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I typed this up at random. My opinion on theoretical sciences. Probably belongs under humor. Don't shoot me.


"Move over, botany! Screw you, quantum mechanics! There's a new red corvette in town.. yes, that's right, the wonderful new science of




Wow, watch what it could do! We can prove stuff exist just because we say they exist, say that the moon is green, and even BREATHE NITROGEN!




Wow, listen to these TESTIMONIES:


"Well, ever since I started teaching hypothetics to my highschool science class.. well, I guess my life just hasn't been complete, I mean, at one point I was thinking about ending my.."


LIFE! Your life depends on hypothetics!


Just think of all the stuff mankind can do with HYPOTHETICS!


- Make charm quarks into REAL charming British gentlemen!

- Make cloth out of SUPERSTRINGS!

- Prove there's exactly 354 universes without even making ANY observations!


"WOW! Hypothetics rocks! everyone thinks i'm so cool now! Thanks to you, hypothetics, I could fly to the moon... AND BACK!"

- Timmy, Age 5. Paid advertiser



Hypothetics. LEARN IT NOW."


That was so well written I laughed even harder the second time I read it. Perhaps you should start a hypothetical cult.

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