HilbertFontuaeille Posted February 13 Posted February 13 \math-container{Practical Familiarity, Into The Mechanic and Principle (Co-Founded Article; take 1)} The Theory Of Practical Familiarity, or also called the existential presence[1] is the complex theory that explains that when everything is related each other their period of following the norms are merged and have a balanced way of acting depending on how much familiarity and quantity of aggregates are putted together and how does the nature of classical physics work by stating that according to electromagnetical waves and einstein's relativity, space and time principally never change when speed and mass is constant between both observers and speed can be indeterminable in the frame of the position of a familiarized observer and an accelerator. technically and visibly speed is not perceived in the motion of less time through space but rather that the accelerative momentum that passes through time in rest and absolute determinable space are parallel in relative to the motion observed and did in the past while continuing and accelerating at the original speed. Mass Speed (Equivalent) (Inequivalent) = Space Time (Equivalent) (Inequivalent) Mass, Speed = Same manifestation of time (Never change by their nature)\index{ described by T = EC\power{2}} The Speed Of Light (c) hasfree space continuum, which means that there's no time limit for it to make an accelerative momentum in an arix complex. the equation T = EC\power{2} also would describe that there's a determined maximum limit of volume and space occupied in relation to time for any natural object. If this limit is breaked, then the object restarts in the same point of mass it was incrementing (Same effect on E = MC\power{2}.) T = EC\power{2} The Faster You Go, The More Time Passes, The Clock goes faster for you, as it's the same value for everyone. It's not time who changes, it's the speed of time. For example, going at 1 m/s while having a space of 100 meters is the same than having 1 meter of space and going at 100 m/s But why is T = EC^2 present in this theory? It is a predicted formula that suggests that maybe (Not obviously) That volume and speed are the same manifestation of it, and that time is not a measure for duration but rather all whole energy that an object has. If you transform energy into something you get the steps of the clock it can reach until it goes back in the same point of reference. If you have a clock and accelerate it the velocity of the steps dilate as they show kinetic energy. According To Practical Familiarity, When An Object runs faster, Time passes slower because it expresses more energy as a form of time tension, which makes the accelerator see fragments in a slower speed since they have a differential value that separates them from what they are universally. When in reality, the accelerator should be going faster in time and not slower, since time is familiarized and communicative to both speed and volume. The more speed and volume there is, faster the objects time travels. However, it still stays inside the same fabric of time of the universe where the laws of time are consistent for everyone except a free-space continuum (It doesn't exist, since the max limits are 0 and c\power{2}) Simplifically, energy in rest means slower speed, expressing in the motion, and energy in motion expresses when the object is at rest speed. So that means that the speed familiarized to c experiences a more distorted view of the clock, while the observer experiences time going slower as his speed is slower. Mass is not a measure for weight, it's a measure for quantity of matter. It's always relatable to time and space and gravity, but not only gravity. This could mean that familiaristic matter, described as the volume for c\power{2} denotes what's mass like if it was contradictory to gravity, relatable to time and energy. The faster you go through space, the more time will pass for you when you see the clock. The slower you go through space, the less time will pass for you when you see the clock. If you take a look at a path of light and stare for it for some minutes, you notice it as some hours, but when you see the clock you see it got faster as expected. This is the reason why when you run faster the longer someone lives (Scientifically saying). } . In some certain cases[2] Said time passed through space while approaching the speed of light is bigger but the time was after perceived instantaneously grows a lot because the motion of the familiarized object it's experiencing a speed that doesn't coexist with the original time watched when the clock is near the space of perception of the accelerator. This means that in some terms light can make space-time go