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Should Prostitution Be Legalized?


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i got suckered into coming into work today and i happened to be watching MSNBC when i saw an interesting story. i saw a girl that was fighting to legalize prostitution. i didn't catch her selling points but it got me thinking. what if it was legalized? should it be legalized? what would be the benifits/drawbacks?


how could it benifit society?

1. it could serve as a therapeutic function. it could possibly serve as an outlet for child molesters, rapists and otherwise lonely people. imagine the potential for decrease in sexual crimes!

2. prostitution is already a major profession. think of the prostitutes that do it for a living because they can't do anything else. i mean lets face it. people make mistakes in life. these mistakes drive certain people to prostitution. and when you 5think about it, employers are reluctant to hire people that don’t have a particular image. And understandably so. So what else can they do. Many do it for noble reasons. Some do it to raise a family or to put their kids through college or even themselves.

3. if you centralize it and register prostitutes, you can in a sense clean up the profession. Give certifications/license, enforce guidelines. Tax employees. Register clients and use info for statistics/ studies.

4. if you legalize it, monitor (not necessarily controlled) by the government, you can effectively tax and enforce guidelines. Prostitution would be a multi-million dollar industry. The government would benefit from the taxes.


What are the drawbacks?

1. the most obvious would be the health issues. Std’s and hygienic issues would definitely be the determining factors in considering to legalizing it. But it wouldn’t nessacarily be impossible to do. I mean, look at the medical field. There are so many opportunities for infection but it has been regulated and controlled.same could be done for prostitution. Enforce clean practice, and pregnancy prevention, and yo9u will be on the way to a start of something.

2. the ethics, morals and popular opinon would also be considerations.


I think iw ould support it if it was organized and prostitutes were licensed. If it was a controlled program, I think people could agree that there could be some benefits.



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I don't have time to completely respond, however,:


if it were legalized, it would probably up the research on prevention/cure of std's/pregnancy (a way that people would not be like "OMFG :eek: you just killed a ooman lifey!" after 2 weeks of pregnancy:p

it would also cause an uproar in the ethics and morals of the general populous (no matter how stupid they are, there are still more of them) and it would open up opportunities for more people to cheat on their spouses, which would up divorce rate even more I'm sure

rapists (I'm not sure how you think child molesters will be benefitted from this unless you're suggesting that child labor laws be repealed....) would not be helped much since it's more of a powerless victim/fear issue that gets those people going (a lot of them anyway) and you'd have a small (maybe) decrease in sex crimes (though I'm sure lonely people would be interestingly broke)


good points otherwise though, for now

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i can agree with the divorce rate going up. i'm sure that's not something we would want happening but i'm sure it can be worked out. if the profession is to be institutionalized, maybe have a probationary period similar to gun registry where the company reshearches an individual. even though if a partner has to resort to prostitution, then are they mentally fit to be in a marrige? do they really need to be in a marrige?


for the rapists, molesteres..., what if it was more along the lines of a rehabilatory matter? could that be incorporated into a theraputic system? even if it wasn't for rehabilitation, it could be a form of prevention for them. i don't know the statistics on this but i'm sure that a good percentage of rapistst resort to due a lack of sexual intercourse. and yea, those lonely people might resort to robery to fund their habbit.

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Absolutely legalise it! I recon this world would be a better place if everyone got laid regularly. In fact they should make it free on the NHS.

same with Canabis, they should legalise that as soon as they can make a fast test to detect it in drivers like they do with alcohol.

It`s a victimless crime. the powers that be make us into criminals.

Personaly I think I have a God given right to grow and consume my own weed if I choose to, they`ll be telling you what you can and eat next!

If it`s done sensibly there`s no reason at all why it would cause problems. legalise em both! :)

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well I should Imagine that a prostitute could/would register legaly at a local clinic/health center. as would brothels. and then beconsidered a legitimate business, subject to certain pre-writen standards. She being a contractor to said establishment. As for canabis well I should imagine that you would be able to purchase pre-made (factory) reffers much in the same way a cigarettes and keep the .GOV happy by the Tax they get.

TAX on the other hand is one of the 2 reasons they won`t do it. it would be impossible to totaly regulate it, of course it would, there will still always be illicit trade in these things.but for every plant you grow yourself for consumption, you take from the pocket of a dealer (that wouldn`t think twice about getting you hooked on something else to make you a regular!).

Tax and Religious zealots are the only two REAL things making this impossible atm.

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It's legal in Nevada I think, or maybe just Las Vegas. Those women don't have to work and they're practically millionaires. It's legal in Amsterdam also.


I support it being legal in Las Vegas, but personally I wouldnt spend 500 dollars on it, unless I had 500 dollars to burn lol.

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yeah man, it's really damn expensive if you go somewhere in las vegas with good looking women, and they're really not even that good looking. it might even be 1000, i'm not really sure, all I know is I saw one of the women on this talk show and she said she pulled in 30,000 in one week.

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how would you regulate? i don't know. maybe institutionalize it. make clinics for it. have a branch of the government oversee it. similar to the health department with restaurants. bring in phsycologists and medical doctors to consult or even run/prescribe. setting it up would be the pain. keeping it running would be the easy part. there's a million people thinking shit up in this world. it would be easy to draft something up for this.

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In Nevada (NOT Las Vegas... Nevada law prohibits it in large cities), the way most legal brothels are set up require weekly STD tests for all girls, as well as other safety precautions. This system works out quite well, and quite safe for clients. Moral issues are between the women and the client, and should not be between the client and the state; it is not the place of the government to dictate of the morals of two consenting adults.

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They don't call it the world's oldest profession for nothing. Of course it should be legal. Anything someone can do in which they will only harm themselves should be legal. I don't believe in the government protecting people from themselves. It's legal in, among other places, (and as was mentioned) Nevada and Amsterdam. It is tightly regulated. The women are medically checked weekly and must adhere to strict guidelines. In Amsterdam, the basic fee is 50 Guilder ($35 US). That gets you basic "service". If you pay a little more...you get a little more. In Nevada, depending on the quality of woman, prices range from under $100 US to several thousand dollars. Obviously, several thousand will get you a supermodel while for under $100 you will get a fat, hairy, toothless Eskimo ;) Oh, and the reason I know all this.....I saw a documentary on prostitution. That's my story anyways ;)

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yeah the government should really not have any say in peoples' morals or moral decisions (oh good lord, I almost killed someone last time my family put on "moral court")


but I think drugs and the like legalized, at least the minor ones, wouldn't be as hard as one would imagine to regulate, I've heard a couple proposals already in real life anyway (not that anyone will listen to those "crackheads" or something like that), and it would bring in revenue for the government, a lot, being such a popular business and all.....

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everything is necessary to regulate if brought to a major scale, the average person couldn't handle something not regulated, we just don't have the capacity;)


we just already agreed that it would be regulated, so we're not talking about it anymore

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Imagine how much money, not to mention lives, the government would save if drugs were legalized. No more drug war. The cost of drugs would plummet and put drug lords out of business. The government could tax drugs like they do alcohol and tobacco (drugs themselves) and focus on addiction treatment. Wow, what a concept!

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