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I would to present an analysis for comment. I figured out a way to plot the eight mathematical singularities of physics with just three variables. Here is the gist of the model.


Normally when one talks in terms of special relativity one uses examples like a spaceship traveling near C where its mass, distance and time are all experiencing special relativity. Thinking about this, I began to look at the possibility maybe the three variables do not always change together in a linear relationship. What made me think this way was connected to trying to explain why common matter lasts so long compared to particle accelerator matter. One explanation was maybe common matter is time dilated, so that even though accelerator matter may have the same mass, it does not have as much time dilation. Using the assumption of nonlinear special relativity in mass, distance and time, I plotted the three variables, relativistic mass, distance and time as separate axis on a 3-D grid.


If one looks at the three equations of special relativity, which define relativistic mass, distance contraction and time dilation, special relativity gamma can go from 0 to infinity. This range makes it difficult to plot the relativity effects on mass, distance and time on a finite piece of paper. So what I did instead was plot the gamma velocity V, as Vm, Vd, Vt. The gamma velocity V is constrained from 0 to C (speed of light) and therefore has finite boundries and therefore can be plotted. I was using V as a function to express the relativity effect in mass, distance and time on a graph with finite boundries. For example, Vm=C, implies infinite mass, even though V was plotted. If we plot Vm, Vd, and Vt from 0-C, as the x,y,z axis the result is the MDT cube.




As the velocity of any finite mass, distance and time component becomes C, gamma will increase to infinity resulting in infinite relativity in that component. Alternately if the velocity of any finite mass, distance and time component becomes 0, gamma will equal zero and these will contain no relativity. The eight apex velocity points will result in the same relativistic values independent of any starting mass, distance or time, since any value will lead to the same result of zero and infinity with respect to effects of velocity and gamma. With the starting mass, distance and time arbitrary for the apex points of the cube, I decided to use the smallest measures of near infinitesimal but finite rest mass, size, time. The eight apex points of the cube are labelled in more detail in the second figure.




There are two uniform apex singularities (000) and (CCC) and six intermediate apex singularities with various combinations of 0 and C. The apex at (C, 0, C) is the black hole. Vm=C would define infinite mass and the extreme effects of black hole gravity, while Vt=C will define its very long life stability. The Vd=0 would define its singularity with respect to inertial size or distance. Absolute zero is the apex at (0, C, 0). Absolute zero is not a possible mass state or Vm=0. The inertial universe can’t exist at absolute zero so its time or Vt=0. While the uniform coldness of space implies this apex needing to be everywhere with respect to distance or Vd=C for absolute zero to exist. These two fixed but diagonally opposing apexes will also set a potential with each other, keeping each singularity from forming in the universe, while still forming finite versions of each other within the universe, i.e., finite phenomena that behave like black holes (C-, 0+, C-) and the near absolute zero temperature of space (0+, C-, 0+).


The second pair of diagonally opposing apexes is (0, C, C) and (C, 0, 0). The first implies zero mass with infinite distance and time. This would be infinite eternal empty space. The second would have infinite mass but no size and would not last even an instant. This is the hypothetical mass point singularity. Their fixed positions on the cube and the potential between them creates finite instead of completely empty infinite space (0+, C-, C-) and a finite mass singularity that is a little bigger than a point that lasts a little longer than an instant (C-, 0+, 0+). This would analogous to a primordial atom.


The third pair of diagonally opposing apexes is (C, C, 0) and (0, 0, C). The first would have infinite mass stretched out over infinite distance but only lasting an instant. The second would have no mass or size but would last an eternity. The first would be similar to the near infinite mass point spread uniformly over infinite space for an instant. The second is eternal time without any mass or size. Their fixed positions and the potential between will create a nearly infinite mass spread over a near infinite universe that lasts slightly longer than an instant (C-, C-, 0+). The second will result in a very large but finite time interval with a very small amount of mass and size (0+, 0+, C-), i.e., tiny long-lived particles.


The final pair of diagonally opposing apexes is (000) and (CCC). The two uniform apex singularities (000) and (CCC) are traditionally called nothingness and eternity. The (000) reference will see nothing beyond near infinitesimal. While the (CCC) reference will see the entire universe pulled in. With these two apex references fixed in place on the cube, the relativistic potential between nothingness and eternity will define something tiny (0+, 0+, 0+), analogous to the short-lived reference particle of this analysis, and something less than eternity (C-, C-, C-), analogous to the finite universe, respectively.