faster but only go at a slower rhythm for any observer regardless of their speed since the speed of the clock and the velocity of time in rest would be more unperceivable. According to Jean Lucas, unfamiliarized and familiarized motions should be used when the fabric of reality is special or only linear in terms of the axis of x, y and z. This also can be applied on the function warp of black holes where they can also freeze time because the closed space-time curvature makes the gravitational vertical norm into a vertical space that correlates to more time around the slideway gate of gravity, using technic familiarity. The observer wrapped around the black hole would experience a normal rhythm of time thanks to the sphaghetti effect where it stretches the rest time and space of the mass referencing to future cones and modified movement of static energy, but the black hole would experience freezed time because it has infinite energy, at the same time infinite time of rest that can't be observable. According to this theory, space-time and speed-mass[3] should have a special and unique proportionality. It is said that when mass and time are relative they are inversely proportional to speed and space. Importantly, if the useful and fundamental equation T = EC^2 is not pre-existent in terms of logical physics this would cancel the similarity of how energy, mass and time should be related, causing the arithmetic-space system to be violated, which explains the adquirement of the equation. However, this equation is only used in special terms and not the linear arithmetic space. Particularly, when time is bigger it goes slower, and when it is faster, it is smaller for only the observer. However, we can deduce that the speed of light would experience slower time and faster sucesions through space since it's travelling through bigger time that causes slowness. So this means that basically when an object approaches the speed of light it's velocity starts getting slower over time. One important thing is that the laws of reference are different for any observer as somehow both time and light are consistent for both observers, which changes the dynamic that gravitational waves are illusions for the human mind since the ocular path of light only is continous. The laws of gravity are the same for the observer at any distance, and time will always be consistent as it is quaranteed to be, which proves some points that time dilation is existent. Familiarity says that for any human eye time dilation is an illusion, and that time and speed must obey the limitable laws of the universal properties without breaking them apart, unless the speed of light or any eccentric phenomena acts upon the reference of frame. (DISCLAIMER: THE NEXT EQUATIONS ARE USED WITH MATH LATEX COPY-AND PASTED FROM A MATH EDITOR. IF YOU WANT TO UNDERSTAND THEM, TRANSLATE THEM WITH A TOOL.) 1. The Riemann's Variable As the Laws Of Practical Familiarity say, the Riemann's Variable, originated from the Riemann's Hypothesis is the fundamental-familiaristic law that tells that all non-trivial zeroes can be trivial zeroes or that all trivial zeroes can be non-trivial zeroes. This means that the speed of light that has a value of 0 in the space-continuum of time and space is not absolute 0, since it is visible for the human eye. According To Jean Lucas, this happens because when you square the speed of light, you get an "imaginary" ripple in space-time that's turned into static energy. The Speed Of Light itself is a finite speed, but when it is squared a luminous unit of matter is visible. So this means that c\power{2} is described as the smallest unity for energy for every observable frame of reference. as you square the speed of light, you get 300.000.000 m/s for both sides, so that means that the max limit of space and time that can ever be stored in the universe is the speed of light, for both light and time continuum, which obeys the principle of zeta function and non-trivial zeroes, especially the fact that the space stored in light is 0 and when you square it it should equal 300.000.000. So that means that an infinite "store of static matter" is not possible in the laws of space-time continuum, which makes time travel impossible. . Tells the reason why some of the next formulas like Einstein's Energy Equivalence Use the unity c\power{2}. The Riemann's Variable Tells us that nothing can reach the value of c\power{2}. All zeroes physically are not true and they can't exist, so that means that the speed of light is not light! Light doesn't go at the speed of light! it is just a principle of space that has 300.000.000 m/s of speed and space. This should make sense because when the human eye sees a source of light, the ocular light