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I was wondering if someone can tell me the correct way to inject yourself in plain english. You would think the web would be full of useful info like that but this is the first place I have found where i could even try and ask someone. And I don't mean the steroid type of injection, just the regular one. Please no one bust my balls for asking this. It could save lives.


What do you need to inject? It makes a difference. Do you need to inject intramuscularly, intravenously or subcutaniously?


You can buy them of medical companies fairly easily.


Prosumabley you are asking incase you find somebody who needs an injection e.g. in a diabetes incident?


I question why you're here asking for directions. If you need this because of a medical condition, you would have been taught how to do this at home by your physician or health-care provider.


Due to a mix up with a doctors appointment I had to do my own rabies shots before going away, so in some cases (and obviously with diabetes) you need to learn how to inject yourself properly.


Due to the spacing of the shots it was hard to get an appointment at the time, so it was a bit of an admin problem at the surgery I guess.


I'm not really getting the gist of this thread...is it incase someone faints due to diabetes or did you have another condition in mind ?


if he really needed to know, for a medical condition, he would have been shown by a doctor or nurse and therefore would not need to ask. i can think of a few other reasons why it would be advantageous to know this that are legal but i don't want to tell a druggie how to inject himself.


the only other instance that springs to mind is "in the Field" type shots, but even then your trained, and they DO ALWAYS have instructions, even on the hypo itself!

and if he was "drugy" there are centers that provide clean needles and related equipment (medi-wipes cin-bins etc...) as well as advice with do and don`ts.


and to say in the original post "Just a regular one", erm... I doubt Anything said or explained over the internet would be a good idea.


I`de reccomend a nursing course (second year) or St.Johns, perhaps even the Military, and learn by practice (usualy injecting oranges and stuff), that is if you`re Serious about this Griphin?


If you are injecting steroids, I highly suggest you review the side effects of abuse first. An enlarged heart is no laughing matter, and it WILL happen if you use. I was interested in using when I was younger and working in the "security" field, but after seeing 2 people die on the message board I was reading about them, both kids under 30 years old, and from enlarged hearts I ran for my life.


If you insist on doing them, plenty of websites explain how to do intramascular injections. Just make sure you aspirate because a dose of roids in the bloodstream can be fatal. Please reconsider using, the short term benefits of being muscular do NOT outweigh the long term health effects.

  • 2 years later...

that depends on what you are injecting. im not trying to be nosy, but different substances require different injection sites and depths. i use vit b12 injections regularly. they are intramuscular. i inject with a 1 inch needle into my tricept muscle. but you have to be careful when injecting because you dont want to hit important things like nerve bundles. you really need to give some more info on what, or what class of substance you are injecting


Yes...hitting a nerve bundle would be rather unfortunate...


Madscimidwest has a point, it all depends on the substance you want to inject.

Intramuscular injections aren't particularly difficult (I've never tried, I've just read about them), but intravenous are slightly more difficult. It all depends, you just have to be more spcific.

  • 2 weeks later...

It would seem that whatever gryphin's intentions were, he must of either gotten the info he wanted or gotten discouraged, esp. seeing as that post was his one and only post ever. I hope he wasn't a "druggie" for his sake.

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