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On Islam

Night FM

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I'm curious to what degree people think that Islam can be tolerated in the developed world. I'm aware that there are certain xenophobic individuals who simply oppose "foreigners" and that their hostility to "Islam" boils down to the fact that it primarily arrives in the West through immigration from the Middle East. The may use arguments against Islam to rationalize their xenophobia, but it doesn't really amount to much more than that (which is why you won't see the same fearmongering directed toward Christian sects which are known for barbaric, 3rd world practices, such as the FLDS cult).

I'm not an expert on Islam and not convinced that barbaric behaviors by Muslims (e.x. jihadists) are entirely derived from the texts of Islam, given that Muslim sects exist (e.x. Sufis) which don't, to my knowledge, interpret texts in a barbaric way. Likewise, the Biblical Old Testament contains actions which would be considered barbaric by modern standards (and likewise, groups which are simply xenophobic towards Muslim immigrants don't direct the same attention to the Old Testament in Judaism or Christianity). I believe that many of the barbaric behaviors that we see in undeveloped Muslim-majority nations relate to the socio-economic conditions of those nations, as similar behaviors can be seen in other parts of the world which suffer from low socioeconomic levels.

If, however, Muslim immigrants bring barbaric, 3rd world practices with them (e.x. forced marriage), I'm curious to what extent it can be tolerated, and how much attention should be directed specifically at behaviors perpetrated by immigrants (which seem to generate a lot of emotional hyperbole in news reports on said types of crimes) as opposed to similar acts of barbarism committed by non-immigrants (e.x. racially-motivated terrorist attacks committed by white supremacists, for example).

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Moderator Note

The phrasing of “tolerating” a religion and casting this in terms of immigrants, the implication that they are not part of the “developed world” and other parts, are contrary to rule 2.1.

Wake up. Islamic people have already emigrated to western countries, and this alleged “barbaric” behavior is not seen. 

Replace the target with “Jews” and I’m guessing you can similar discussion in past (and present) nazi literature.

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