and a determined lamp both go at c, as they are multiplied, it turns that what the human eye sees is an "imaginary" store of radical energy, that's the riemann's constant (Represented as s). . if you square it, you get both values for -x and x, so that means that 0 equals 300.000.000\power{2}, and c\power{2} can be a super-microscopical point of space where it concentrates all arithmetical information from the speed of light, making space-time continous and unbreakable, debunking the fact that time-travel is possible. The Riemann's Infinites Series are correct. If you multiply c by c and then select the center of it, you get a bigger graphical expansion of any trivial and non-trivial numbers. In the same progress, if you put the same size of the graph, in a value of 300.000 and multiply them and then select the center of it removing the -y and y from the original y you get the same graph bigger again. This could mean that c\power{2} is all the light stored inside our universe and that the big bang is caused by riemannian infinitesimal dimensions that bring c\power{2} to existence. C\power{2} is denominated as the riemann's constant, in honour to Riemann's, where it is caracterized by the constant that starts from 0 to infinity. So that means that basically C\power{2} is the principal composition of universal cosmos, validating the fact that when the human eye registers another same source of light it will expand infinitesimally depending on the size of the mass who's covering it. If nothing was covering it, then it would be considered as an infinite-shiny illusion that never ends, all source of light for other light turns into an infinite unity. In principal terms, C\power{2} also could tell that is the primary source of infinitesimal dimensions where a value of absolute zero is imaginary, and it is only represented by this unity. So in physical terms, in familiarity, 0 turns into a concentrated path of light with no limit, but following the expansion of the universe. With the same riemannian progress, the speed of light is multiplied by the speed of light where the light cones turn into imaginary parts as C\power{2} gets visually bigger. With the final conclusion, we live in a ball of light. The reason why the formulas E = MC\power{2} and T = EC\power{2} even use this unity, the infinitesimal dimension of infinite series that is fulfilled with binary light paths. Described for the González Metric: \sum{∞|b = 1}C\power-index{2|𝜁} =((\frac{C\power{2}|C})\frac{1|2} + bi)∞ The Law Of Riemann's Constant (Jean-Lucas Prime Space Identity): \sum{}𝜁\index{0} =(\sum{c\power{2} \rightarrow{} 0|0 \rightarrow{} c\power{2}}i = c\power{2}, 0), (b =\int{c\power{2}|0}x,y,z) One good example of the Riemann's Variables is that when an object runs faster in familiarization and connection with the lines of time, it speed's becomes slower when it reaches speeds near 300.000.000 m/s (c). This means that objects close to the speed of light slow down in space even with a big velocity that references the stationary position of light beams. If Light Beams are visually perceived as no velocity and incapacity to accelerate in the laws of space-continuum, then that means that when an object is close to light speeds its volume becomes more tiny and its speed gets slower. The Speed Of Light has 0 volume and has 300.000.000 m/s of velocity. This means that it's volume quickly becomes C\power{2}. When volume is bigger than speed, the object goes slower in space but has the same manifestation of time, so this means that it would be needed around 300.000.000 seconds for the speed of light to run 300.000.000 seconds per. meter. The troubles of reaching the limit of space-time is that the speed of light restarts in the same point of speed, getting quickly slower. Continuing more (In the coordenates of quantum mechanics) When a particle with instant speed is near an observer, the observer sees the transformed mass in form of similar gravitational waves while the accelerator sees a gravitational beam with sharp tension and metric that are aerodynamic and non-static. Why does an object slow down when it approaches closer the speed of light for any frame of reference? According to the Riemann's Variable, both values of absolute 0 in familiarity are equal to the speed of light squared. The universal bonderlines are between 0 and C\power{2}: If you reach static light, you restart from the same point of speed and familiaristic mass, having less contraction and length of timelines. A speed below 300.000.000 m/s familiaritively will remain in the same increment of speed, but if it's higher than the speed of light it speed's drops down because it's closer to the Riemann's Constant. If the Riemann's Constant is broken, Time