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Posted (edited)

What is it?

I am personally (and have been since my teen years) an atheist though not a militant atheist. I respect people with different worldviews even if they sre irrational (religious folks

Economically - left wing. Socially centre. 

I can't describe myself in more terms.

Edited by Otto Kretschmer
Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Moontanman said:

Is atheism a worldview?  Is a stance on one issue a world view? 

It's at least a very important part of it. 

(I've updated the OP BTW)

Edited by Otto Kretschmer
Just now, Genady said:

Why do you ask?


Moderator Note

Irrelevant. If you don’t want to participate, you are free not to, but the OP doesn’t have to justify asking the question.

The discussion isn’t about the merits of any of this.

1 minute ago, swansont said:

Moderator Note

Irrelevant. If you don’t want to participate, you are free not to, but the OP doesn’t have to justify asking the question.

The discussion isn’t about the merits of any of this.


I ask this because the OP question is very broad and knowing why it is asked could help to understand it better.

2 hours ago, Otto Kretschmer said:

It's at least a very important part of it. 

(I've updated the OP BTW)

I think of my world view as a skeptic, somewhat militant of late,  which for me includes atheism but I would never say there is no god but I would say I don't believe what theists are asserting but I'm open to honest discussion on any topic, to me "honest" means being open to the possibility I am wrong.  

1 hour ago, Genady said:

I ask this because the OP question is very broad and knowing why it is asked could help to understand it better.

That’s more of a what question than why, isn’t it? (and this is rhetorical)


Fiscal conservative, social liberal.
Although I can be somewhat 'flexible', and like to think about, and explore, different situations/views.

My world view is essentially 'out my window'; I don't worry much about things, or people, I can't affect, or be affected by.
I know it seems kind of 'cold', but if you worry about everything, you die early from a stress induced heart attack or stroke.


Worldview, as I understand the term, is a philosophy of life that provides a specific perspective on our world that is central to a person's thoughts and feelings.  For example, a metaphysics might be a worldview as it provided that basic stance.  A faith healer would have a metaphysics that was a set of core beliefs on the world and their role in that world.  For someone else, metaphysics could be a time-waster, and they just focused on an avocation as their source of meaning and purpose, everything from rescuing stray dogs to designing shopping malls to winning at poker.  Some worldviews are more practical and "worldly" while others are more existential.  Some want to change the person to fit the world, some want to change the world to fit the person.

I guess my worldview is that a lot of what people consider important consists of peculiar and sometimes comical illusions adopted in order to fit into a peer group.  Being human is a bit like joining a cult - not necessarily bad, like Scientology or Heaven's Gate, but definitely one where you are taught loaded language that it's very hard to question or see past the received meanings.  I guess the short version of my worldview is "alien anthropologist who would like to help humanity survive itself."  

I bring greetings from Znurblzg.  


34 minutes ago, MigL said:

Fiscal conservative, social liberal.

I used to think I thought this way. It seemed like a compassionate stance with a common sense foundation.

But then I found out that, in the US at least, fiscal conservatism is the noose around our necks. Socially liberal means nothing if you can't appropriate the funding for it. 

I guess my worldview right now is that we need what we've needed since we started societies, an economic system that allows everyone to live well instead of a few living fabulously while most suffer. 

I'd like to see a real change in thinking, a modern Renaissance. We all need to remember that the band of atmosphere around this planet, the one that keeps every living thing we know of in the universe alive, is something we can destroy or maintain, and we should stop choosing, over and over again, to destroy it. Most of us want to exist in peace with each other, and stop doing harmful things so some can have more than their share. 

Of course, I think this concept of allowing your "betters" to pillage the village so they can have the nicest house is based in religion, so if we could figure out how to unwash a bunch of brains, that'd be great.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, MigL said:

Fiscal conservative, social liberal.
Although I can be somewhat 'flexible', and like to think about, and explore, different situations/views.

