Ice Demon Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 As the title says, what is your idea of a perfect humanity? How do you envision the human race at it's best? Since I'll be copying/pasting most of my ideas from another board, first I'll say a few relevant things I mentioned in other topics at that board: First off, I believe in the importance of the large-scale over the importance of the small scale. In terms of humanity as it relates to this topic, the success and/or prosperity of humanity as a whole is far more important than the success and/or prosperity of an individual or community. It is because of this that I am against religion. While religion may provide support for the individual or believing community, it has many negative consequences on the larger scale. First off, religion provides another way for people with extremist views to discriminate, as if ethnicity and nationality weren't enough. Also, just the existence of different religions causes fighting and sometimes wars. Even if the core beliefs of a religion are tolerant of other religions, there will always be some extremists that believe all people of other religions are inferior and must die. And since it's all too common for people to stereotype, other religions may look at the acts of these extremists as representing the entire religion, and then serious conflicts get started. But anyways, this topic isn't supposed to be just about religion, so now onto my ideas for the topic. It would contain primarily the following: 1) Elimination of All Religion As long as it has existed, religion has held back scientific and technological advancement in favor of older beliefs and lifestyles. If we ever hope to achieve greatness through scientific and technological prowess, getting rid of religion is a must. Not to mention that the conflicts caused by religion would be simply unacceptable. 2) Elimination of Human Emotions and Morals As with religion, emotion and morals hamper scientific and technological progress. Debates over things like abortion and genetic cloning because of moral issues could not be allowed to happen. Also, many emotions, especially love and anger, can bring about irrational decisions with severe negative consequences. 3) Elimination of All Ethnical and Racial Differences Put simply, ethnicity makes room for discrimination, which could not be allowed to happen. 4) Elimination of All Current National Borders in Favor of One Centralized Earth Government As with all other conflicts, fighting between countries is not something that could be allowed to happen. Also, debts between countries can cause unnecessary problems, especially when a country that is already in debt suffers from a natural disaster or the like. One central government would make it much easier for areas that need aid to get it, as areas with a surplus could donate without having to worry about debt, paybacks, etc. In addition, it would be much easier to spread new technology to all parts of the globe, so there wouldn't end up being richer areas with all the technology and poorer areas forced to live a more primitive life. 5) Elimination of the Currency System The currency system allows for certain individuals to amass large amounts of wealth, while others are stuck in poverty. A better system could involve everyone having a work ID card given to them from their job, that would work as proof that they are working. Then someone would only have to present this card to take whatever items they need from a store, etc. Also, many issues, including the funding of major projects and the like, would be avoided. 6) Development of a Caste Work System For those of you that don't know, a caste system basically involves having different castes, each with a specific job, or task. Each person would join one of the castes, depending on what their talents are, and be assigned work by that caste. Some examples of possible castes would be: Leadership Caste - They are the leaders of the government. Worker Caste - They mostly perform simple labor. Scientist Caste - They're obviously the ones doing the experiments and making scientific discoveries. Engineer Caste - They put the work of the scientist's to use in developing new technology. Medical Caste - They are the doctors, as well as those that research and develop new medicines. Warrior Caste - They protect the people in times of war. All-Around Caste - They basically help out the other castes with general things, and fill in gaps when needed. Obviously this is just a rough sketch, there would be more, but you get the idea. And before anyone else mentions this, I am aware that this is somewhat contradictory to my previous ideas of eliminating all mediums of discrimination possible, as it would be possible to discriminate based on a person's caste. But I still think that this system would make for maximum efficiency. And some other things to note: A more general idea for how I would have things done, is to run humanity like a machine. The entire human population would be the machine, and each person would be like a part of that machine. And as with any machine, if a part is malfunctioning or broken, you replace it. So when someone continually fails their assigned jobs, or breaks any law, they would either be executed, or move down to menial labor work as punishment. Jail would only be for those awaiting trial, as it's a waste of space and resources after that. Also, there would be the execution of all mentally and physically disabled people. Now, I know what some of you are going to say to this, but I am not trying to say that these people deserve to die, because everyone does deserve a chance. However, it's just not worth it to spend resources nurturing people that won't be able to give much, if anything at all, back to society. Sorry if this dragged on for too long… ;;
RyanJ Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 I agree with 1, 3, 4, 5, 6. And I'm going in the Scientist Caste catigory I really think we need our emotions to drive us without them there is not much point in anything as they define who we are just as much as knowldge 1 is a BIG must, glad you put that as a #1. I'm alright with the buddhism staying though as they don't believe in a god just self enlightenment and learning - the prefect religion is there must be one #1 MUST GO! The sooner the better! Great post Cheers, Ryan Jones
Ice Demon Posted November 1, 2005 Author Posted November 1, 2005 Thanks. Then again that is just my idea of a perfect humanity.
