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Manufactured diamonds

Pat Says

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I think it's very cool. I think the many uses that these diamonds can be put to in medicine and computing technology far outweighs the bitching of those who rely on a bunch of polished stones to show mow much better off they are than everybody else (whilst those who genuinely appreciate the beauty of diamonds should be unaffected).


For example, currently, younger people awaiting knee replacements have to wait for ages, undergoing multiple arthroscopy and flush procedures until they are of an age where it becomes worth replacing the joint. Current knee replacements wear out comparitively quickly and it's hard to repeat the procedure successfully. If you could somehow create 'bushings' for the prosthetic using a substance like diamond, this would no longer be a problem. The same with prosthetic hips. A diamond bushed prosthetic acetabulum and head of femur would last a lifetime.

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