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I`m sure everyones seen a blank TV screen and heard and seen the "static" on there or tuned between a Radio station and heard the same noise?


I`de like to know WHAT we`re seeing/ hearing when we do that.

yes some will be transistor noise as the electron pass the depletion zone, you can often hear a hissing sound when you turn an amp up to full volume without an input... that`s the transistor noise only and not the same thing :)

the same effect can bee seen on a vacume tube TV or radio however, and these don`t suffer from transistor noise nor do MOSFET radios.


now I`ve heard that this "static" is remnants of the "big bang" and other such things as 21 centimeter hydrogen band signals eminating from stars and the like.

what I`de REALLY like to know is what it actualy is that we`re watching and hearing?


any ideas/theories?


You're watching the lack of a coherent signal. The remnants of the big bang is the cosmic microwave background, and not radio waves.


but the lack of a coherent signal (carrier wave) by default would be the lack of a signal, and so it would be silent (no carrier therefore nothing to modulate), where does the incoherence come from?


sounds nearly plausible, but sorry I don`t buy it, not in it`s entireity anyway. I`m sure they`re all contributors, but there has to be more, otherwise it wouldn`t have the same effect in space or a farraday cage that blocks MOST E.M radiation, I think there`s a bit more to it, I just don`t know what?

example, my mobile fone will lose almost to ALL signal in a lift (ellevator) and yet a radio and a pocket TV will still show that same "static"?

beats me as to what it is?


cosmic waves? ok, but not entirely sure what that is? I DO know that certain stuff can pass clean through entire planetary bodies as if they weren`t even there, so I expect there MAYBE "in between" particles also. but where are they from? and what are they?


heheheheheh :)


I hope that was a typo, coz between us we`ll just end up in a Mobius loop, and get nowhere! need fresh blood! :)


i`ll TRY and ellucidate my thoughts as to WHY I think it`s not lightening or nuclear reactions.

lets talk TV for a sec... runs on a freq approx 600mhz or 600,000,000 on and offs per second, lightening at best on Earth strikes roughly 50 times per sec, that would at best cause a little black dot on a screen, probably so fast you wouldn`t even see it even with retinal image retention.

now for "nuclear reactions" (I could be wrong here) but any nuclear reaction capable of messing with a TV or radio I`de want to know about quick smart! (based upon MAN made units).

that`s where my thinking is re: lightening and nuclear reactions.


You are missing the point you van only see one bandwith of 5Mhz at the same time.


also keep in mind that the noise radiation is always there you just don't see it if there is a stong signal on it that strongly decreases the noise/signal-amplification in the TV.

YT2095 said in post #12 :

but any nuclear reaction capable of messing with a TV or radio I`de want to know about quick smart!


You do.


It's called the sun.


aha! good point, solar flares and sun spots can create havoc with electrical systems (usualy every 11 years or so).

so the idea of the stars creating this noise isn`t all that far fetched then. :)

though I expect that the sun being closer would be the main contributor towards it.


Thnx for the input guys :)

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