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Unified theory of English Placement to shapes of things like letters and clocks ampm,UTC/GMT/z epoch time, corner of a square to a circle etc FYI I know I'm wrong and a DOG so I WAG a lot because im happy lol

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Here are two like of my illogical processing since it doesn't just relate to one idea it has been rejected by many reddit subs starting it does applying to linguistics because of numbers rules or math because of ASCii and etc their is always a reason mods give if it makes it past automated deletion.


I do not know what it is and that makes me 100% WRONG let me make that very clear.


I postulated if a higher power wanted us to know the truth would they give a dog a bone one would say and leave some Easter Eggs so I thought yes they smarter than I and I'm as dumb as they R, period.


Moving Forward questions why does a unified theory of something has to be held and explained in one subject only before it is taken seriously enough to apply to other subjects?


Below I am applying 2 links of the idea itself it never addresses the fact I am attempting to state that the English Alphabet Letter system is a literal depiction of a tetrahedron in a square measurement of one.


The third link is a narrative to remember and learn which hand to write with.


The fourth link is why we sang the alphabet song 


And my final fifth is explaining in a horrible manner melody Mera connect and how our ancestors like to mind abuse use..


Because Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall because WHY? I mean he was the lookout for jack and Jill getting it on at the wishing well obviously that wasn't a narrative about a glass sand hours device sith horizontal spinning axis support at an no that is simply insane my grandfather walk 20miles in the snow to school with no shoes he wasn't the sharpest tool..


Anyways I really do not know how to explain it beyond the videos and stretching it out in all dialogue will ultimately make a word wall again the fifth link of mine then should cycle you back to the first to totally 40mins that is what I'm here to discuss the others were learning along the way


Plus lat link not me or mine yet illustrated some major functions to the entire system of the square to tetrahedron shapes



1. 31m


2. 7m



3. 17m Writing English Alphabet https://youtu.be/UPBoPcm1w0g?feature=shared

4. 14m LMNOP Y AND Z https://youtu.be/GtRK7ETo-Yc?feature=shared

5. 12m BaaBaa Black sheep



Above is all CC0 Creative Commons Zero ie public domain no rights repaid tome.

Below is not mine at all.


REFERENCING for shape of 3D shape tetrahedron









Can you focus on one part of this for discussion? I have no idea what you want to talk about. 

It's best for discussion purposes if we take one aspect of what you're talking about and you persuade us that what you're saying has merit. You need to explain this without using the videos, since most people aren't going to take the time to watch when we can read SO MUCH FASTER. 

You can turn a WAG into something interesting if you can dig up some evidence to support your ideas.

56 minutes ago, EducationalTax5684 said:

Here are two like of my illogical processing since it doesn't just relate to one idea it has been rejected by many reddit subs starting it does applying to linguistics because of numbers rules or math because of ASCii and etc their is always a reason mods give if it makes it past automated deletion.


I do not know what it is and that makes me 100% WRONG let me make that very clear.


I postulated if a higher power wanted us to know the truth would they give a dog a bone one would say and leave some Easter Eggs so I thought yes they smarter than I and I'm as dumb as they R, period.


Moving Forward questions why does a unified theory of something has to be held and explained in one subject only before it is taken seriously enough to apply to other subjects?


Below I am applying 2 links of the idea itself it never addresses the fact I am attempting to state that the English Alphabet Letter system is a literal depiction of a tetrahedron in a square measurement of one.


The third link is a narrative to remember and learn which hand to write with.


The fourth link is why we sang the alphabet song 


And my final fifth is explaining in a horrible manner melody Mera connect and how our ancestors like to mind abuse use..


Because Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall because WHY? I mean he was the lookout for jack and Jill getting it on at the wishing well obviously that wasn't a narrative about a glass sand hours device sith horizontal spinning axis support at an no that is simply insane my grandfather walk 20miles in the snow to school with no shoes he wasn't the sharpest tool..


