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"Pulsating dots" - a possible simple but weird dynamical explanation for special relativity, Lorentz transform and Lorentz covariance


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Hi all. I came up with this idea that could explain the theory of special relativity and more over the Lorentz covariance and Lorenz transformation. This reminds of one commonly known special relativity "problem" or thought experiment that is about mirrors.

A. Lets assume that some physical entity does not consist of rigid constituents, but dynamic sub entities what i call "pulsating dots" or in other words, expanding and contracting spheres. 

B. Lets assume also that they pulsate between single point and some sphere such a way that the velocity of the frontier is always light velocity c.

It may be possible that assumption A and B can be more general and that i don't need to assume that the pulsating dots are spherical but more like areas that change their shape with frontier velocity c. 


I don't go into what kind of dynamical laws there are for such dots. 

C. Next lets assume that in that some physical entity consists of these dots and every single point or place in x,y,z coordinates always is inside of some pulsating dot at any given instant of time - if you just zoom in to this point long enough. The pulsating dot around this point can for example be 10^-200 m (zero point 200 decimals)  in diameter when it is at its largest. Or even smaller. Eventually, if you just go to enough small length scales and look this point or place, you will find a pulsating dot that covers such point. 

(D. It may be possible that Pulsating dot can be inside another pulsating dot.)

I could also imagine that when you continue zooming the environment of that point long enough, i observe pulsating dot that has center exactly at that point. But this may not be necessary.

Now, what happens if this entity is moving at a constant velocity v to some direction if you still demand that the frontier of the pulsating dots still is c?

The answer is that 

1. The form of the maximum frontier of every dot become ellipsoid that is larger by Lorentz  factor 1/sqrt(1-(v/c)^2)

2. The period of the pulsation of every dot becomes longer also by Lorentz factor.


But this 2. looks similar general change as relativistic time dilation of moving object in the theory of special relativity.

I now attempt to raise question whether i can explain the Lorentz covariance and Lorentz transform assuming that the structure of all physical entities is dynamical this way - they consist of pulsating dots, when you just zoom in long enough. The entities are not static but undergoing continuos changes with frontier velocity c when you zoom in just long enough. Note that while they are not static they can still be stationary, or at least some of the properties of them can be stationary.


Note that the entity in the picture above may not be stationary in its overall shape.

I don't go here into the theory of quantum mechanics or generally standard model. 

I end here. What do you think?




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I wouldn't want to explain Lorentz transformations in terms of some alleged granular structure of space-time for the same reason that I don't need to appeal to a granular structure of space to explain rotations. Lorentz transformations are nothing but the analogue of rotations, but in a plane containing a spatial axis and a time axis. This is perfectly understood since like forever now and there is no need to explain it further.

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