Is Not Consistent and The Nature Of Physics Is Violated. Similar to the Riemann's Hypothesis where all non-trivial zeroes have a real part equal to 1 / 2. In terms of familiarity, for example, 0 has a certain real part equal to C\power{2} / C multiplied by 1 / 2 combining mathematical and physical terms, summed by the binary product (When an object exists in an existent platform it should have 1 or more mass) summed by the imaginary product which it is what mass does any reference of frame see. Max Universal Limit Of Space: 300.000.000\power{2} meters Max Universal Limit Of Speed: 300.000.000\power{2} meters So that means that the Riemann's Constant equals: c\power{2}, represented as the smallest unity in all existent space. Nothing, can surpass this constant. It is a value at a point of 0 m/s but at the same time having 300.000.000\power{2} unities of information inside the body, it's the minimum principle to exist in space. So that means \index{0}m\power-index{𝜁|e} =\sqrt{(v` + t`)} - G (Familiaristic Matter) (Familiaristic Matter is the mass that's familiarizable to the patterns of time contraction and longitudinal lines, not represented by gravity but rather the horizontal force concentrated inside any matter, a contradictory and opposite force to Energy-Mass equivalence.) 𝜈𝜁\index{0} = \frac{(𝛿v\power{2} + 𝛿m\power{2})|`g𝛿} \sqrt{(𝛿t\index{1} + 𝛿c\index{2}) } (The Potential Change of the Metric Tensor. This calculates how much the matter in motion can change when breaking the barrier of sound until reaching the speed of light. Described furtherly as Familiarized Contraction of Familiaristical Time in Volume, this tension is the same symmetry's of riemann zeta function) (Riemann's Variant Continuum: Calculates any measure for c or c\power{2}, but in some certain cases, the riemann's variable in familiarity states that all riemannian waves are algorithmitically symmetrical each other where speed of a coordenate works different at the same value of number, which it is 1. This calculates the familiarized and equivalent contraction between light pulses interval and any existent matter) Riemann's Variant Continuum is given by: 𝜁(t`) = \sum{∞|J = 1}J\power{-t} + 1 (J means any arithmetical physical property; Gravity, time or space.) Where the summation of J (in relation to x, y, z in symmetrical proportionalities in to the zeta function) equal 1 summed by 1 to summate the total familiaristic contraction and relaxation, longitudinal waves of x, y, z, to correct time dilation and the reversible-effect empirical obliterature) (In simpler terms, a demostration of consistent time, gravity and space and that the gravitational pull or gravitational effects are mathematically the same for any observer. Time and Light are always constant, they come from the value of 1 as it's the first partiture to universal existence, so the purpose of the riemann's variable is to calculate the differential minimum potential between both matters at time-travelling or non-time travelling arix complexes.) (Riemann's Familiaristician Theorem of Simultaneity) 𝜁(s = 𝜈𝜁\index{0}) = \underset{lim|b \rightarrow{}∞}(\sum{b|J = 1}(\frac{1|J\power{-t}}) - \frac{b\power{1 - 𝜈𝜁\index{0}} |1 - 𝜈𝜁\index{0}}) (The Riemann's Familiaristic Theorem Of Simultaneity Calculates the Constant of the difference of metrics for any frame and only the frame's who's accelerating with the own prime axis. b is a rational binary number inside a microscopical metric of any particle) \math-container{2. Energy-Speed Shift} As we advance, the energy-speed shift is normally measured in Jeans, a unit that is invented in honour of the creator of this theory "Jean Lucas", which it also measures caracteristics like attraction, quantity of gravitational consistency or kinetical depth. The axis 'S, it's fundamental for understanding to see what movements is that object doing while escaping from the fragments of tridimensionality A, b and c, or more.. However, the speed of light can break through past that period and these fragments according to albert einstein, distortioning reality and creating a time elipsis, why does that happen? Because light is enough powerful to escape the laws of the universe. It's so fast, It can even break the fourth wall or turn our world into another dimension if we incremented it. The formula to measure the relativity between objects and earth is: \math-container{M\power{m}0â0 =\frac{(\index{𝛼}M\index{𝛽}M)|(\index{𝛼}E\index{𝛽}G)} } . It means that Energy Mass Relativity equals mass multiplied by the second mass divided by quantity of energy multiplied's by the familiarized gravitatory effect of the object who's attracting the first mass, relating to the vectors of speed, depth and force in a tridimensional perspective. We