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There's this guy I know named Prince. He's this pompous, elitist jackass who constantly finds the time to annoy me. He has everything. Money, my ex girlfriend, etc..


It's the second thing that really pisses me off. He recently gets my old girlfriend and starts rubbing it in my face. I have no clue as to why she'd go out with him, he's quite a chauvinistic arse. I'm trying to resist the urge to leave a 3 inch deep footprint on his face. Any suggestions as to how I can bring him down verbally?

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I suggest stabbing him in the face.


No, seriously. Ignore him. Cut him off from your life. He's obviously not a friend if he's treating you that way, so simply never talk to him again. Get over it, and meet new people.

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You don't like some guy so you wanna verbally abuse him instead of beating the crap outta him???


Interesting scenario.


Ever tried ignoring him. I don't like everyone I ever meet, but I don't need " bring him down" just because I don't like him. I accept this guy sounds like a bit of a [insert rude word] but fighting/bullying him will not get you anywhere other than a bigger enemy which will just make your problem worse and you may get into trouble because too much verbal abuse and inevitably it'll end up physical.

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naah seriously, lets be Grown up about this, spread Rumors that she has Herpes or something :)


no no, REALLY Serious now, the best thing to do is just let them carry and you just ignore it, get on with your own life! find a Nice girl (there`s plenty out there)!

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ruin his car! put bologna on it and let it sit in the sun for a long time. or if you don't want to ruin his car, just piss him off. take 2 cans of shaving cream (i think freeze em) and use a knife to poke holes in them and toss em in his car. also theres the classic egg and TP his house.

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Get into one such situation in which he's boasting to you again, in a very public place. Then calmly say, loud enough for everyone in the vicinity to hear, "Look, I know what you're trying to do by impressing me, and I'm flattered by your attentions, but I really don't swing that way, OK?"

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Do anything other than ignore him and he wins again. If you take the time to come up with some snappy comeback then he knows how much this means to you. The more you let it show that it bugs you, the more he's going to keep doing it. Take a poke at him or soemthing stupider that lands you in jail and he really wins big.


Do yourself a favor, the next time he starts in on you just smile like he said something really stupid. Never respond verbally to anything he says, just pretend it's all jibberish. If he keeps talking, just smile bigger, laugh and act like he's one of those TV charicatures of the dumbest guy on the planet. Look incredulous, shake your head and just smile like you can't believe natural selection hasn't wiped this guy off the face of the planet. Picture him with a tremendous overbite, drool on his chin and flies buzzing around his head.


He'll look like the jerk he is as long as you DON'T SAY A WORD!

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Yep, that's by far the best way to go.


If he really is such an arse, then why does he matter? Why would you put so much energy into any kind of interaction with him? Surely watching grass grow would be more rewarding.


If he's as much of an arse as you say, then it's his problem (whether or not he knows it yet). If you let him wind you up, you're allowing it to become yours. Just be glad you're not him.


That your ex is going out with him merely reaffirms why she is your ex.


A final point to consider, if you work so hard to bring someone else down (which seems to be his 'thing') then you're playing his game by his rules, which would make you as much of an arse as he is. Don't you think you're better than that?

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Ignooring Phi and glider's 100% correct advice, you could always rent a hot male whore, get him to pull your ex, and get it filmed it on the sly, and show the new boyfriend the tape in order to split the relationship up; be warned, tho, that you will forfeit your soul if you do this.


other means to the same end could be planting some knickers in his coat pocket.


another, slightly less evil, retort involves good-ol'-laxative:


laxative the new boyfriend. Laxative is a classic, and so clichedly funny (without that many people acctually having done it) that people wont be able to concider it exessively nasty with a strait face.


laxative the x. depends on how much you like her, of cource. this could be funny if theyre having sexual relationships.


seriously tho, id advise you follow phi and glider's advice. alternatively, if you are still on good terms with the x, you could always have a word with her about it, and maybe she'll stop him rubbing your face in it when shes their, or maybe shell bitch-slap him into stopping. maybe he's not even aware of the fact that he's rubbing it in.


ooooh, if your still on good terms with her, maybe you could pull her, and get a third party to film it and show him. If anything, this will soil your soul more than the rent-a-whore idea, but if theyre not going out, he cant rub your face in it.


or you could bed his mum and rub his face in it. there's a comeback for you. "im with your ex" " yeah, well im with your mum"


hmm... bedding his dad would probably be more effective.

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There's this guy I know named Prince. He's this pompous' date=' elitist jackass who constantly finds the time to annoy me. He has everything. Money, my ex girlfriend, etc..


It's the second thing that really pisses me off. He recently gets my old girlfriend and starts rubbing it in my face. I have no clue as to why she'd go out with him, he's quite a chauvinistic arse. I'm trying to resist the urge to leave a 3 inch deep footprint on his face. Any suggestions as to how I can bring him down verbally?[/quote']


You have the control over this situation. As long as he isn't physically beating you, you are in control. You allow him to annoy you. You are feeling insecure, that you don't measure up to him in some way - money, girls. This happens to everybody at some point. At least the guy is a jerk. Sometimes you meet people who seem to be superior in every way and are nice!


So, work on yourself - its your life, don't waste it on worrying about other people. He probably feels insecure also, since he takes the time to "rub it in" to make himself feel better. Be the best you can be and stay in control. Either accept the guy as he is or tell him to leave you alone. And if you Ex wants to waste her time around people like that, she deserves it.

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Haha, wow. Nice responses, guys. Especially Dak's, though I was expecting Dak to involve arsenic or home made bows and arrows somewhere. xD


I see you live in Long Island, ecoli. Which part? Just out of curiosity.

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