bascule Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 Sounds like how I imagine humanity operating after technological singularity
RyanJ Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 bascule said: Sounds like how I imagine humanity operating after technological singularity Definatly! Sounds quite close to startrek I'd also like to add cures to all illnesses! Cheers, Ryan Jones
Ice Demon Posted November 1, 2005 Author Posted November 1, 2005 I don't watch much star trek but are you thinking of utopia?
RyanJ Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 Ice Demon said: I don't watch much star trek but are you thinking of utopia? Depends on what you define utopia as In Star Trek everyone is alloed to presue what they like and do what every tey like. There are divisions in society like your castles - science, mathematics etc. There are also no illnessed on Earth nor are there any single governments - everything has one unified government Sounds like a good idea too me! Cheers, Ryan Jones
Ice Demon Posted November 1, 2005 Author Posted November 1, 2005 I say it goes deeper than that. It only works because there are other enemies in the galaxy and was manditory for Earth to act as one. If it would to be found that life never existed on other planets, then Nations would rather fight to the death rather than form a central government. The Us for example would not want to be under someone elses rule. The altimate question is who would rule the central government?
RyanJ Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 Ice Demon said: I say it goes deeper than that. It only works because there are other enemies in the galaxy and was manditory for Earth to act as one. If it would to be found that life never existed on other planets, then Nations would rather fight to the death rather than form a central government. The Us for example would not want to be under someone elses rule. The altimate question is who would rule the central government? Good point - thats something that would need to be sorted out! Cheers, Ryan Jones
Ice Demon Posted November 1, 2005 Author Posted November 1, 2005 Crically insane leaders would not want to be under a central government. Like leaders of Cuba, Kazakhstan, North Korea, and Iran would not want to be put out of power and people that will back them up is dangerous.
RyanJ Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 Ice Demon said: Crically insane leaders would not want to be under a central government. Like leaders of Cuba, Kazakhstan, North Korea, and Iran would not want to be put out of power and people that will back them up is dangerous. Yea but by all rights none of those coutries should exist now anyway... governments like that need to be removed (They will probably destroy themselves through wars in the end I bet )... Oh well... not much we can do about them! Cheers, Ryan Jones
Ice Demon Posted November 1, 2005 Author Posted November 1, 2005 lol. Wouldn't it be awsome to have a world like that? -Shawn Nichols
insane_alien Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 i would go for the engineering side personally. i don't really know what to think of a world like that. On the one hand there is global peace, on the other, no emotions and it all sounds very machine like with very little variation between individuals. kind of a drone society. i prefer lots of variety. ...need to use capital letter.
