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(apparently) dead?;
stressy & still alive. 

Why would
 the Babylonians
 use 60 divisions,
 for minutes
 & seconds;
 & (=but) then (suddenly, break that pattern, &)
 divide the day
 into (only) 24 hours?

That does NOT make sense (to me),
 unless there was something important
 about (also) 60 hours.

E.g. Anthro(a)pology?
Rising (ruffly) on the 3rd day,
apparent death.

Recommendations exist nowadays
 to delay burials 1..2 days
 to prevent being buried alive.

(PS: But accidents still happen.)

 astrologically (=Psychologically, historical repeating social tendency, (1880s?) statistics: Moods & attitudes. Behavioral clock & calendar.
E.g. Peoples’ emotions can be influenced (disturbed) by electromagnetic disturbances,
 from solar storms, (solar) wind & (their) turbulences, e.g. The Earth’s location orientation wrt angle to a (sidereal) source. E.g. (Radiation) illnesses).
Most scientists prefer to ignore the statistics’s tendencies (trends, arrow_scope=direction [H]oro[w]scope). Kepler was an astrologer.
Estimating past & future behaviour.

I've noticed stressy (psychological) levels (here,
 on Earth).
~2 days good, & (followed by) ~2 days bad.
(They are irregular.)
The extra 1/2 (day) would be part
 of the 3rd day.

Maybe (it'( i)s) a (stressy) solar_wind (electromagnetic) shielding, deflection;
 caused by the moon?

Who knows?

(The numbers DON'T add up otherwise.)
Why 24 (divisions, for a day)? 


(Something else must have been more important (valuable)
 (to people
 back then)
 for the factor 60 [hours].



Apparent death (Scheintod)
 is still alive.
 (It'( i)s NOT Fake(d) death.)


Death is the cessation of life, but where life ends and death begins is not always clear.

Death is an ambiguous term referring to the cessation of life. Death "can" be diagnosed if a patient meets the criteria for brain death or cardiopulmonary death.

(PS: That "can" ((also) means) Even if NOT completely dead!)

Apparent death

o   Reduction of vital function to a minimum, creating the appearance of death without signs of certain death

o   Misdiagnosing apparent death as clinical death can have grave consequences such as postponing vital care, false alarms for organ donation, and unnecessary emotional stress for family members.


·         Uniform determination of death act

o   In the US, legal provisions regarding death and the clinical examinations or legal investigations it may entail vary from state to state.

o   However, all states have adopted the “Uniform determination of death act” (1981), which specifies that the determination of death must be made in accordance with accepted medical standards and depends on either cardiopulmonary death or brain death.


·         Clinical death (somatic/systemic death): a term for the cessation of respiration and circulation

o   May be reversible

o   Some descriptions may also consider the loss of brain activity as a component of clinical death.

·         Cardiopulmonary death: irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions

·         Brain death: irreversible, complete loss of function of the entire brain (including the brainstem), even if cardiopulmonary functions can be upheld by artificial life support

o   2 physicians are required to make the legal diagnosis of brain death.

o   See “Requirements for the diagnosis of brain death” for more information.

·         Intermediary life: the period of time between irreversible cardiopulmonary death and biological death

·         Biological death (molecular/cellular death)

o   Permanent and irreversible cellular damage with complete cessation of metabolic cell function

o   Tissue that has undergone biological death is unsuitable for transplantation.

·         Legal death

o   Recognition of a person's death under the law

o   Legal death comprises medically determined death (e.g., via a doctor's declaration of death) as well as the presumption under the law that a person is dead after a prolonged and unexplained absence with no signs of life (declaration of death in absentia).



Signs of death

 is important for correctly declaring death.

·         Prematurely pronouncing death can have grave consequences, including neglecting potentially vital care, giving false alarms for organ donation, and unnecessary emotional stress for family members.

·         Uncertain signs of death must be considered in relation to certain and irreversible signs of death, such as cardiopulmonary and brain death.

·         If there is a delay before death has been pronounced or the events leading up to death are unclear, irreversible postmortem changes can help also in determining both the manner and time of death.

Uncertain signs of death


·         Cardiac and respiratory arrest

·         Unconsciousness

·         Pale, dry, tight skin

·         Areflexia

·         These signs must be considered in the context of determining cardiopulmonary death or brain death.


I met a witness (Helmut Ziegler)
 of an apparent death,
 declared brain death.
The doctors were packing (up) their cables & equipment
 for ~1/2 hour.
He (HZ) put his hands on the woman
 & she opened her eyes
 & so he talked to her
 & welcomed her back.
The doctors were ((just) stunned)
 (just) looking at each other.

PS: So (I assume) mistakes happen
 (& or other things, (not known)
 e.g. in which timing (e.g. rythems)
 is vital).

The body has amazing remarkable healing (=repair) abilities,
 NOT all are (well) known.
Healing takes time.


I have also seen a video documentary
 about an african car crash victim (Friday morning),
 driven to 2 hospitals (successively),
 (but) both pronounced him dead
 so he was (finally) delivered to a morgue,
 lay in a coffin (2 days)
 til early Sunday morning
 with cotton batten
 stuffed in his nose.
Life signs were noticed
 so they brought him to a basement.
He was stiff as a smoked fish
 so (he) was massaged,
 & eventually gained consciousness,
 & full recovery later.

Relatives reported
 an eyewitness's account
 of coffin knocking & opening
 in the middle of a church funeral.
The deceased was NOT deceased
 & was helped out.

So these (apparent) errors (are rare, but) still happen.


Other than those 3 (examples)
 I know no other modern 1's, nowadays.

I did NOT expect
 to get into such a creepy theme (later),
 because I was only interested
 in the (inconsistent) math, clue (60 & unit);
 but it (=apparent theme) is (really) about life, instead.

Those 2 ideas (apparent, & stress)
 are the only possible explanations
 I have found, yet:
 for 60 "hours".




On 1/13/2024 at 3:57 PM, Capiert said:


Why would
 the Babylonians
 use 60 divisions,
 for minutes
 & seconds;
 & (=but) then (suddenly, break that pattern, &)
 divide the day
 into (only) 24 hours?




They didn't.  The Babylonians divided the circle in 360 degrees. They then defined a "degree of time" as how long it took the Sun to travel 1 degree in the Sky, which they then divided into 60 minutes of 60 seconds each( we still see this in the practice of measuring angles in degree, minutes, seconds.) Thus the Babylonian minute and second were not the same duration as our modern one. 

The division of the day into hours was an invention of the Greeks. It wasn't until the middle ages that the two systems were combined, making the hour divisible in the same way that the Babylonian degree of time was.

So, there is no mystery, as it is the result of cobbling together two different time keeping systems.

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