Anyways I really do not know how to explain it beyond the videos and stretching it out in all dialogue will ultimately make a word wall again the fifth link of mine then should cycle you back to the first to totally 40mins that is what I'm here to discuss the others were learning along the way


Plus lat link not me or mine yet illustrated some major functions to the entire system of the square to tetrahedron shapes



1. 31m


2. 7m



3. 17m Writing English Alphabet https://youtu.be/UPBoPcm1w0g?feature=shared

4. 14m LMNOP Y AND Z https://youtu.be/GtRK7ETo-Yc?feature=shared

5. 12m BaaBaa Black sheep



Above is all CC0 Creative Commons Zero ie public domain no rights repaid tome.

Below is not mine at all.


REFERENCING for shape of 3D shape tetrahedron








I am not medically qualified but this looks like word salad, in its strict medical sense: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_salad

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Phi for All said:

U can read SO MUCH FASTER. 

You can turn a WAG into something interesting if you can dig up some evidence to support your ideas.

Okay I know a GOD/s made us and called us man and we first trained Mans best friend and called him dog,


can this be agreed?


Can it also be accepted we created computers first mechanical PC no circuits then the new generation using bits of ONEs and ZEROs,


then if you look at ASCii of which is widely accepted as a standardize key code to translate binary to other single characters and single operations using a simple number system DECimal ie base 10 I must then ask what is the pcs holding an intelligence of any calibers first language that has the least lowest bit cost??


Alphabet Placement English System 


Now jump forward to simulations how would one create a system that translates all possible variations of reality to connect and cross train each entity in each reality.


Again not my video so I will not steal screenshots 

REFERENCING for shape of 3D shape tetrahedron



Multiple 8x13 =104 

Now assume 10 is binary the 4=Decimal 

Then the word DECiMAL is the next step



19-8(0)=11(0) WILL END WHERE?




39-14=25 the 25th letter is Y and sounds like WHY I assume 104 would connect to R(19)L(39) remain letters in that set then end on Z(79) from a binary 10 and decimal 4 can I add 10+4 to equal 14 and my point that this will not translate correctly do to it interchangeablity


if you leave the vertical legs of MN removing (V \) you are left with l l l l binary if assumption of 1111 decimal is 15 what is that letter in correlation to what we just deconstructed, the 15th letter is O the next letter following MN.


Now I kindle request you watch the following two videos when you have time because it is a pictorial system that does not translate to line by line text.


Unless you could explain to me how to show a 3-Dimension to in a text driven forum... Not being disrespectful just inquiring sincerely thank you for your communication and time spent.


I can't wait for further questions.


2 hours ago, exchemist said:

I am not medically qualified but this looks like word salad, in its strict medical sense: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_salad

Good observation 

Thank you.


I do not know what to call it yet it's pretty clear that observation of text only is a requirement for speculation section even though the system is for a single 3-Dimensional shape manipulating from triangle to circles to cube deconstructed.


I did not post that in the description because I'm a DOG WAGging his tail.


Sorry trying to make litter of a larger conversation.


Thank you sincerely 🙏 😊 

Edited by EducationalTax5684
1 hour ago, EducationalTax5684 said:

Okay I know a GOD/s made us and called us man and we first trained Mans best friend and called him dog,


can this be agreed?

No, I'm afraid not.

2 hours ago, EducationalTax5684 said:

Okay I know a GOD/s made us and called us man and we first trained Mans best friend and called him dog,


can this be agreed?

Can't agree with the GOD part. Which one? When? 

The part about the dogs is a bit too simplistic for such a complex relationship, imo. 

2 hours ago, EducationalTax5684 said:

Can it also be accepted we created computers first mechanical PC no circuits then the new generation using bits of ONEs and ZEROs,


then if you look at ASCii of which is widely accepted as a standardize key code to translate binary to other single characters and single operations using a simple number system DECimal ie base 10 I must then ask what is the pcs holding an intelligence of any calibers first language that has the least lowest bit cost??

I don't like that you're making so many assumptions, then asking us to just accept them and move on to the next part of what you're saying. It makes the skeptic in me twitch uncontrollably. You're also bouncing around like a pinball. What is a "calibers first language", and what does it have to do with gods and dogs?

