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Is it possible, that an intens and long postraumatic stress in an adult person kan arouset or generalize a somatic mutation of the ALDOB gen, and therefore suffer a FRUCTOSE INTOLERANCE?


I would think not; what's the stimuli for the mutation? I doubt stress could change genes but if it could, we'd evolve a lot faster in our society (stupid joke, sorry). Still, I don't think stress can alter genes, but it sure can alter the brain (PTSD for example).


The fructose intolerance could be brought on by a chemical imbalance. said imbalnce could hypothetically be caused by stress. i'm no expert on this so don't take my word for it. if you get the person to destress for a while (3 weeks should do it) you could get them retested for the fructose intolerance and if they are tolerant of fructose then it is a chemical imbalance brought on by stress and they should just chill.


we are continously submit to multiple mutations during the celular replication.

Our inmunosystem control does repaire them. If the organism is under a situation of intens stress (posttraumatic stress), the inmunologic control kan be not enough effective to repair them, and some mutations kan appear and prosper

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