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Most have probably realized that the US media isn't reporting 1/100th of what's going really on in Iraq. Well, this guy has been there for 8 months and is one of the few journalists that weren't "embedded" (in bed with) the army. He has been in touch with Iraqi civilians (not just Americans and state officials). He has had to work undercover, for fear of terrorists but mostly for fear of the US army, which killed more reporters in the first year of Iraq than in all the years of Vietnam.


This is a very interesting video where he sums up his experiences.




You can check out his reports at http://www.dahrjamailiraq.com/weblog


If I remember correctly, Jamail is a leftie spin doctor, counterbalancing some of the rightie spin doctors that have been filling up the blogosphere over the last couple of years regarding the war in Iraq. They're really starting to come out of the woodwork these days, getting a lot more play and discussion on politics boards.


The right-wing ones are the most annoying, IMO, because they take nuggets of truth and spin them Rush Limbaugh-style. The leftie ones for the most part are so far off the charts that they fly right into tin foil hat territory, so it's easy to separate the wheat from the chaff there. But I don't believe Jamail is one of those kinds of extremists. I think he's more of a Howard Dean type (heavy spin but still clinging to a factual base of information).


Just putting a little perspective on things. I don't have enough experience reading his blog to contribute a more comprehensive opinion. Thanks for the link, Daymare.


Heh, "perspective"... with nothing whatsoever to back it up.


"Left-wing spin doctor" is a pretty serious allegation. It's more convincing if you have a shred of proof about it.


Getting all offendy at a rational critique of a web site (especially one with such a blatantly obvious agenda) says more about you than it does about the critic.


Opinions do not require backing up. Factual statements do. I am simply stating my opinion. If you don't like it, state yours. :)


often the crimes commited in ANY WAR aren`t evident until much later, our history proves this as being the case.

I`m sure there`s a good Many things going on there right now (on both sides) that are quite Ilegal, you`de have to be blind or stupid not to acknowledge that.


"Left-wing spin doctor" is a pretty serious allegation. It's more convincing if you have a shred of proof about it.

Since when is "Left-wing spin doctor" a serious allegation? How about right wing spinners?


Professional spinmeisters are proud of their occupation as should Jamail.


I noticed in the 1st 4 minutes of his speil, he mentioned road signs cautioning people (in cars) to keep out of the way of tanks......because...and I paraphrase ...THERE ARE TOO MANY CIVILIAN CARS BEING RUN OVER BY TANKS.


Hey, there's a Yugo, let's get that sucker.............................

often the crimes commited in ANY WAR aren`t evident until much later' date=' our history proves this as being the case.

I`m sure there`s a good Many things going on there right now (on both sides) that are quite Ilegal, you`de have to be blind or stupid not to acknowledge that.[/quote']


I agree. That's why I feel like sites like the one Jamail's appears to be are valid and play an important role in determining history.


Which, of course, is a different thing from declaring it to be "the truth", quitting your job, donning a tin foil hat, and marching off to the nearest peace rally. :D

Getting all offendy at a rational critique of a web site


I just asked for some proof some to back up your allegation that Jamail is a "left-wing spin doctor". Is that too much to ask? Throwing around baseless allegations is not only bad form but also makes you look stupid. It's known as a smear.


(especially one with such a blatantly obvious agenda)


You make it sound like he's Dr. Evil or something. What agenda?


Opinions do not require backing up. Factual statements do.


Your opinion is a factual statement.


I am simply stating my opinion. If you don't like it, state yours. :)


I proceed from the assumption that assertions must be backed up with facts. If they cannot be proved then we can assume them to be untrue. This is a science forum after all, not a creationist forum. If someone made the assertion in your presence that God created the Earth 6000 years ago, wouldn't you ask him to back it up? In any case you just effectively validated the creationist position and method. Again I ask you, why is Jamail a spin doctor?


Douglas: No matter how much i look at your argument I can't find the least bit of sense in it. Can you rephrase it?


In my opinion he's a "leftie spin doctor" because he proceeds on the assumption that everything bad that happens anywhere in the world is the fault of Bush and Republicans, and he angles his reportage to promote and foster that assumption. One does not acquire truth and fact from Dahr Jamail. One acquires amunition.


For examples (you really need to look up the definition of the words "opinion" and "proof") one need go no farther than the latest entry in his blog:


A quarter of a million people jammed the streets of the capital this past weekend, as Mr. Bush conveniently found himself visiting the US Northern Command’s HQ in Colorado Springs.


While veterans from the current debacle in Iraq and scores of military families who oppose the Bush Junta joined the throngs of protestors in Washington DC to express their dissent, there were other goings-on related to Iraq while Bush had his photo-op in Colorado.


Such bias is evident in every single post on his blog. Why would there even be any discussion about this? I'm sorry it offends you for people to point out the obvious, but if you really believe in scientific analysis, as you say, then surely you believe in observing the truth.


Note that I've not said, anywhere in any of my posts in this thead, that there is a single thing wrong with anything he is doing. On the contrary think he does a nice job of promoting his point of view. He's an excellent spin doctor. I am simply balancing your claim that he is providing some sort of objective reportage on the war in Iraq.


Now I've answered your question, I've stated my opinion, and I say again, if you don't like it, state yours. You're the one who tried to pass off a biased web site as a factual, objective news source. If that's not working out for you because people like me frustrate your efforts, then I suggest a different approach -- one based on friendly persuasion and common ground, rather than foot-stomping and semantical hair-splitting. Not only will you find the audience more receptive, but I think you'll find them more responsive as well.


Good luck. :D


Douglas: No matter how much i look at your argument I can't find the least bit of sense in it. Can you rephrase it?

Daymare, it wasn't an argument, just a statement.

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