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Astrogeomanity: A Comprehensive Framework for Human Evolution in Space

Daniel Dux

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Dear Science-Forums Community,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to seek your expertise and feedback on a new table/framework that I have developed. This table/framework aims to 

I would greatly appreciate it if you could spare some time to review this new table/framework and provide your valuable insights. Your feedback will be instrumental in refining and improving its effectiveness.

If you are interested in assisting or have any questions, please let me know. I am eager to contribute to the community's knowledge and look forward to your response.


Astrogeomanity Table Theory

Astrogeomanity combines elements of cosmology, particle physics, geology, and human history to form a comprehensive understanding of the universe and our place within it. This framework seeks to map the evolution of the cosmos, the fundamental forces and particles, the states and composition of matter, the history of the universe, and the geological and human history of Earth.




0. The Multiverse

0.1 Parallel Universes: Hypothetical universes existing alongside our own with different physical laws or constants.

0.2 Bubble Universes: Separate "bubbles" in an eternally inflating space, each with its own distinct properties.

0.3 Membrane (or Brane) Universes: Universes existing on different branes in higher-dimensional space, as suggested by string theory.

0.4 Many-Worlds Interpretation: Every quantum event spawns new universes, each representing different outcomes of the event.

1. Physics Fundamental Forces

1.1 Time: The dimension in which events occur in a linear sequence.

1.2 Strong Nuclear Force: The force binding protons and neutrons in an atomic nucleus.

1.3 Weak Nuclear Force: Responsible for radioactive decay and neutrino interactions.

1.4 Electromagnetic Force: Governs interactions between charged particles.

1.5 Gravitational Force: The attraction between masses. 2. Particles


2. Particles

2.1 Light Particles (Photons): Carriers of electromagnetic force.

2.2 Sound Particles (Phonons): Quasiparticles representing quantized sound waves in solids.

2.3 Electrons: Negatively charged particles orbiting the atomic nucleus.

2.4 Neutrinos: Nearly massless particles interacting via the weak force.

2.5 Quarks: Fundamental constituents of protons and neutrons. 3. Cosmology and Astrophysics Fundamentals


3. Cosmology and Astrophysics Fundamentals

3.1 Spacetime: The four-dimensional continuum combining space and time.

3.2 Cosmic Microwave Background: Residual radiation from the Big Bang.

3.3 Dark Matter and Dark Energy: Invisible components of the universe, affecting its structure and expansion. 4. States of Matter

4. States of Matter

4.1 Solid: Matter with definite shape and volume.

4.2 Liquid: Matter with definite volume but no definite shape.

4.3 Gas: Matter with no definite shape or volume.

4.4 Plasma: Ionized gas with free-moving charged particles.

4.5 Bose-Einstein Condensate: Matter in a state near absolute zero, where particles occupy the same quantum state.

4.6 Superfluid: Liquid with zero viscosity.

4.7 Quark-Gluon Plasma: High-energy state where quarks and gluons are free. 5. Composition of Matter & Formation of Atoms


5. Composition of Matter & Formation of Atoms

5.1 Elements: Pure substances consisting of only one type of atom.

5.2 Minerals: Naturally occurring inorganic solids with a definite chemical composition.

5.3 Rocks: Aggregates of minerals forming the Earth's crust. 6. The Universe (13.8 Billion Years Ago)


6. The Universe (13.8 Billion Years Ago)

6.1 Big Bang Theory: The origin of the universe from an initial singularity.

6.2 Stars Life Cycle: Nebula to Nebula: The birth, evolution, and death of stars.

6.3 Chemosynthesis: The production of organic molecules using chemical energy.

6.4 Goldilocks Conditions: Conditions allowing the existence of liquid water and life.

7. Planet Earth - Geological Time

7.1 Eons

  7.1.1 Hadean Eon (4540 mya - 4000 mya)

  7.1.2 Archean Eon (4000 mya - 2500 mya)

  7.1.3 Proterozoic Eon (2500 mya - 550 mya)

 7.1.4 Phanerozoic Eon (550 mya - To this day)

7.2 Eras within the Phanerozoic Eon

  7.2.1 Paleozoic Era (550 mya - 250 mya) Cambrian Period (550 mya - 500 mya) Ordovician Period (500 mya - 450 mya) Silurian Period (450 mya - 400 mya) Devonian Period (400 mya - 350 mya) Carboniferous Period (350 mya - 300 mya) Mississippian Epoch (350 mya - 325 mya) Pennsylvanian Epoch (325 mya - 300 mya) Permian Period (300 mya - 250 mya)

  7.2.2 Mesozoic Era (250 mya - 66 mya) Triassic Period (250 mya - 200 mya) Jurassic Period (200 mya - 150 mya) Cretaceous Period (150 mya - 66 mya)

  7.2.3 Cenozoic Era (66 mya - To this day) Paleogene Period (66 mya - 23.3 mya) Paleocene Epoch (66 mya - 56 mya) Eocene Epoch (56 mya - 33.9 mya) Oligocene Epoch (33.9 mya - 23 mya) Neogene Period (23 mya - 2.58 mya) Miocene Epoch (23 mya - 5.33 mya) Pliocene Epoch (5.33 mya - 2.58 mya) Quaternary Period (2.58 mya - To this day) Pleistocene Epoch (2.58 mya - 11.7 kya) Holocene Epoch (11.7 kya - To this day)

8. Human Ages by South Levant Timeline

8.1 Prehistoric Periods

  8.1.1 Paleolithic (Old Stone Age)

8.1.2 Epipaleolithic

8.1.3 Neolithic (New Stone Age)

8.2 Chalcolithic (Copper Age)

8.3 Bronze Age

8.4 Iron Age

8.5. Babylonian Period

8.6.Persian Period

8.7.Hellenistic Period                                                                                                           

8.8. Roman Ages                                                                                                           

8.9. Byzantine Period                                                                                                           

8.10. Islamic Period                                                                                                   

8.11. Middle Ages                                                                                                           

8.12. Mamluk Period 

8.13. Transition period                                                                                                        

8.13. Ottoman Period                                                                                                           

8.14. Mandate Period                                                                                                           

8.15. Contemporary Epoch   

Edited by Daniel Dux
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3 hours ago, Daniel Dux said:

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to seek your expertise and feedback on a new table/framework that I have developed.


Moderator Note

If you developed this, you must be Daniel Grossman, who has been banned. Bye.

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