obviously multiply earth mass and human mass to get the total of weight these objects support between each other, and then divide it by the magnitude of them to see the attraction and value of relation. Without mentioning that this also indicates how earth percepts your movements and supports your structure while doing a movement. \math-container{3. Kinetical Gravity} Kinetical Gravity is a new unity that tells that when a figure is near other each atom circulate around each other depending on their technical familiarity and massive relationship of the gravitational panels. It doesn't only explain that every single thing can charge a middle force when contracting each other, but they also difference relative motion and gravitational waves. This means that the motion of an observer will be the same for the other observer who's going at a constant speed, or also the kinetical gravity currency power can be depended of both masses stressing their force due to waves of magnitude. Using the atomic model and the solar system, this may be a similar example of kinetical gravity, made by a radiation of time or positional attraction. The formula for kinetical gravity is: \math-container{K\power{G}-y\power{1}0 = (\sqrt{T} - C\power{2})v } \math-container{4. Dinamic Principle} alternative version of the original theory of relativity invented by einstein where instead of adjusting the speed of light with space-time, or talking about space and time itself in the universe it explains the relationship between speed-mass and space-time inversely proportional depending on the distance from the 2 relative objects. This means that speed-mass are related with the quantity of space-time inside the multiverse and the void itself. In relativity of simultaneity and some forms of parallel dimensions, there are panorams of reference called dimensional panorams, which they are vertical and horizontal lines curved from gravity that gives us a perception what different speeds from different matters look like using the space-time mass-speed difference. It also says that the stability of a mass can bend more towards the horizontal plane that the vertical plane due that the horizontal plane is the one who holds gravitational pull inside a common planet. The less stability, the more attraction towards the horizontal plane to avoid the quantum entanglement towards the vertical plane that tries to pull that object due to kinetical gravity effects. As you can see, observer 1 and observer 2 are watching at the plane in respect to the slow down of speed and space. Both observer 1 and 2, outside the car and inside the car will experience faster motion than the faster airship due that mass is bigger towards space correlated with higher speed towards the car than an airship who although has faster speed, it will experience slower speed due to it's mass being warped to space in respect to the gravitational value towards that unknown point it needs to reach. The equation for Space-Time and Mass-Speed difference is: \math-container{S\power{t}-M\power{s}=( `∆A\index{1} + `∆B\index{2}) - ( `∆C\index{3} + `∆D\index{4}) - `∆E\index{5} } Where it means that the less Space and time there will be greater speed and mass, but if speed and mass were low then space and time would be superior. This is used to calculate the relativity and balance between the two caracteristics and also used to determine which object is faster or bigger. It also depends on the distance, because the less distance you have, the slower you will see, but the further distance you have, you also see an object go slow. If you have both balanced, you can see almost the normal speed. Formula for observed speed: \math-container{(Observed Speed) Kξ\power{0}(1,0,1,0,ξ𝛩\power{0}𝚹)\power{1}1 = ( `∆M + `∆V) - `∆E\index{5} Less Important (Speed Change-Relationship) PvK∆v1,v2,v3 = `∆V - `∆Kξ (Accelerative Momentum) ∇AM(â,;K:,ô,:K,;â)\power{2} K∇m = ( `∆a + `∆v)\power{2} Where: These Relative-mass speed differences are related with the dimensional space, time and point of perspective. (Familiarized Dilatation) (dt)∇𝜃`f𝛾= (`𝛼V + 𝛼M) - (`𝛽V + 𝛽M) (Familiarized Dilatation calculates the difference of familiarized time travel where space-continuum is consistent for any different mass regardless of their natural caracteristics the bigger's the difference, slower is the speed of the fragment for the accelerator but faster for the observer: A good example of why time accelerates and deccelerates only for any existential matter but not from what they're just seeing, depending on their speed and space occupied.)