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aim ip tracing


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i want to findout ip of a person who keeps im'ing me. I blocked him but keeps changing usernames. How do i find out someone's ip when i am chating with them. I prefer that someone gives me alink to a program that can do this for me.



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hi' date='

i want to findout ip of a person who keeps im'ing me. I blocked him but keeps changing usernames. How do i find out someone's ip when i am chating with them. I prefer that someone gives me alink to a program that can do this for me.




Simply but: you can't and then agian you cna but its more than complicated to do so not to mention quite illegal.


Best thing you can do is contact AOL and ask them if they can block the IP for you - they have this ability and should do it if the guy is abusing you, they will probably ban his IP altogether :)


I don't suggest trying to trace the IP yourself and I cna't give you the information how to do it I am afraid. Try as I suggested above and if that does not work I'll see if I cna help further!




Ryan Jones

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i also want to learn. I know i can do a file transfer and them do netstat to see all the ip's but that's too long and also i need to do a file transfer. I want to learn. How is it illegal?


Also some email providers tell you the ip where the email came from. i use gmail and don't get that. how do i see ip with gmail?

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i also want to learn. I know i can do a file transfer and them do netstat to see all the ip's but that's too long and also i need to do a file transfer. I want to learn. How is it illegal?


Also some email providers tell you the ip where the email came from. i use gmail and don't get that. how do i see ip with gmail?


Its illegal because its classed as a privacy violation, thats why services like GMail have strict ideas of what should be allowed in the way of features.


Learning this stuff if a really bad way to start... you get caught messing with this type of hacking and you'll be in trouble for it, even though I agree you should be able to do this legally you can't and there have even been cases of a person being sued because of these types of actions. Take my advice and don't try it (The AIM records a lot more than you thinka bout what you do including the items involving file transfers.)


I can't tell you how to do this because of the legal implications for you and this forum. I can't allow you to do get yourself in trouble for this nor can I get the forum in trouble for posting the information, only thing left for me to say iss if you really want tod o this despite my warning Google iss your friend.




Ryan Jones

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how did you learn all this?


Security testing is my job (I actually class it as a hobby but they don't) so you can work out how I know this :)

I love the clalange of breaking into things and finding exploites in them and then working out how to stop the exploit in its tracks, nothing better to do with ones time other than reading or doing an experiment!


Big companies with lots of users tend to not like people hacking and messing with their service and don't respond well too it, every system has flaws that can be explited but I'm not going to say how to find them and or what they are because of the legal implications yet again.


Sorry but its for your good just as much as anyone else who would try it and get caught :-(


Ryan Jones

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if i am in high school and want to be like you what do i do? what classes do i take?


People think security testing is a good job, its not. You get stuck in contracts and confidentiality agreements and the like. Breach these and you'll end up in jail and will probably have your lisance revoked for good.


Anyway, if your interested take the Microsoft security course and see how you do - if you do good then they will probably offer you a security testing job. When you have that certificaiton you can move further afield.


Make shure you take ICT and networking, those are important to get into computer technology. Without these Microsoft won't even accept your application.


Cheers & good luck,


Ryan Jones :)

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how do i prepare for these exams


They change the exams every time so there is no way for me to tell you how to prepare. They will tset your knowledge of security and defence and also your adaptability and applicaiton of knowledge.

You normally have to find a hole in a system / program and find some way to exploit it and then find a way to patch it.

When I did the above I wrote a virus (Actually I'd class it as a worb but who cares?) that hacked into the Windows server and modified accounts, creating a new admin from which the old admin was promptly removed and some other thing I will not talk about here, I wrote the patch after about 2 days of source hacking... that was the hardest part! :)

All of the above from one buffer overflow exploit - who would believe it! This time I amnaged to load a proram into memory and then write to the autoexec.bat file to do the nasty work... how I'm not going to tell you.


Like I said you won't know untill you go through the informaiton they send you and do the course...