2 hours ago, EducationalTax5684 said:

Now jump forward to simulations how would one create a system that translates all possible variations of reality to connect and cross train each entity in each reality.

Reality? You're trying to model reality? How are you defining that? All we can really know is what we observe, or can predict from those observations. Is that different from this reality you're talking about?

There is way too much "Now assume" in the rest, and it sounds like some kind of numerology you've found patterns in, and none of that is reliable. 

2 hours ago, EducationalTax5684 said:

Unless you could explain to me how to show a 3-Dimension to in a text driven forum... Not being disrespectful just inquiring sincerely thank you for your communication and time spent.

I could give you the longitude, latitude, and altitude of the cafe on the second floor of the Eiffel Tower. I can add a temporal dimension and suggest a time to meet for lunch.

1 hour ago, zapatos said:

No, I'm afraid not.

Do Not be afraid I am right here while the following comment or doesn't believe apart of wHAT your saying. I am going to make you so RiGHT because you put your thinking cAPs on.

First I believe the following commentor wanted a position point or reference point to work with yet in the dialogue I provided you already understood the statements I provided and I quote verbatim in the huge bold letters above the text, "I know I am Wrong."

Making the answer to any of my questions NO that is correct.


It's exactly like when someone says, "You know what I'm saying?" My answer will always be, "No I'm a DumbDumb American who speaks AMERiCAN+EAZE." I digress I will get off my high horse and simple ask for a start point of subject to work with you.


Meaning when I progress with others on topic you will ask me how that correlates to your start point in ORDER KNOW MAN left behind as we do in AMERICAN+EAZE.


Let me provide an established point 

Books - skip it to your preferred start with everything 




12 on a clock to remind you to offer a clean self for any given present moment.




Shining your international light I call mine a dumpster fire because it is an excellent exercise to find out where the light actually comes from. iNSiDE.



Or let's talk reality of things pretty eye opening after I'll place a jump point 


I am not going to spam every comment moving forward I am using you in two parts as an example if you want to be right and I am completely wrong make a joke out of it for everyone to laugh out loud is my humble request 

Although if someone ask a question of which has already been addressed in the videos I reserved the right to post only one link instead of typing the entire dialogue stream manually again.

Sincerely thank you may I request you do a last thing first to gauge my values and cognitive processing moving forward.


Your awesome and COR.RE.CT




2 hours ago, Phi for All said:

Can't agree with the GOD part. Which one? When? 

The part about the dogs is a bit too simplistic for such a complex relationship, imo. 

I don't like that you're making so many assumptions, then asking us to just accept them and move on to the next part of what you're saying. It makes the skeptic in me twitch uncontrollably. You're also bouncing around like a pinball. What is a "calibers first language", and what does it have to do with gods and dogs?

Reality? You're trying to model reality? How are you defining that? All we can really know is what we observe, or can predict from those observations. Is that different from this reality you're talking about?

There is way too much "Now assume" in the rest, and it sounds like some kind of numerology you've found patterns in, and none of that is reliable. 

I could give you the longitude, latitude, and altitude of the cafe on the second floor of the Eiffel Tower. I can add a temporal dimension and suggest a time to meet for lunch.

How would you like to approach this moving forward for your dialogue strand.

While the prior allowed maximum options for growth your already narrowing down to topics you know about from experience.

Reality + Eifell tower + ass a group (latitude+ALLtitude+longitude) I really don't recognize anything European plus I have a firm rule with relationships especially when talking about mental physical exchanges 2 dicks count me out I am leaving..


I cracked the joke because in bird language it is binary mate/meat.

I will do a binary position point then we can step up to a secondary three-body system then that will be our standard in your dialogue stream.


Measurement of 1 is the ultimate argument that makes life no fun so Time Size weights as a grouped solution because giving me the above does either of us no good is I'm 1000 years late with the wrong equipment if I'm that lucky more like a million years to late, "AM I RiGHT Ladies? Not you obviously just in general..."


I have provided the alphabet layout because it provides a connect or greater understanding of similarities and relationships versus a system simple defining position in a small or large group of letters and other non related items.