If one extrapolates the potential between all the diagonally opposing apex point pairs they all meet in the center of the cube. This is the point where all the opposing apex potentials overlap, simultaneously. Its position within the center of the cube implies it moving uniformly at half the speed of light, Figure 2b. It would be the reference where the four pairs of opposing singularities have no potential with each other and with the other singularities.




The MDT or special relativity cube stemmed from a preliminary model in which I defined particles in terms of just ratios of mass, distance and time potential. It was assumed that all larger particles were composed of near infintessimal subunits of mass, distance and time. From this limiting set of subunits, one could define any particle state by giving the subunits various amounts and ratios of relativistic velocity, where each can be affected independantly of each other. The exception is where the whole 3-parameter composite particle was given a relativistic velocity. This would cause all three variables to change at the same time as is normally assumed the case.


The tiny subunits are not yet proven to exist. This is similar to the strings of string theory. The difference with this model is that proof of the subunits is required before practical utility of the model is accepted. My hope is that the same creative liberty that given to string theory will be granted to this model with the hope that the practical utility of the final model will justify a future investigation of its near infinitessimal but finite subunits of mass, distance and time.


The idea of an electron to be compose low mass potential and high time and distance potential, due to the relativistic velocity of its tiny subunits of mass, distance and time is not that far fetched. If one looks at string theory, are not the strings assumed to be at or near an energy type reference? The difference with the MDT model is that it is possible to create the smallest subunits using a very simple potential between two references, i.e., speed of light and a universal zero reference. The MDT cube hints of this potential between (000) and (CCC). It can be derived much more elegantly by looking at cosmology at t=0.


To give one another demonstration of the power and simplicity of the MDT model, I would like to briefly discuss the six possible cosmology scenarios that are predicted by the MDT model or six possible ways for the universe to form, i.e., the six three-parameter combinations of MDT: (MTD, TMD, TDM, DTM, DMT, MDT). The first two are open and closed continuum particle expansion models, i.e., Big Bang. The second two are continuum and expanding wave models like Wave-Particle Theory and String Theory. The last two are unexplored quantum cosmology models.


The only things that one needs to know is that distance potential is connected that anything that expresses distance, such as velocity and entropy, etc.. Time potential changes are expressed as heat. The reason time potential changes are heat is that changes in time potential imply changes of relativistic velocity since the based units are always conserved. Mass potential changes reflect just changes in mass. Once any of these three tiny particle state, decrease from C reference, they begin to decay.


The first two have mass potential and time potential (heat) appearing before entropy or distance potential. These are analogous to the primordial atom of the Big Bang Theory, i.e., hot-mass-bang (expand). If mass potential appears before time potential the greater decay of mass potential will result in a smaller hotter mass leading to an open universe. The second will result in heat or time potential decaying more than mass potential implying a more massive somewhat cooler primordial atom leading to a closed universe.


The second pair begins the universe with distance and time potential before adding mass potential. This implies energy waves appearing in the universe before mass potential. The first of the two has time potential or heat decaying before distance potential implying a very rapid expansion of cooler energy. This is implicit of wave-particle theory. While the second with distance potential decaying more than time potential or heat implies a slowing expansion of hotter energy roughly similar to the Big Bang. This is analogous to String Theory.


The last pair are quantum models where mass and distance potential appear before time potential and heat. These imply the mass quantum entropy expanding before time, heat and force appear. The first by having distance potential decay more than mass potential implies a tighter heavier quantum expansion. While the second by having mass potential decay more than distance potential implies a more extensive lighter quantum expansion. In the case of the quantum expansion, T stays at C, until the mass quatum divides and the spread out and then drops from C


Any of these scenarios are possible with the MDT model; one needs to look at the latest astrophysics data. The MDT scenario, which this model is named after, best accommodates the lastest astrophysics data. This scenario has the t=0 universe quantum dividing down to the galaxy level. These quanta all simultaneously mini big bang expand when T drops from C. This phase change creates the energy pressure waves needed for the expansion of the galaxies with respect to each other.


For my next installment, I will return to the MDT cube and explain the six faces of the cube. These six faces define three light speed wave phases. In a future discussion, the twelve edges will be discussed. These will define and integrate the four forces of nature, space, and a zero reference by which one can correlate both particle and astrophysics on the same cube.




all I can say. you sure put a helluva lot of thinking into this... I don't even fully understand it, but I can see potential to explain many aspects of the universe.


When I was reading through it, some of the first questions that popped into my head was 'what are the faces of the cube?' and 'what about the edges?' hope to see the next installments to this theory (as it really looks to be a full fledged theory) even if I don't completely understand them lol.


