger Picture' and what it is that they are saying about the true nature of reality. 

Our universe came into existence from something that predated the Big Bang. They suspect that all 4 of the fundamental forces must have been united at this point. Many are saying that the universe could be a simulation, that would mean that the universe is constructed using coded information. Like the virtual worlds on our computers.  

I have found all of that here in the Fibonacci Clock. Like I say, I am not a scholar. I have no reputation to lose. I feel it is my duty to share this knowledge with whoever will listen. I know that if I am right this will unlock all of the doors closed to physics right now. I guess when the TIME is right, the truth will come out. I will leave these posts here. And we can all follow the progress of science and see if it leads down this road.

If any aspiring physicists do read this, please look at it with an open mind. Yes it could be wrong. Of course it could be wrong. I know that. But what if.......what if it is right? Do not feel foolish for looking at things from an alternate perspective, that is how most of the greatest discoveries were made. If its all 'nonsense' at least you would have ruled it out. I am not asking you to 'believe' in anything. 

If I am right, Mankind will open the doors to a whole new world. Could this be how the Fabric of Spacetime is encoded? You must remember that this is only one or two circles (waves) of information. Imagine an entire 'FIELD' of this encoded information, exactly like a 'quantum field' of energy. Thank you for allowing me to share this guys. If it is all wrong, I am sorry for wasting your TIME:          


Posted (edited)
26 minutes ago, lucien216 said:

I am not a scholar. I am someone who simply loves knowledge and has been searching for the answers to the riddle of Space and Time.

If you love knowledge (concentrating on physics), I would suggest you go to a local Community College and take some physics and math courses.  I think though this is not something you wish to do since you feel you have already "found the answer".  Since you seem most interested in sharing your Fibonacci clock idea, I would suggest that you should not present it on physic sites because you are not going to get a very positive reception.  If you search for discussion sites that are along the lines of "alternate physics" or something you will be able to find a forum that will think this is a great and wonderful idea.  Just a suggestion for you.

Edited by Bufofrog
Posted (edited)

What I see so far has been a wide range of claims however claims is never sufficient. The last claim for example involving unification of forces. The wavefunction you have doesn't even relate to what is oft described as running of coupling constants used in unification.

In essence your trying to find patterns in the wrong places. The reason being is that you don't know the actual physics so your guessing based on limited knowledge.

If you really want to check the Fibonachi clock with unification then you need to compare with the covariant derivative of each gauge group of the SM model.

 For example using the proper methods I can calculate what temperature that field reaches thermal equilibrium. If I do so for each field I can calculation the GUT thermal equilibrium point. Then combining that with thermodynamic laws and the LCDM data I can stare with accuracy when that force reaches thermal equilibrium.

I can do that without any Fibonacci sequence. I would not be able to use the Fibonacci sequence to derive the above as it doesn't contain the required factors such as the coupling constants, the particle mass terms, the mixing angles, or more importantly the cross sections of a given particle.


Edited by Mordred

And would you have made the jump to 'waves of time' if your orientation of Fibonacci numbers didn't look like a clock ?

That's the difference between Physics and numerology; seeing patterns where none exist, or are not causal.

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