Ryan Jones

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how do i prepare for these exams


They change the exams every time so there is no way for me to tell you how to prepare. They will tset your knowledge of security and defence and also your adaptability and applicaiton of knowledge.

You normally have to find a hole in a system / program and find some way to exploit it and then find a way to patch it.

When I did the above I wrote a virus (Actually I'd class it as a worb but who cares?) that hacked into the Windows server and modified accounts, creating a new admin from which the old admin was promptly removed and some other thing I will not talk about here, I wrote the patch after about 2 days of source hacking... that was the hardest part! :)

All of the above from one buffer overflow exploit - who would believe it! This time I amnaged to load a proram into memory and then write to the autoexec.bat file to do the nasty work... how I'm not going to tell you.


Like I said you won't know untill you go through the informaiton they send you and do the course...




Ryan Jones

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can i take the microsoft security cource at a college near by?


It varies, I got mine 2 years ago and renued it this year so I don't really know.

best to contact the collage to find out and then if they cant help go strait to Microsoft and ask them :)


Also, don't do this unless you really mean it. The government will be watching you after this because of their own system concerns. You'll be on their list untill you die and once you on it there is no way off it. And they actually think that stops people trying to hack them?




Ryan Jones

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Did you goto microsoft or did you get this from a college? what college?


One more thing: if you could go back in time' date=' would you still take the exam and be what you are?[/quote']


I actually got into trouble for hacking (A big mistake) and after that microsoft offered me to take the exam. I passed and went from there!


And Yes I would do it all again, I like what I do and seeing as time goes in a strait line I can't go back in time to change anyhting anyway :D




Ryan Jones

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hi' date='

i want to findout ip of a person who keeps im'ing me. I blocked him but keeps changing usernames. How do i find out someone's ip when i am chating with them. I prefer that someone gives me alink to a program that can do this for me.




if you want an easy fix, there is an option on AIM that only allows the users on your buddy list to contact you. Its more secure, and its worth it if someone is stalking you. Of course, your friends have to know about this so you can add new screen names ahead of time, but I think it's worth it.


go to "edit preferences" (F3) > "privacy" > select the option "Only allow users on my buddy list" under "Who can contact me"


and you're all set.

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you got in trouble, what kinda trouble?(jail / court) Why did you start hacking? did you just read guides onlie and learned from online or did you read books on hacking?


Court was as far as it got because well, it was not really me. The guy who was doing it blamed me because I tought him how to do it and he therfor concluded I was the one responsible.


Why? Good question. I'd say I was looking for something to challenge me to think and I got exactly what I wanted :)


I actually toght myself how to do all this stuff, through trial and error - no books for me :)




Ryan Jones

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i don't know where to start. i don't want to take the class without knowing anything about hacking. i also don't know what to use trial error on. is there like an online guide that teaches you this stuff?


The only true way to learn hacking & security is experience.

there are sites out there but I cna't pos tth elinks here ebcause the sites could be classed as "illegal".




Ryan Jones

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if the sites are for learning purposes then how are they illegal?

if not then you can just pm them to me.


I would think that PM them on the server would not be any better. It would b like saying that I can't give you the codes to the U.S. nuclear missles on the mssage board, but I could through SFN's PM.


The code by the way is 12345.

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Trial and error is a great way to learn, it's how I've learnt everything I know about computers.


I spose the only exception to that is when you are learning the real basics of a programming language e.g. in HTML you need to know to start off with HTML, head, body tags etc. after that you can use trial and error to combine different codes in different ways.


TheGeek, you said you knew about the file transfer/netstat method, what's wrong with that? Well, you wanted a different method, but now you know there isn't going to be one simply given to you why not go back to the old method?


And ecoli made a good suggestion.


As for email and IPs... Yahoo! and Hotmail both have options to view the IP of where the email originated, it is very probable that Gmail has this option to you just have to find it.


RyanJ, I doubt there'd be a problem with posting a few links, but it is up to you.

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