} Examples of time's variation: Put a car 1 who goes at 10 km per. minute and one 2 who goes at 100 km. per minute, without comparing them. The car 2 looks much faster, right? Now, put that car 1 and the speed of light, comparing them. They look like the same speed, right? Explanation: This example explains the second theory of relativity referencial frame that evaluates dimensionally the speed of a slow object as speed of light and a faster object as it's same speed. Where the slower object goes slower compared to his gravitational field, but the speed of light dimensionally also looks slow, not finding the difference between each other or who's faster. Since they will have more similar dimensional value. The equation for relative difference is: \math-container{\iiint{}(dt`)R\index{Nij\oint{}} = L∇R\power{∇c}} R = Relative Speed (The slower object) c = The speed of light exponentially. \math-container{ 5. The First Universal Law Familiarized Motion} Familiarized Motion says that when an object is in constant motion near the duodimensional speed of light it causes gravity to be coexistent. This means that gravity particularly doesn't exist but it's a dynamical effect that any object makes when it's at a constant rate near the value of c^2. In simpler explanations, if light follows that speed then mass would bend towards light, causing gravitational attraction in relation to the movement. But if there's was no speed, then mass would attract light. As we can see, it's the same starting at light motion and going to time in rest and coming back to light frame again than simply just starting at light, going at light frame and ending it with no momentum of rest. This is because light will always follow the path of mass since it's relative to any speed, it is also teleportative whenever there's no point of connection, when time interferes in the middle of the action it creates the perception of faster time though slower motion, transfering the final light frame into the same properties, faster watched time near clock, climation and low motion. If there's environment of light asides the next non-inertial, eucledian frame of light then that light will perceive the same momentum of time in rest. However, the point a perceives it as initial fast motion and static observation of energy. This type of sense of motion is called Time-Light Travelling, a fundamental key to understand non-inertial or inertial frames where light and time are contradictory. If you go in a car and you close your eyes and then open them when you are in other place, you notice that you travel more around time than in space as you disapproach the environment of light. The equation for this transformation is: \math-container{LT\oiint{A|B}ϕ= ( \sqrt{\frac{𝜆𝜈\power{𝛼}|𝜆𝜈\power{𝛾}}} - \power{𝛽}[A\power{1}, B\power{2}]V\power{2}] - 1} Both light observed are square rooted to see the potential speed of c against the observer, substracted by velocity squared (since we need to find m/s to m^2/s^2 in relation to the measure of light for the observer) between both points of c to calculate the relative friction of the point B, substracted by 1 since the common product for both lights is that they are geometrically equivalent, so if they are inequivalent they are substracted by 1 so the frame of equivalent of observation for proportional space-time is more noticeable equally non-inertial and inertial. This means that when energy is in motion for the particle, it can change the time duration of the lamb depending on the velocity and energy of the particle because the faster is to the lamp, it means that that energy expressed turns into longer time, since the faster it navigates through space more slower time is observed for the light to appear. This is what's called Energy Dilatation. In the upper frame of reference, if P goes faster than the seconds before O throws a light source, it needs to wait more time because it travelled more time by going faster, which is the same than having that space. This means that speed and mass are the same composite of time but in different ways of energy. So P needs to basically wait for more time because it's velocity makes more time behind an observer behind the frame of reference. The Equation for Energy Dilation is: \math-container{\power{`}Eγ`𝛥L = v - s + 1 } Energy dilatation equals the velocity of the particle substracted by the seconds before the observer to send a light source, summed by 1 addition that refers to the last momentum of the particle before releasing a relaxation of gravitational particles.. This shows that light will bend more when energy is higher in motion, which says that light and energy are relatives to space. Simplifically, energy dilation tells that the more observed energy that varies for the speed of an accelerator, equals the time to wait for a succesion in space to happen. It also says that when you pass through space-time