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Hello my old community.

I'm going to be publishing my proof soon,  but I've solved the conjecture about 7-8 years ago.   Ive been sitting on the solution for a long while.  Since the introduction of LLM's ive taken the opportunity to test the consistency of my answer.  


Following the solution, ive found a couple interesting patterns in primes reciently as well.   It seems to have a connection to the reinmann hypothesis. Namely the 1/2 part. 


The density of primes is contained in the first half of all numbers.   For m, m composite,  m-1 =2n.    The primes that constitute 2n are all from 0 to n and none from n+1 to 2n.   Meaning the relative density of prime numbers has a sort of upper bound where primes are sparse at higher than n.


Take p,q consecutive primes and m distance between them.   Then m is a cyclical function, this relates fairly directly to the zetta function by the fact that the complex function is a description of rotation, and all solutions are within 0 and 1 where the real part is 1/2. 


It means primes are predictable and there is a cyclical function in linear algebra that predicts primes. 


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