Mokele Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 Quote 1) Elimination of All ReligionAs long as it has existed, religion has held back scientific and technological advancement in favor of older beliefs and lifestyles. If we ever hope to achieve greatness through scientific and technological prowess, getting rid of religion is a must. Not to mention that the conflicts caused by religion would be simply unacceptable. When was the last time Taoism or Buddhism caused a war? Furthermore, your information is wrong; while religion has *sometimes* held back science, it has also sometimes greatly aided it. In fact, in Islam, studying mathematics, astronomy and such are explicitly listed as works for the glory of God. On top of that, you assume that what is new is automatically good and progress should never be held back, which is logically fallacious. Quote 2) Elimination of Human Emotions and MoralsAs with religion, emotion and morals hamper scientific and technological progress. Debates over things like abortion and genetic cloning because of moral issues could not be allowed to happen. Also, many emotions, especially love and anger, can bring about irrational decisions with severe negative consequences. A world without love? or kindness? Or honesty? Remember, honesty is a moral too. Not to mention things like not murdering random people for the sheer fun of it. Without emotion, life is an empty waste devoid of anything but mechanistic productivity. Without morals and ethics, life would be a nightmare in which the strong hold total control over the weak with no restraint or mercy. Also, remember that wonder is an emotion, and without the capacity to look at the night sky or a coral reef and marvel at it's beauty, science is effectively dead. In fact, one could even consider curiousity, and even more vital component of science, to be an emotion. Quote 4) Elimination of All Current National Borders in Favor of One Centralized Earth GovernmentAs with all other conflicts, fighting between countries is not something that could be allowed to happen. Also, debts between countries can cause unnecessary problems, especially when a country that is already in debt suffers from a natural disaster or the like. One central government would make it much easier for areas that need aid to get it, as areas with a surplus could donate without having to worry about debt, paybacks, etc. In addition, it would be much easier to spread new technology to all parts of the globe, so there wouldn't end up being richer areas with all the technology and poorer areas forced to live a more primitive life. And if that government goes bad, there's no escape. Quote 5) Elimination of the Currency SystemThe currency system allows for certain individuals to amass large amounts of wealth, while others are stuck in poverty. A better system could involve everyone having a work ID card given to them from their job, that would work as proof that they are working. Then someone would only have to present this card to take whatever items they need from a store, etc. Also, many issues, including the funding of major projects and the like, would be avoided. And what of things that are wanted, but not needed? And things of which there simply isn't enough to go around? Quote 6) Development of a Caste Work SystemFor those of you that don't know, a caste system basically involves having different castes, each with a specific job, or task. Each person would join one of the castes, depending on what their talents are, and be assigned work by that caste. Some examples of possible castes would be: There's skill and there's passion. I am a highly skilled engineer, but I lack any passion for it at all, thus I moved to biology. Just because someone is *good* at something doesn't mean it's what they want to do. Quote Obviously this is just a rough sketch Good, because it needs to be completely junked. Back to the drawing board. Quote But I still think that this system would make for maximum efficiency. Why? What's so hot about efficiency? Why not strive for happiness or something else? Quote A more general idea for how I would have things done, is to run humanity like a machine. However, humanity is *not* a machine, nor did it evolve to be one. If you attempt to force humanity into an ill-fitting mold, the mold will break. Communism failed in the same way; it didn't account for the fact that selfishness is our oldest and deepest instinct, and so it failed when a few decades of conditioning and authoritarianism couldn't override 3,500,000,000 years of instinct. We're not gears in a machine; we're a horde of squabbling monkeys. The only way to change that is to grow your gear-people in a lab, specially engineered to spec. Quote Also, there would be the execution of all mentally and physically disabled people. Now, I know what some of you are going to say to this, but I am not trying to say that these people deserve to die, because everyone does deserve a chance. However, it's just not worth it to spend resources nurturing people that won't be able to give much, if anything at all, back to society. Yes, because Nash, Hawking, Hooke and others who have had various mental or physical infirmities have never contributed anything. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Your idea is poorly-thought-out, blindly assumptive, and so superficial as to be flat-out infantile. Mokele
RyanJ Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 Mokele, did I not say that Buddhism would be the only religion worth keeping? Can you even call it a religion if it does not have a god? Cheers, Ryan Jones
ecoli Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 Mokele said: Good, because it needs to be completely junked. Back to the drawing board. I agree 100%, with every single point you posted, Mokele. I was planning on writing a lot of comments about this post, and how virtual every single thing is utter bunk... but I'm glad you beat me to it. you are far better at expressing your ideas then I am, and I don't think I have too much to add anyway. @ Ice Demon What you propose is the ultimate Orwellian/Huxley utopia. It is a rejection of everything human and the creation of a multi-celled creature called humanity. You erase the individuality that is human, and you erase humans. In the book Ender's Game, the reason why humans were able to defeat the bugger's is that the bugger's basically relied on a single being to control all their actions and manuvres in war. The great part about being humans is that each person is an individual who can add their own ideas and feelings to the same situaiton. If 100 people see the same event unfold, you will get 100 different interpretations of what they've seen. That is why human ingenuity has progressed so far. If you take away our emotions, then we will not be individual and scientific/artistic and all other progress will immediately cease.
