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Why is there so much pain and suffering in the world?

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On 11/29/2023 at 10:27 PM, Peterkin said:

Because evolution finds an ecological niche for every possible kind of life-form. That includes predators, parasites and pathogens. A huge amount of scope for eating other life-forms, and for developing aggression, greed and ways to satisfy both.


Also is there also some medical problems that are just really cruel and terrible?  I can think of parkinson's disease or Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Also dementia and alzheimer's seem to be suffering.

3 hours ago, martillo said:

Too much diseases, calamities, catastrophes and tragedies. Seems the Universe is not well "tunned" for an ideal kind of life. We live as we can...

So is the sun?

You can’t look at the sun it is bad for your eyes, you need sunglasses, you can get a sun burn and very much so people when it is very hot and in hot countries can get really bad sub burns, sun seems way too strong, sun UV is bad for you as you can get cancer, The weather on earth is not the best as people complain of heat waves or it too cold.  Well people get too hot if it is above 27C or 80F and people complain it too cold with out putting on a jacket and long pants when it gets below 18C nor 64F and people complain of bitter cold when it is 2C or  35F and some people have even worse intolerance.

It seems the planet is too alien for people and better planet would be better.

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, nec209 said:

So is the sun?

You can’t look at the sun it is bad for your eyes, you need sunglasses, you can get a sun burn and very much so people when it is very hot and in hot countries can get really bad sub burns, sun seems way too strong, sun UV is bad for you as you can get cancer, The weather on earth is not the best as people complain of heat waves or it too cold.  Well people get too hot if it is above 27C or 80F and people complain it too cold with out putting on a jacket and long pants when it gets below 18C nor 64F and people complain of bitter cold when it is 2C or  35F and some people have even worse intolerance.

It seems the planet is too alien for people and better planet would be better.

Yes, another planet, other sun, without dangerous cosmic rays, no asteroids that could provoque massive extinctions, in other galaxy because this one is going to collide with the near Andromeda galaxy and so on. Would there be a really good place for people to live a really good life in the entire universe? I think not. May be in other universe and may be even with some change in the physics' laws, not this one.

Edited by martillo

What causes food intolerance and food poisoning? It seems food poisoning is more common in developing countries for some reason.

I guess other suffering is food intolerance and food poisoning as some people can get really bad food poisoning.

On 12/1/2023 at 12:00 PM, nec209 said:

It seems the planet is too alien for people and better planet would be better.

Or, you can adapt to the planet, as other species do. Nature is heartless; it does not tolerate the weak and defective. 

If you insist on keeping alive a surplus population far beyond their productive years, you have to adapt the planet to your own needs. That works for a few thousand years, and then the planet can bear no more human activity and dies.

Then you have to go look for another planet to alter.

There is none better for the life-forms of this one: we are the products of this planet, and probably can't live anywhere else without massive technological aid. Certainly we do not have the capacity at present to go anywhere else that's even remotely habitable.

On 12/1/2023 at 4:22 PM, iNow said:

In addition to wars for water, that same drought problem will lead to crop failures at the base of the food chain. Hard to grow corn and wheat and soy etc. when it's not raining, so that further amplifies the valid probabilities you cite. 

..which will lead to an increase in food prices.. and poor people will have even more trouble buying them than they do now..

In 2022, after the attack on Ukraine, grain prices rose due to the blockade of Ukrainian exports (which is/was a significant global market participant in several areas, such as sunflower oil, 42% of global market share in 2019. It was the oil I used most often, every day before the war. Approximately 1L per month. Its price has doubled).

Farmers were "uberhappy"..

When everything "calmed down," prices fell to almost "normal" pre-war prices and.. farmers began to complain, go on strike, etc. etc.

What is a PITA for some (customers) is heaven for others (farmers, sellers, stock market investors, investment banks playing on commodity exchanges)..



  • 1 year later...

A good video on why So Much Suffering in the World?

Life is suffering


I can think of the cold or flu as Suffering or side effect of medication.

videos deleted as rule 2.7 violation


Moderator Note

You’ve been here long enough to know the rules about posting videos. No text summary? No video.