Everything I provided is CC0 the creative commons ZERO the new public domain I will have to figure out how ideas we produce are distributed I am just passing authority over to the other person or group original ideas and bridges statements by me CC0 rest up to you all...

I'm eating dinner now and I went off topic


Basically where would you like to start?




Ok ONE Day equals 

60 Seconds per Minute 

60 Minutes per Hour

So was hour has 3600 seconds

24 hours in ONE DAY

Totalling 84600 seconds 


Now take a spreadsheet program label columns A-Z and make 4000 rows

Then Make the top left 1 and from top left to right add one to the prior cell total like pages of a book now once the first row Z is labeled go down one row and change the method function from prior cell add one to prior row last cell very right one plus one.

Then apply the B function to of prior cell plus ONE again to the rest of the Row too Z

Then copy entire second row and apply to all unfinished rows you should have about 3998 left at 26 cells per row.

It that is too much then use the link above and click Cell Number tab and we are caught up..


Now look for cell with the number 84600 it should fall in row 3254 and column U 


This is facts and A DAY houses 84600 second chances as a present moment for each of us no matter how wrong we are we have the option to accept correct information as our own or take that for granted and be blissfully ignorant because everyone else likes to be difficult witch is beyond Me.





the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.

"travel through space and time"


a point of time as measured in hours and minutes past midnight or noon.


I want you to see right and see sounds like the letter c of which is placement 3 in the System English Placement Alphabet seems correct 

M = 13


So 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 and is T | i | M | e

Because ASCii 84 is capital LETTER T

People seems to me never ask y enough 

T as a shape has a line divided by two of which is about the same length as a full unit line now place both thumbs at the converging point of that shape and erase your thumbs FROM your mind and count one hand for each side of the top line please forgive me if your missing fingers other than the ones I told you forget you will have to ask someone for another hand or two for a moment and repeat the above with the right tools on your shape T

THEN place that TOTAL or if you don't believe me lay down both hands flat and mash both together as one unit without thumbs period if it helps your could butt pinkies together for an advanced Palm Face moment later one. Please forgive I forget we removed 2 units as a hole so 20 is T t 20plus20 is 40.

i is 9 with the one thumb on top of the other palms down method count each digit where 20(thumbs as 1) U can do this we got you, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. i is the 9th placement in the dirty A.P.E.System.

M 13 CD where if we remove the vertical axis of the capital B of BCD would look like 3CD the CD is a guide for the thumb where D is a nail of the thumb either right or left and place that same hand finger pads in the cavities of the 3 ie inside spaces.

Additionally M is the left hand thumb and N two show half division of the entire set. Like E as both spaces for your thumbs and letters MN idk how is MiNuTEs spelled it is derived from history BS late in GReece like FRench Fries right output dad joke here yoke eggs.


I've hit that point my brain shut off it is easier for my disability to just talk it out.


At 18:01 

At 06:26










On 3/13/2025 at 3:53 PM, EducationalTax5684 said:

Sincerely thank you may I request you do a last thing first to gauge my values and cognitive processing moving forward.

Not good.  Please seek out a mental health professional.  Word salad can be a symptom of severe psychiatric disorders or brain trauma.  If you can get treatment, you will find your communication with others less frustrating, and it will be easier to pursue your dreams as you can order your thoughts better and focus on what's real.

1 hour ago, EducationalTax5684 said:



Moderator Note

We love you, too, but this style of posting isn't acceptable for discussion. You're all over the place, and don't seem to be able to focus on a single part of your concept in order to persuade us your ideas have merit. It seems mostly like numerology, which isn't science, and what's left is bizarre and disjointed. We are NOT a WAG forum, but we're happy to talk about them IF you have some structure and reason on your part, which you don't. 

We don't like videos much, since reading is SO much faster. When the videos are about a WAG, that's time we'll never get back.

This needs to be closed since it's not fair to those who try to present reasoned speculations in this section while also following the rules. Please don't bring this up again, and if you post about another idea, please try to focus on a small part of it and find some evidence. If you know you're wrong and WAGging, we don't need to see it.

This topic is now closed to further replies.
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