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Staphylococcus aureus sequencing

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I'm a beginner when it comes to S.aureus. Can anyone explain to me some terms related to S. aureus sequencing such as Cluster complex, spa type, SCCmec, Clonal complex, accressory gene Regular? And some information about popular types of spas in humanistic medicine and veterinary medicine.
Thank for all

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Posted (edited)

What have you  found so far, looking up these terms on a search engine or bacteriology textbook?  What answers are you not finding in your research?

BTW, I doubt anyone would call any of the cell-surface proteins, like  SPA, "popular," given their role in staph virulence. Possibly you meant "common."

Edited by TheVat
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I came across these terms through research on S. aureus, but I didn't understand them too well. I have learned about the concept but have not been able to visualize the relationship between them closely.
As an example, I've been trying to understand the complexity of Staphylococcal protein A (spa). It's fascinating to learn that this protein has numerous cluster complexes, each of which is further classified into a variety of spa types.
Types of SCCmec
Correlation between CA-MRSA, HA-MRSA and LA-MRSA

My English is not very good so I hope you will understand my expression
Thanks for replying to this topic.

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