My world view is essentially 'out my window'; I don't worry much about things, or people, I can't affect, or be affected by.
I know it seems kind of 'cold', but if you worry about everything, you die early from a stress induced heart attack or stroke.

You don't to have worry about everything; be selective. Not worrying about things in the world is not where I'm at, but I'm careful to diversely mix my online subjects, so that I don't get stuck in a mental rut focusing on one thing. For instance, I'll read heavy stuff like Ukraine and Palestine, but I'll mix that with the antics of domestic parrots on FB or YT. This seems to keep me quite level as it seems one can overthink things and end up disturbed.

My worldview is to accept that good and adverse things happen simultaneously everywhere. It is up to me which I choose to see. Self-censorship is a useful skill at the appropriate time.

The pursuit and feeling of constant happiness is not sustainable physically... your happy hormones are not meant to be on constantly. I always crash mentally after a period of solid happiness

I think pursuing peace of mind is the nearest to a positive sustainable physical/emotional state because it means you have balance in your activities and thinking.

Edited by StringJunky
1 hour ago, StringJunky said:

You don't to have worry about everything; be selective.

People are very selective. They worry about things that have a tiny chance of killing them, and they don't worry about things that will have a huge chance of killing them.. ;)


Posted (edited)
53 minutes ago, iNow said:


HaHa !
Lately you're becoming as obscure as Dimreepr.
( no offense meant; I like Dim )

I hope that's not a misspelled derogatory cultural insult 😄 .

3 hours ago, Phi for All said:

I think this concept of allowing your "betters" to pillage the village so they can have the nicest house is based in religion

You really have it in for Religion.
Whatever happened to that so called 'liberal' tolerance ?

Us 'conservatives' are fine with, and tolerant, of your views and opinions.
( sometimes labels just don't seem to fit, do they ? )

Edited by MigL

My worldview is a work in progress, evolving, not static. Changes with experience and based on context. 

<insert random Nietzsche quote>


Oh ! So you can be either a nice guy, or a callous prick, and blame it on experiences and context ?

Come on, I know you're old enough to have settled on a 'world view'.
Tell us ...  don't be shy.

44 minutes ago, MigL said:

Us 'conservatives' are fine with, and tolerant, of your views and opinions.

It seems like the tolerance of those who know the social part of their "stance" will never be funded. You can claim to be socially liberal because the fiscal conservative part of you votes it down.


54 minutes ago, MigL said:

You really have it in for Religion.

Major studies found the cause of traffic is brake lights. My study found the cause of the rest of our problems is religion, and religion also affects the way people brake while driving.

Posted (edited)


2 hours ago, Phi for All said:

My study found the cause of the rest of our problems is religion, and religion also affects the way people brake while driving.

..a brake on killing and stealing everything from all others.. ?


Edited by Sensei

I shy away from worldviews (try to), even though sometimes I can't help getting tangled in them. There are too many obstacles, some of them really thick, to acquire any kind of a vantage point. And the individual perspective is only too limited. I see a piece of landscape from where I stand. That's all.

Besides, there are already too many Manichaeans out there, preaching with too loud a voice. I don't want to be that person.

I must side with Genady here, but as a dream perhaps. That some day mathematics, logic, and similar tools of analysis can tell us what this or that pattern does in the great scheme of things. As for the rest, such tools will hopefully tell us why and what in the world cannot be understood on account of logical/semantic incompleteness.

Mathematics is so...


Atheism is not a worldview, btw, as far as I can discern. It's more of a 'what do you mean by that' attitude the way I understand it.


I will not shy away from taking a stance.

A worldview of holism, idealism and spirituality “even if it only implies sacredly offering back our atoms and molecules to the universe upon passing away” – as indicated in a recent post.

Mechanistic-materialism is part of reality, but not its fundamental essence.

Both God and Godless extremists exist, with each often having devastating effects on humanity.

57 minutes ago, Luc Turpin said:

A worldview of holism, idealism and spirituality

Careful with that 'spirituality' part.
Some people have studies showing it's all your fault 😊 .

And stop causing traffic jams, too.

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