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Does the right girl only come around once in your lifetime?

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Girlfriends come and go, thats no mystery. Sometimes you're compatible sometimes you're not. Is it possible that one time in your life you meet someone that you really connect with immediately? This chick started talking to me while I was waiting for the T after work, and it was really easy to talk to her. Well, she mostly did all the talking. She was pretty too. Too bad im too much of a loser to ask her for a way to get in touch with her again. I really get critical of myself when something like this happens, and I think constantly about the reason she had for talking to me in the first place. Anyways, I'm regretting not saying anything before we parted ways. I won't ever see her again most likely. Doh, i'm a loser.


With 3 billion girls to choose from, I know that there are many more "right" ones.


But it obviously doesn't quite like that. I'm only 17, so I can't really part any wisdom. But my very wise physics teacher once told me that once you love someone, that person will ALWAYS be a part of you, even if you move on to different things.


Right now my girlfriend is leaving for college, while I stay home and go to high school. Despite what any "superior" elder says, I am in love with her. And it feels so weird thinking about how we may have to move on eventually due to reasons beyond our control. The point is that if I find another girl one or two years from now she won't feel like the "right" one (no matter how perfect she may be) simply because my heart belongs to my currect girlfriend, and my current girlfriend will always be a part of who i am... and of course right now she feels like the only "right" one out there.


My point is that my current girlfriend purely stole my heart first and it seems weird to let another girl down the road steal the title of "the right one"... haha, i dunno, i can't explain myself..


but of course we all know that time does wonders and can probably make the title of "the right girl" belong to a few girls in one's life.


i dunno, i guess i'd say that the right girl does NOT come only once.


Yeah I see what you're sayin. I guess I'm just pissed at myself because this type of situation has happened twice before without me doing anything. I told myself the next time it happened I was gonna push my doubts aside and say something. It also makes me scared to think that I could be the cause of my own loss on something like this, something special, just because I'm afraid of what the outcome could be. I have issues with rejection I think. I have trouble talking to girls a lot of the time. I think it's because I never started a relationship as an adult. When I was a kid I had girlfriends that practically forced themselves on me. I didn't have to do any work. Now as an adult, i don't know how to do the work. Plus I dont look as good as I used to. I'm 20, I should have a girlfriend but I don't


On your half man, that definitely is something that could cause you stress. Especially when you hear stories and see stories about people parting ways after highschool. I don't know what humble advice I could offer you, because I don't know you or your girl. On one hand I would tell you not to worry, but on the other hand I would tell you to worry. I suggest you don't listen to someone like me though cause I'm a real pessimist. Hey, you're lucky you can have that feeling with someone though, you should be proud.


they are all "the one". there's too many of them to settle for just one. there is an abundance of women that are attractive, smart (or not), and have alot in common with you. the trick is settling for just one.


I am in love with my best friends step sister. I fell in love with her from the inside to the out--- i loved her before she blossomed into a curvacous woman (not that she wasn't pretty before too) and so i have learned to love everything about her. It seems impossible that i would be able to fill her place with someone else, because honostly, everything about her is amazing to me.

The thing is i'm not as awesome a person as she is, so i am not sure if i am the one that will make her the happiest (which is what i'd want if i truly loved her) so i do not know what the future holds. I hope with everything that she prevails in my future and that the way i feel about her will make me a better person than what i am without her. Despite how weak i am in many areas, i have some strong beliefs that set me apart from the rest, it is my utilazation of this knowledge (failure to) that is a great problem. And I think it is her that can bring the best out of me.


I hope everything works out for you Navajo. Dudes don't have any place to vent all these things about the girls we know. I don't talk to anyone I know about these things. It's good to get it out though.


matter- hey, don't worry. your description of yourself sounds quite similar to me, really... I think I just got lucky or somethign


navajo- I felt the same way about my girl. some times i was even intimidated by her because i saw so many great things about her that I didn't have. but she's still with me so that might just be a sign that i have poor self esteem or something... anyway, what do you see in her that is so great that you don't have? cause there were certain things about my g/f that i saw as superior, but later on found out that we were on the same level after all, it just appeared differently at the beginning...


in response to alt's first question: yes


in response to the people, eh..I'm sure there'll be other girls along in there out for ya;) there are billions of people in this world after all! ...eh...I'll refrain from using my own personal experience ;)


Here's what my experience has to offer:


Be yourself, don't take crap from anyone, if a girl can't see what a good person you are without you trying to prove it (acting, going far out of your way before you've even started dating) then she is not worth the effort anyway.


As for getting girls, confidence! If a girl talks to you for more than half a second, it's because she likes you!


I are MAN, hear I ROAR.


I know a lot of it is confidence. I also know I don't have a lot of that when it comes to girls. The reasons? Won't say. All I know is I let myself down because I didnt take my chance, AGAIN. It's bothering me. It's not every day a girl comes up and starts making me laugh out of the true blue. ARGH. Need to numb my thoughts with a drink.


perhaps the numbing of your thoughts with a drink would be interfering with that process as well:-p


but hey eh..just talk to them? they're people too (despite what the poor guys who can't understand them say)


I`ll go along with the 1`st line in the above statement too.... they are ONLY people! and like to be talked to as well. perhaps your emotions and I suspect hormones play a part also.

" a tiger with a hungry look in its eyes will never catch!", so If your mentaly questioning yourself and feeling too much during a "chat" how can you possibly be concentrate on what`s happening? or paying her the attention AS A PERSON that she deserves? :)

You`re Just as worth to talk to as you are to talk!

get rid of mental "hiden agendas" and consider youreself and others as EQUAL human beings!, you`ll do just fine :)


to answer your 1`st post: YES most emphaticly YES!, I did and married her :)

been that way for 5 happy years now, but I had to go through alot of crap to meet the right one, when it happened, I KNEW!

and so did SHE! (it has to be mutual I guess)


hope that helps a little? :)


I dont usually drink, I like to smoke pot.


YT you have good points. I guess I'm just not used to girls coming up and talking to me. It was a pretty normal conversation. We were just laughing and shit, but I didnt wanna ask her for her phone number cause I didn't wanna look stupid.


and you have to get the concept out of your head that you're going to look stupid, the fear of losing pride and the fear of failure are two of the biggest factors in guys not being successful with ladies.


Yeah I gotta work on that. I gotta free my mind. lol. Cause I dont want this to keep happening. I missed out on a cool chick and that feels shitty.


I don't think the "right" person only comes along once in a lifetime....I think we all meet lots of "possibles". And, lads, lots of women ....like me......are more attracted by a man who can make them laugh and treat them on an equal footing than some muscle-bound git who only thinks of his work/sport/having a trophy girlfriend to hang on his arm. That's not to say we can't appreciate a good looking man but he better have something in the brains department too.




explain why I was in a relationship for 6 months then? just because i like talking about science does not been i don't know how to go out and have a good time at the pub/club.


please don't insult people you don't even know. thanks.

Originally posted by village idiot

beating off 3 times a day for 6 months isnt a relationship :rolleyes:


I now see why your nick is so appropriate


however, your apparent obsession with masturbation is somewhat disturbing.

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