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Demonstration of the existence of God and some additional things

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Also, we’re a science site, and English is the standard language of science (at the moment, at least)


Moderator Note

Can you copy/paste after translating? We don't know you so we're not clicking on outside links. It's against our rules, for the safety of our members.

Posted (edited)


3 343 / 5 000
Of course, but I can't translate everything, because it would be too long and there are technical drawings in addition. Here is a step of the reasoning connected to the other arguments.
                                                                                                      PROOF OF THE EXISTENCE OF GOD - 2
                                                                                         (proof by algorithms and language)
First algorithm : we classify all the words of a perfect dictionary into three categories only, even if we add some.
There are the words of "who is god?", that is to say inter-subjectivity (vain, proud, melancholy, courageous, intrepid etc ...).
There are the "pagan" words, that is to say simplicity (table, chair, horse, turtle, bag, bottle etc ...).
Comment : "What is God?" is neither leader nor slave.
Finally, there are the learned words, that is to say science (dimensions, energy, space, time, information etc ...).
Second algorithm : among the last category of words, we search and find the most important ones. The occurrences "God generates ..." mainly go with the word "energy". As a result of which the word ENERGY seems to be the most important concept in science.
Third algorithm : the definition of a definition of a definition comes back to God, so the definition of a definition is sufficient to the conditions of eternity and we must extract the definition from it.
It is the product of quantities between them.
Theorem : the candidate of all quantities is water (mineralized).
Moreover, all topological forms can be reduced to a sphere without breaking the edges.
What is the definition of "energy"? It is the product of mass [m] by a speed [v] squared then cubed. God is no more a definition of "who is god?" than of "what is God?" ", so God is rather in the mass [m] than in the speed [v]. Indeed, the second does not exist : it is entropy. "God is negentropic" means that the infinitely large is also (the mass). Let us note, (m0) this mass.
Commentary : after having algorithmically browsed a perfect dictionary in addition to science, we equip ourselves with a bible (BJC : 2015) and we look for what Eve means.
Fourth algorithm : there are a certain number of dimensions that can be united in a few forces that pre-exist, because Eve is a geometric object that was deformed : the fall is real and the perfect void does not exist. How many dimensions are there ?
There are three dimensions of space, six of mass and three spiritual ones. Eve is dodecadimensional. This means that a bio-mathematical boundary exists, because (m0) is necessarily undeformable and this mass is a greater and more important force than those that unite the object that animates us. Consequently, there are one or more dimensions between them that bind us to this mass, even if the fall is real. Finally, this mass is not God, but communicates with the geometric object (Eve).
Fifth algorithm : language allows us to characterize a definition exactly. What is the definition of this mass ? The greatest force exerted by God is an undeformable mass (m0). "Above" and "with us" is "Ad" and "supra". God is above the assembly of all living things and with all of us.
It is therefore an undeformable adimensionnelle mass and God is Adimensionnel (his movement is supra-magnetic).
Edited by sha-23-dgi
Posted (edited)

Pour vous Dieu n'existe pas, seulement avec une tête pensante, ce qui est totalement absurde. Si seulement vous pouviez rejoindre le Christ, ce serait moins absurde. Que le temps est long ! L'éternité n'a ni début ni fin ... on a déjà payé de nos propres vies et vous allez en redemander jusqu'à plus soif. Good luck.

Edited by sha-23-dgi
36 minutes ago, zapatos said:

I liked it better when it was in a language I could not read.

You were able to translate it?  Still in gibberish, on my device.


1 hour ago, sha-23-dgi said:

Eve is dodecadimensional.

That is so hot.

1 hour ago, sha-23-dgi said:

communicates with the geometric object (Eve).

"Don't know much about geometry..."


Your paper only works if the reader is already a believer. You make assumptions most people aren't willing to make. I, for one, think your Jesus is a horrible person, willing to destroy a fig tree just because it couldn't feed him. You need to argue for a god's existence in the first place, and even then your assertions are mostly ridiculous.

I don't think you're "lying", but I think you've been deceived like so many. Look what it made you do! Your document is full of atrocious science, completely misunderstood, and you made up the weirdest things to fill in the gaps in your knowledge. You need to fight ignorance with knowledge, not make up more ignorance. 

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