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falling for an eternity

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if gravity is just a 4th dimensional dip in space then a black hole is a massive dip in space right?? we can see them by light bending as it gets near them. but as gravity slows time down and black holes stretch things out would u be stretched for an etternity while you were in there because of how slow time was ticking. however u wouldn't notice this because of relativity and i guess neither would we??

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Well, I've read that time would probably tick so slowly that you'd see stars, galaxies, etc live and die in an instant. THe universe would be one big blur for you. However for those observing you from outside, you'd appear to be stationary.


I can't remember exactly what it was I read, but that was the gist.

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crazy stuff there

maybe we should live in black holes, as a means for a longer lifespan^_^


of course that would be if we wouldn't just be dead a long time before entering the hole....

I had this article on time travel some time ago..it was pretty cool...wonder if I could find it again...

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  • 4 months later...

Two things happen to a prospective astronaught entering a Black Hole. Tidal forces and time dilation. They would fall into the singularity at a normal rate however for the crew of an observing spacecraft they would appear to hover at the event horizon for eternity. Plus as they got closer to that point, there would be an increasing redshift to the light emitted by them (reflectively), as it fought against the increasingly powerful gravitation.

With Supermassive Black Holes (10 million solar masses or greater) the spaghettification is not enough to kill due to the more gradual increase of tidal forces.


In three-dimensional terms of physical bodies, gravity is more a gathering and twisting of space. A dip would be two-dimensional terms. It becomes thoroughly intriguing in 4th-dimensional terms (time-space curvature).

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yeah, there is a cool sci-fi short story out there about this. Sadly i can't remember either the title or the author (curses!). Anyway it was about a husband/wife pair of traders. And they traded intergalactically. They were really really good at being trades becuase they were also telepathic. So they travelled seperately and could instantly tell eachother what to get at other planets and stuff. ANyway, at the end of the story, the wife accidentally jumps right next to a black hole and gets sucked in. but due to time dialation, it takes her forever to fall in. Thus, the husband has to hear his wife's scream of terror in his mind for the reast of his life.


It was a pretty good story. Great idea anyway.

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Radical Edward said in post #15 :


excellent observation.


Wouldn't hear the sound waves through the vacuum of space surrounding the black hole. Maybe if there was an acretion disk spiraling into the black hole the sound waves could travel through that. Then again the acretion disk would probably be revolving too fast.

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well I was considering more along the lines of Time Distortion when I posted, as for it slowing down thoughts, I guess it would have to, as they`re a result of chemical processes and chem processes would also be slowed down. that`s also assuming that "telepathy" works on principal like a radio, he may not even be able to hear her at all, as the frequency she was sending "Transmiting" on would also be shifted, so they`de be on 2 different channels so to speak :)

it`s all guess work and a bit of fun though, but another idea occured, if it were possible to remain at a fixed distance from a black hole, wouldn`t the other particles accelerating towards it have enough velocity to cause you some real damage? even in ordinary space a particle the size of a rice grain can puncture steel plates *Ouch*! ;)

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