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Keep homepage?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Keep homepage?

    • Yes, keep the home page.
    • No, make the forums the home page.
    • Could care less..
    • Food is good..
    • Apollo2011 is a Smurf

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  • 1 year later...

first time I've ever seen the guy and he's already a poll option



in any case, I kinda like that home page, so I'd say if it's worth the effort (I don't know what goes into keeping it up), then keep it



or we could put a cool flash movie of like disco mario or something

  • 1 year later...

Do not make the forum's the homepage I beg of you. The appealing thing about the homepage is that it give's a sense of grandeur, so to speak, Not many other forums have a homepage. Also it's nice to have the most recent and active article's instead of having to click the topic you want.

  • 2 weeks later...

...It should be "Couldn't care less." If you can care less, then you do actually care. But if you cant, then its unimportant. :P


I find interesting things on the home page. It offers some of the most interesting articles on the forum boards. That's about the only reason I voted for that.


It also gives you a quick way of noticing if someone replied to your post.

It's a very nice feature, I'd keep it.


Other than that, I would have multivoted for:

Apollo2011 is a Smurf


I thought this poll was going to be "who has SFN as their homepage". Who would be that much of a loser.? Oh wait...me.


I like the way it shows the 10 most recent topics contributed to. So I think that should be kept.


Although I'm not sure if it takes into account all sections of all different areas of the boards...?

...It should be "Couldn't care less." If you can[/i'] care less, then you do actually care. But if you cant, then its unimportant. :P

You know, I always thought that too, then I realised it a contraction of the phrase:


"I could care less... oh wait, no I couldn't!"


I like that. It's sarky.


But what is the homepage?? Maybe a better looking homepage would be better.

But i voted "food is good".


If you were to say to me, "What is the homepage?"

I would reply, "scienceforums.net"


The main directory of the website.


I like it... kinda... it gives a quick overview of recent threads from all forums (except GD), so normally I'll look through it, go to the threads I want to, but after that I'll use 'new post'.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

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