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Philosophical aspects of the quantum game theory

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The science now is able to combine the quantum mechanics with the game theory:




These refs are wonderful. And if the quantum mechanics can be united with the game theory, this means that our views in the field of philosophy must be reconsidered.
I mean, that the game theory now together with ethology gives the answers to the questions about the nature of Good and Evil. Here are these answers in brief:

1) The Good is altruism, the Evil is selfishness. More exactly, the Evil is a behavior that is beneficial for the one who commits it, and disadvantageous for others;
2) For each person it is beneficial to behave selfishly, but when everybody in the population behaves selfishly, this population suffers from that;
3) The altruism is unstable; this means, that if some people in the population behave selfishly, they live better than others and correspondingly they spread their genes or memes more efficiently, and their number increases;
4) The altruism can be supported by group selection together with the Simpson's paradox, but this requires certain conditions;
5) A more common way of suppressing the selfishness is the social contract ("Leviathan"); however this way has its own faults, in particular a new type of Evil can occur with it - authoritarian state.

How these principles should be reconsidered for the world where quantum effects play a big role?

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