Skye Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 I think I'll join the Revolutionary Caste, which is dedicated to establishing a free republic based on love, sex and hard liquor.
RyanJ Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 Skye said: I think I'll join the Revolutionary Caste, which is dedicated to establishing a free republic based on love, sex and hard liquor. You got there first looks like you are the leader of your group then Cheers, Ryan Jones
ecoli Posted November 2, 2005 Posted November 2, 2005 Skye said: I think I'll join the Revolutionary Caste, which is dedicated to establishing a free republic based on love, sex and hard liquor. What's our slogan??
Ice Demon Posted November 2, 2005 Author Posted November 2, 2005 This is a post about what you think would make humanity perfect. That is my aspect of a perfect humanity, whats your? Do you have a better idea, Mr. Critism?
BenSon Posted November 2, 2005 Posted November 2, 2005 Quote This is a post about what you think would make humanity perfect. That is my aspect of a perfect humanity, whats your? Do you have a better idea, Mr. Critism? How about what we've got now but with no guns? `Scott
Mokele Posted November 2, 2005 Posted November 2, 2005 Yes, stop worrying about perfection. It's an unachievable abstract with no bearing on any aspect of the real world and *especially* little bearing on any biological reality. Now, I can think of plenty of things to *help* humanity (more equiable wealth distribution, better health care, eradication of prevantable diseases, basic sanitation for all, better education, improved birth control, etc), but none will make it perfect, and all can only actually help if we do it voluntarily. Imposing change from the outside and trying to force people to be what they're not only breeds revolution. Convincing people that they should voluntarily do something because it's right, however, can make lasting change for the better. However, even that is irrelevant. To quote H. L. Mencken: "That I lack a solution for all the troubles of the world is no reason for me to accept yours." Mokele
-Demosthenes- Posted November 3, 2005 Posted November 3, 2005 This is a curious subject. Ice demons definition seems to be meant to make to greatest amount of peace and the least amount of conflict. But this seems, at further study, extremely dissatisfying when you take into account the absence of emotion and human differences. Why do anything? It seems you perfect world is not really a world of humans, but a world of mindless multi-celled organisms.
JonM Posted November 3, 2005 Posted November 3, 2005 Quote 1) Elimination of All Religion As long as it has existed' date=' religion has held back scientific and technological advancement in favor of older beliefs and lifestyles. If we ever hope to achieve greatness through scientific and technological prowess, getting rid of religion is a must. Not to mention that the conflicts caused by religion would be simply unacceptable. 2) [b']Elimination of Human Emotions and Morals[/b] As with religion, emotion and morals hamper scientific and technological progress. Debates over things like abortion and genetic cloning because of moral issues could not be allowed to happen. Also, many emotions, especially love and anger, can bring about irrational decisions with severe negative consequences. 3) Elimination of All Ethnical and Racial Differences Put simply, ethnicity makes room for discrimination, which could not be allowed to happen. 4) Elimination of All Current National Borders in Favor of One Centralized Earth Government As with all other conflicts, fighting between countries is not something that could be allowed to happen. Also, debts between countries can cause unnecessary problems, especially when a country that is already in.... ......etc etc Sounds kind of like communism?
RoyLennigan Posted November 3, 2005 Posted November 3, 2005 perfect humanity would be complete understanding among everyone. there would be no ability to lie. there would be only shared memories and experiences instead of language. math would be our written record.
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