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Is taking antibiotics bad if you aren't sick? (eye problem)

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The title is a bit simple but it isn't that simple:


The history:

I'm Nearsighted (near is about 20cm for me) but the last years (I'm 32).

My glasses can't totally correct my sight back to good vision. (never got perfect vision)

Other glasses don't help and they can't find anything wrong (except that I can't see very well with my glasses)

They also looked in my eyes and one said it's like a little infected while the other says no it isn't.


The questions:

1) Is it possible to have a light infection in both eyes for a long time?


2) If yes could it be they didn't saw it (because not easy to see) and it's the reason of my vision becoming worse?


3) Would taking antibiotics solve this problem? (I haven't taken antibiotics in a long time, more than 10years)

Would it be harmfull as experiment to see if that was the reason?

Or is it impossible to know which antibiotic and how much you have to take?




no anti-biotics are not "Good" for you, they`re just the lesser of two evils.

for an eye infection (unless extremely severe) you`re unlikely to given oral dosses of this medicine, more often that not for eyes it`ll be a local anti-biotic as eye drops or cream, I was given Fusidic acid cream for my eye infection, it worked great too.

I`de seriously advise against experimenting though, esp with your eyes!


edit: just noticed a serious typo.


Antibiotics do nothing if the problem is viral, and it's a bad idea to take antibiotics if you don't have a bacterial infection, because it just leads to more antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Antibiotics do nothing if the problem is viral, and it's a bad idea to take antibiotics if you don't have a bacterial infection, because it just leads to more antibiotic-resistant bacteria.


The side effects aren't so great either.


One problem with taking antibiotics over a long period of time is that antibiotics interfere with the balance of beneficial bacteria colonies in the intestines. It can sometimes lead to health problems, such as overgrowths of yeast colonies or harmful bacteria in the gut.

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