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I'll defend you! I'll defend you!

I have it all worked out already. Tell me what you think:


"Jon is special, your honour, and as such he should be considered above the mortal law."


Landslide victory ah0y!


[The way you describe it though, it does sound a bit vindictive :-(]

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I received a $123 ticket for going 19mph over the speed limit, and I will be fighting it in court since I should have received a warning at most.


Bwahahah. I hope the officer shows up and you have to pay >:}


Besides, all the court requires as evidence is the officer's word. Happens all the time in criminal cases.



Though I doubt he'll show up, and thus, you'll win.


The point of challenging it is because I had never been stopped previously for anything, and since I was only going 19 over on an empty 4-lane highway, and the cop didn't even use radar, I should have received a warning, not a ticket.

fafalone said in post #79 :

The point of challenging it is because I had never been stopped previously for anything, and since I was only going 19 over on an empty 4-lane highway, and the cop didn't even use radar, I should have received a warning, not a ticket.


True. Maybe his dog just died, or you were a dick.


fafalone a dick?



it was clearly the recently diceasement of his lovable kanine companion of which plagued this tragic officer of the law so much, to the point of giving faf a ticket


comon faf! a Mustang GT??? You should of gone with an LS1. Those GT's lack in the power department! When my car was stock, I use to always beat GTs with full Exhausts...the ran a high 13 compared to my low 13! some modulars love boost though...throw a a blower in it and make ti really fly! I like the way stangs look though, but the 230rwhp doesnt impress me. Ill race ya for $100 ;)


Yeah the problem with getting an LS1 was that the insurance was ridiculous (twice the cost of my mustang gt), and that put it in the "would like to have but cannot afford" category. But I will be adding a blower to my car eventually, as well as some other less expensive power boosters.

fafalone said in post #70 :

I finally maxed my car out at 150(mph, 241.4kph) on the alley last sunday. well not maxed out, but hit the electronic limiter. People normally do 80 (129kph) along that road, and that's 10 over hte limit... imagine what it's like to see someone flying past you like you're standing still :D


I made it across the entire state of Florida in less than an hour.


STOP LYING Fafalone!!!! The limiter on a Mustang is set at 110mph...not 150mph!!! And your Mustang GT will never do 150mph....much less 180mph!!! A supercharged Saleen Mustang (S281), will only do 157mph tops. A new Z06, and I quote from Corvette's web page, "...a top speed that has exceeded over 170 mph on a test track."


You, sir, are grossly misinformed. Perhaps you are refering to the V6 mustang, but certainly not the GT. The limiter is indeed set at 150mph.


I stand corrected. The limiter is certainly not set at 110mph. I remember having the Saleen up to about 120 one day. Whereas Mustang GT's only have a top speed between 139-142mph I'm fairly certain that it's not set to 150! And that is 139-142 under ideal conditions. I think I remember hearing that the limiter is set to 135. So, you still sticking with the story that you were doing 150 with the potential of going 180?


It may have been 142, but I definately have obtained at least 142. However I will stick to the 180 potential. I specifically remember reading that the limiter was set to (142 seems more like it now based on me not actually going faster than that) because of the tired, and without the limiter it could reach 180.


Like I said, top speed is possible only in ideal conditions. Aside of the car being perfectly tuned, air temperature would have to be approx. 55F and dry, and road conditions would have to be perfect (smooth with no grade). As for the 180mph issue...NO! Your car cannot go that fast, limiter or not!!!!! Like I said earlier, Z06's don't even do 180mph. You don't start seeing speeds like that until Vipers and Lambourghinis. I had an '01 supercharged Saleen and that only did about 160 mph max. My C32, which has 350HP (90 more HP than you have) only does 165mph. Check out this URL. It gives the top speeds for many cars: http://www.car-videos.com/performance/top_speed.asp


Since power is work per unit time, and work is force * distance, and force = ma, you should be able to see that horsepower does not directly have anything to do with top speed. Indirectly it's related to engine design and quality which in turn determine the max speed, but purely speaking more horsepower does no neccessarily mean more speed.

And I have attained 142mph on a dry level ROUGH road with 1/4 tank of gas, 1 passenger, no cargo, dry straight empty road on a 85 degree day with high humidity, and if you doubt that I'll bet you any amount of money that you can come down here, get into the car with me, and I'll take you 142mph as long as the road is dry.


No, more horsepower doesn't necessarily mean higher top speed. It is certainly a good surface evaluator though. As the horsepower rating rises so too, usually, does the top speed. Though leary, I cannot definitively say that there is no way you achieved 142. A cold air induction kit with a conical filter might afford you the extra performance, over stock, to achieve that. By the way, if you haven't done that I wholeheartedly recommend that. I used a BBK cold air induction kit which came with a K&N conical filter. I think I paid about $125 for all of that. Also, change out your fuel pump with a stronger one. They put 30lb injectors in the Mustangs but the fuel pump is too weak to feed it at high speeds. A nice strong fuel pump will keep you going strong once in excess of 100mph. Look for a good tuning shop too. A good tune-up can yield you up to 30 more HP pretty cheaply. As for 180, I stand firm that no stock Mustang GT is capable of 180. Like I said, I had a 2001 supercharged Saleen, which is a supe'd up GT, and it only did about 160 tops. Maybe 165. To hit 180, either of these cars (Saleen or stock GT) would require significant work ($$$). You could maybe rebuild the engine, adding forged parts, and lowering the compression ration, so that you could use a nitro kit in conjunction with a supercharger. You are talking probably 15K easy for all that though. Don't get me wrong Faf, I share your need for speed. I've told a tall tail or two in my day too ;) I couldn't let the 180 things slide though ;)


Is it a flat K&N or a conical? If it's the former, get a cold air induction kit with a conical filter. You will be amazed. It's good cheap horsepower and the car will have much better throttle response (not to mention gas mileage).


It's a conical. CAI only adds a couple hp and it's over $100... so it's not too high on the upgrade list. I'm doing a few more things to the body (billet grille, saleen side skirts and side scoops, some others) before I start major engine upgrades (supercharger, nitrous, 4:10s, etc)

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