On 12/4/2023 at 11:13 PM, Sensei said:


It's not a sustainable system when what you have to do to maximize your revenue is in direct conflict with the basic practice of providing goods or services AS NEEDED. The current system in the US incentivises people to own every piece of merchandise they possibly can. Neighbors don't share lawnmowers or tools, everybody needs to buy their own. It's never been sustainable.

9 hours ago, Phi for All said:

It's not a sustainable system when what you have to do to maximize your revenue is in direct conflict with the basic practice of providing goods or services AS NEEDED. The current system in the US incentivises people to own every piece of merchandise they possibly can. Neighbors don't share lawnmowers or tools, everybody needs to buy their own. It's never been sustainable.

How could Capitalism be pain and suffering? May be unfair and sad of you compare have and have nots but not suffering and pain like sickness or medical problem.

Some sickness or medical problems may be worse than others.

Posted (edited)

Look out at Mother Nature. That birds nest where only 2 of the 5 eggs make it, or where the mother and father birds spend 18 hours of everyday doing nothing but flying back and forth finding food.

Or look at that clutch of sea turtles where only 13 out of many hundreds get to the ocean before being eaten, and then 10 of those get eaten in the water. Look at that group of squirrels that starve over the winter, or that family of deer trying to survive when it’s minus 30 degrees outside. 

Humans have it pretty great when you step back and look at things objectively, yet we whine and talk about suffering. 

It takes a certain baseline level of wellbeing and entitlement to even the have time to consider such things instead of figuring out how you’re gonna survive the night or help your offspring do the same. 

Edited by iNow
44 minutes ago, nec209 said:

How could Capitalism be pain and suffering?

The increasing need to make more profit comes at a cost to many so a few can benefit. In the US, we only have so much money to spend on healthcare, and too much of it goes to unnecessary companies like health insurers and medical device suppliers and pharmacy benefit managers. They get paid well to do absolutely nothing but leech off the system, and our health suffers for it. Is that pain and suffering enough for you?

Posted (edited)
On 11/30/2023 at 12:16 AM, nec209 said:

I'm wondering why there is so much pain and suffering in the world and how do you define it as one person may experience pain and suffering but the other person not even with out people looking at animals there is pain and suffering there.



If you're talking about physical pain, well we feel it because we have nerves, but it is paired with strength or well being as we wouldn't feel either without the nerves.

If you mean mental pain, well I think if for example, if we lose someone to death and it makes us feel terrible, it's because we find joy in being around them or having them in our life, perhaps this kind of pain is induced by the shock of no longer being able to interact with them anymore, also knowing this and that we are no longer able to bond with them on a physical or emotional level.


If you're speaking broadly regarding the way life seems to be, well, to me it's a chain, food chain, power chain, perhaps just a survival chain and quite possibly other chains too.

Some people, perhaps animals and creatures too, get greedy and have to get more of whatever it is they think they need. By doing this, it creates suffering to the lives that their greed/selfishness affects. It's not fair but then life rarely seems to be from what I've experienced.

Why is one person born healthy and another born with health issues? I don't suppose there is any real defined answer for this but the good news is that as humans (if we all decided to be nice to each other and work together) we are capable of changing this. Can we??? Hmm..will we..? doubtful.

Why are we constantly being warned about global warming and asked to be more green when others are insistent on dropping space shuttle debris in the sea, or having a war and polluting the atmosphere, why are some groups of people determined to quash or destroy other groups of people when perhaps we should be looking toward giving humanity longevity and other planets to live on so we don't die out.

It's weird but nature seems to adore doubles or pairs, it seems to me like we want to survive but are also persistent on destroying ourselves as a race.

So for all the pain and suffering in the world, there is also a lot of joy and wonderment. We just have to look for the good.

And there is always something good, even in the bad things that happen, if only we would look for it and then use that knowledge for betterment, then perhaps the pain and suffering would start to demise.


Edited by Imagine Everything

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