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2. SQEP's & the SQEPKRF - extract from my idea An Illogical Sense of Order

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So how important are these SQEP’s? Extremely I believe, in the scheme of things.

I visualise without these maybe nothing else would happen… or maybe something would but the opposite of this unviverse perhaps if it did…? Negative fluxes?

In my head I think in the scheme of things they should exist. Nature being Nature.

I think these things move so fast or are created so fast that, created to die, they can’t possibly gain any soldity at any stage during the flux.

So even though they’re there, they are not.

This only gets more confusing seemingly, but once you understand the basic SQEP dynamics I am seeing or trying to explain, the rest will I hope be understandable.

They’re resonation? effect is also not visible, too small.

However maybe we can detect it through the merging or forming of quantum atoms or below that slightly which then allow for the quantum world to do its thing aswell as the atomic world.

Maybe some of these SQEP’s go on to create a resonance that in turn creates neutrinos or similar...

Like a tree perhaps. All starts from a seed made from atoms....which in turn is made up of quantum particles which in turn  is made up of SQEP's?

Everything gets bigger with different, more varied? More entwined flux resonations? Resonation recipes perhaps?

So perhaps if you have item1/item 2 flux resonations here, they could very well be entwined with the very same type of flux resonation millions? Billions? of light years away.

Their resonance/kinetic energy might cross along all the other flux resonations in the universe until it joins its counter part flux in another galaxy? another part of the universe?

Maybe its pasased along in a kind of kinetic highwayway, it would change its flux and the others it passed through along the way, but perhaps its kinetic quantum hair would keep going to create and maintain a link?.

Hmm, maybe theres another level of the universe beyond particles and shadows... That should also be possible perhaps?

I don’t know if either flux would get stronger but perhaps they can link and speak to each other somehow, maybe they NEED to be linked?, like one part of our brain talking to the other.

Everything seems to me to be paired somehow. Paired and connected.  I think (and this is crucial on all scalesto me) that the SQEP’s are created to die. So they are created directly into death. They must exist when they are created? But they can’t because they are dead. Something and nothing.

Another pair and not the last one you will see in this idea.

Sorry for the amount of text, I tried to keep it shorter than the chapter I have originally written. Honest :)

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