I have a question though, could you better explain what exactly happens at the center of the cube?


If one extrapolates the potential between all the diagonally opposing apex point pairs they all meet in the center of the cube. This is the point where all the opposing apex potentials overlap' date=' simultaneously. Its position within the center of the cube implies it moving uniformly at half the speed of light, Figure 2b. It would be the reference where the four pairs of opposing singularities have no potential with each other and with the other singularities.



wha...? lol


Another thing I'd like to note, is how you managed to combine theory's from all the corners (literally heh), taking aspects from relativity, quatum theory and string theory...


hope to see more!




Thanks everyone. The center of the cube is probably connected to inertial reference, which in turn is an aspect of human consciousness. However, the half the speed of light makes it unclear why zero reference, as we know it, is actually a relativistic reference. Maybe it has something to do with the human imagination.


The Faces of the MDT Cube If we look at the outer faces of the MDT cube, three of the faces will have one parameter always at C with two finite parameters, while the other three opposite faces will be very similar, but will have the parallel C parameters equal to zero. The three cube faces with C allow one to plot three light speed wave phases. EM energy (purple face) is (Vm=C, Vd, Vt). This shows variability in distance (wavelength) and time (frequency) with mass at C (massless state). The heat spectrum (yellow face) is (Vm, Vd=C, Vt). This shows variability in mass and time with distance at C (independent of distance). An example of variability in mass and time is a heated mass gaining mass and then losing mass over times as it radiates heat into space. Here both gravity and heat are changing. While the entropy spectrum (blue face) is (Vm, Vd, Vt=C). This shows variable mass and distance within a timeless state. Good examples of the entropy spectrum are electron orbitals. These entropy states are composed of variable mass/distance within space that last forever.


Because a product of the two variables, distance and time, of EM energy always equal the speed of light, it seems reasonable that the other two light speed wave phases would behave in a very similar way due to them also containing a fixed C component. The product of the two varaibles equal to C implies the light speed wave phases defining a line running along a cube face. The cube face surface area is probably indicative of red and blue shifts, which will alter the position of the line for other references, Figure 3.






The three opposing faces of the cube represent something complementary with zero relativistic velocity in one parameter instead of the speed of light in that same parameter. The EM complement is (Vm=0, Vd, Vt). It would show variability in distance and time with zero mass. The Heat wave complement is (Vm, Vd=0, Vt), with variable mass and time with zero distance. The Entropy wave complement is (Vm, Vd, Vt=0), with variable mass and distance within zero time. These three faces appear to coordinate the continuity between mass/distance/time and energy and the conversion back and forth. The three C planar faces emanate from the (CCC) origin, while the three planar 0 faces emanate from the (000) origin.


The complement between each of the three light speed wave phases and the three zero speed wave phase almost amounts to the same thing. For example, with EM energy mass is zero because it is at the speed of light. The EM complement also has mass at zero but with velocity equal to zero. This seems to imply two fixed values in the universe, 0 and C. The speed of light is well known. The universal zero state appears to also be the same in all references making the laws of physics which created energy to be the same in all references. The diagonal connection between nothingness (000) and eternity (CCC) hooks the three zero references to the three light speed references of the three light speed wave phases.


Next, I will discuss the twelve edges of the cube. This connect between the eight apex singularities and define the various inertial connections to three light speed/zero speed wave phases.


Conceptual, very interesting to say the least - I have not looked into all the detail though. This however has made me think

What made me think this way was connected to trying to explain why common matter lasts so long compared to particle accelerator matter. One explanation was maybe common matter is time dilated, so that even though accelerator matter may have the same mass, it does not have as much time dilation.
...what about all the 1st generation particles created in accelerators, do they also decay/'not last as long' as the same particles not created in accelerators? I'd be interested to know whether this is really true, I mean it makes sense for 2nd & 3rd generation particles to decay but what about stable 1st generation ones from accelerators.
  • 2 weeks later...

It is interesting that most of the matter within the universe is common matter, while common matter lasts as long as the universe. The rest of the particles within the univere are a small percentage of the universal mass yet are the basis for most of the theory. Hey conceptual, your theory is interesting, how come you never finished it?


Maybe the garbage of today is the science of tomorrow. Not everything in physics is curved in stone or else there would not be so many scientifically acceptable alteratives. Sometimes the difference between bad consensus theory with data and good theory without data is access to resources.

  • 2 weeks later...

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