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aim ip tracing


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At the end of the day stopping spam emails which come from a different person every time can be difficult because you can't block a specific email address.


Depending on what email service you are using you should look into getting an email spam filter.


If spam is getting seriously bad (ie. many spam emails per day) then it can be a case of aquiring a new email address and this time being a bit more careful who you give your email address out to.

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the reason i didn't do the netstat is because the guy won't accept a file from me. I've talked to ryan and i'm not gona chance getting in trouble for some idiot. I didn't know that it'd be illegal, it's just an ip, but i guess the law is the law.

Thanks ryan for all the help and understanding

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It is perfectly legal to find out someone's IP... all of the mods and admins can see the IP of every member and guest in the Who's Online page. What is illegal is the way you may go about obtaining someones IP.


Just because we're on the IP/legal side of life I'll just throw in that port scanning is still legal after that big court case about it. Ignore me if you don't know what I'm talking about!

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I always though port scanning would be illegal.


Nope, its not. Its only illegal if you presist in doing it (all the time) or you then try to hack the server with the informaiton you have gotten, that would be illegal :)


@Douglas: What E-mail provider do you use? Do they allow filters? If they do then you can use a pattern match filter to block them. If not contact your provider and ask them to block the E-mails at the source :)

If you need more informaiton please PM me and I'll see what I cna do to help you out :)




Ryan Jones

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I hate it when people say that... why can't you just tell them in the thread?


I don't know, I try to say that about things to do with E-mail and the like just icnase its informaiton they don't want everyone too see. I take this approach because I did one do as you said and the guy got real upset to say the least ;)




Ryan Jones

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