continuum, gravitational waves change of direction, so that means that there's a connection with light and gravity. The equation for energy in motion is: \math-container{ Eγ∇\index{𝜈}L =\sqrt{E} + (T - V)} Where energy in motion equals the square root of energy plus time substracted by the actual velocity of the particle in space. This equation is coexistent to substitute in casual situations for einstein's equation in state of rest. Actually, the equation for energy in motion only calculates of objects who are fast through space but slower in time, especially photons and other unique particles. The equation for Space Familiarity between two masses is: \math-container{𝜐\power{1}𝜐\power{2}𝜐\power{3}\prod{A\power{1}|B\power{2}}C\power{3} =(`Δ𝜆𝜈\power{𝛼} - `Δ𝜐𝛾\power{𝛽}) - (ΔV\power{𝛼} + ΔV\power{𝛽})} where it equals the light for the observer and accelerator that substracts the speed of light squared substracted by the velocity of the accelerator plus the velocity of the observer that's watching the light source. Using the Trigonomethical Functions for Gravity-Space-Time Continuous Variation are; take 1: \math-container{(Time Travelling Average) ⨙Δt` = \power{a}ΔT - \power{\power{x}s}ΔT + \power{y}ΔG \power{z}ΔS`Δ (Linear Factor) ⨗Δc` = (\frac{ΔG - ΔS|Δ2})\power{2}+ Δv (Deccelerative Momentum) (\power-index{Nij, 1;\power{;}1|Mij, 2;\power{;}2}) Ω𝜁\power{'m} = \sum{z\power{0}|a\power{1}}(V`Δ - `ΔTγ)\power{2} + \sum{z\power{0}|a\power{1}}`ΔM\power{2}`Δγ } More equations in familiarized motion (Check the diagram if don't know the name of the given unities) (using the multivectorial discontinuity; take 2): \math-container{(Non-Familiarized Linear Velocity of time; second per meter.) γV\power{t} =( `ΔVγ + `ΔTγ) } Example: Speed Of Light: Velocity of time = Velocity: 300.000.000 m / s. Time: 0 s. Once added them, you get 300.000.000 again. That means it's velocity of time is of 300.000.000 seconds, roughly equivalent to 10 years each second. \math-container{(Length Of The Gravitational Field) `ΔG\power{1}0G`Δ = `ΔT - `ΔS (Mentioned in the theory of technical familiarity) Formula for gravitational attraction (General Attraction distant from mass): 𝜙𝛾 = \power{1}`ΔGγ +\power{2}`ΔGγ Formula for Familiar Attraction (The potential force from energy): 𝜙𝜂 =\power{1}`ΔGγ - \power{2}`ΔGγ Gravitational Velocity (The gravitational constant between both gravitational fields and kinetic momentum): \iiint{}K(1\power{a} \power-index{-|d} 2\power{b}) =`Δ𝛾 -`Δ𝜂 (Elasticity and Tension of Gravity In Motion) (G\power-index{W0|W1}\coprod{\oint{}|\oiiint{}}(G,W)\coprod{aE|bT}℧\power-index{Wi\power{1}|Wi\power{2}}) = `ΔT\power{2} + `ΔG\power{2} } \math-container{The Principle Of Familiriastician-Elastic Trigonometrical Functions In Space-Gravitational Curvatures} \math-container{`Δx\power{y} + `Δy\power{x}, `Δt\power{g} + `Δg\power{t} = `ΔDe = -1, A`Δ = 2 \rightarrow{}Z(S) \frac{1\frac{T|2}|4 \frac{G|2} } + \frac{Z|2}2`Δ `Δ𝜙\oint{𝜙;.M|𝜙;.M}\iiint{}`Δt\power{g}, `Δs\power{g} =[G]`ΔT1 + [G]`ΔT2 - `Δ0\power{D}TG + -`ΔT1 + -`ΔT2 GT = `ΔS - 5, [`ΔT = `ΔG\power{2}], \frac{`ΔT\power{l} - `ΔS\power{l}|2} - `ΔN\power{y} `ΔG`ΔT = (`ΔG - `ΔT)2 Special Delay On Eucledian's Geometry (Next Level Function): `Δf(s') = `Δs\power{2}+ `Δ1 Special Arithmetics and Art Of Practical Familiarity: The Universal-Complex Equations `ΔArcsech(t`Δ) + `ΔArcsech(g`Δ) `Δs = Arcsin(gt)`Δ `Δg =| \frac{`ΔSin(`Δt\power{t})|`Δ2\power{(`Δt\power{t} - `Δ𝜋 / 2)/ `Δ𝜋}} | `Δt\power{2}`Δg\power{2}`Δs\power{2} = `Δ1 `ΔCos\power{2}(`Δt) + `ΔCos\power{2}(`Δg) + `ΔCos\power{2} (`Δt` / 2)\power{4} + (`Δ3t`)\power{4} + `s\power{4} = 1 (`Δ3t`)\power{4} + `Δg\power{4} + (`Δ3s` / 2)\power{4} = 1 `Δt\power{4} + (`Δ3g / 2)\power{4} + (`Δ3s`)\power{4} = 1 r = `ΔCos(26 t); 𝜃 = 26 Sin (`Δt`) `ΔCos(t) + `ΔCos(g) + `ΔCos(z) + `ΔSin(t) + `ΔSin(g) + `ΔSin(s) = `Δ2.2 `ΔSin(`ΔCos(`ΔTan(𝜃))) `ΔSin(`ΔCos(`ΔTan(`Δt))) · `ΔSin(`ΔCos(`ΔTan(`Δg))) `ΔSin(`Δ2Sin(`Δ2Sin(`Δ2Sin(x)))) `ΔR = `ΔTan(`Δ17𝜃) + `ΔCot(`Δ17𝜃) `ΔArcsin(t`) + Arcsin(g`)`Δ `ΔSin(`Δg\power{2}`Δt\power{3}) = `ΔCos(`Δg\power{3}`Δt\power{2}) `Δr = `Δt\power{`ΔG} - `ΔSin(`Δ𝜃g\power{2}`Δ) `ΔTan(`ΔArc`ΔCos(x) + `ΔArc`ΔSin(y)) = 1 if this graph was occupied by the axis s`(z): (\sqrt{((|`Δs| - `Δ13)\power{2} + `Δs\power{2}) - `Δ9)\power{2} + `Δt\power{2} = 100} In s is summed by t. in t is summed by g. in g is summed by s. and asides the value of 13 that has a warp difference of space time and gravity, y in z, z in x and x in y. `Δt\power{3} + `Δg\power{3} + `Δs\power{3} = `Δt + `Δg + `Δs |(`ΔSin(`Δ𝜃 + `Δ𝜋) `ΔCos(`Δ𝜃 + `Δ𝜋)) / `Δ𝜋|
swansont Posted February 13 Posted February 13 ! Moderator Note You already have an account and have opened a thread on this topic
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