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Posted (edited)

My name is Jonathan, I'm 16 years old and am currently in Year 12. I am looking for one week of work experience in a scientific or computer based field. I am taking Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Further Mathematics and ICT A-Levels. I have just attained 6 A*s, 3 As and 1 B at GCSE. I am an academic student with a talent and great interest in science (specifically physics and chemistry) and also computers.


I am hoping to find a placement which will help me decide on my future career path and university degree.


My work experience will be from 17th to 21st July 2006, although I would be keen to work any time during the summer holidays as well.


If anyone can help or knows someone who can, then please contact me. Your help is much appreciated.


As I live in London and it is only 1 week I would prefer not having to travel very far.

Edited by swansont
user request

I don't know of any in the UK, know a few in the US. I know you didn't want to, but if your willing to travel let me know and I'll see what I can do. Otherwise I apologize for not being of more help.


Thanks for the reply but travelling to America for 1 week of work experience is a bit out of the question due to practicalities and money.


If you're American sources have any English counterparts or contacts that they could get in touch with that would be very useful.


Have you tried any local uni's that are near you? Writing to specific departments you may find will actually be quite productive ;)


Hi... sorry... I don't know where you could work... but it's just that our interests are very similar and I was just wondering what you were planning to study... I know you are undecided but what are your options? I'm just asking because I'm kind of lost too and I'm investigating on what interesting careers there are...

And by the waw I think it would also be a good idea if you talked to people who studied whatever you think you might like to study and asked them what they were doing and about their job options and all that... it might help you make up your mind.


Unfortunately they don't, however I'll continue looking around. Someone mentioned looking at Universities, which is my best advice. Most of the programs I know are offered through Universities and colleges here. They give you a chance to get hands on experience with that program, and meet people in the field. So even if you can't get into a workshop for the programs you want, at least try to speak with as many people as you can. Also...if you talk to one person always try to get a second opinion about the field...especially if it's something negative. What one person loves about a job, another may hate. So talk to many and start networking now. Again, I'll keep searching. I have a good friend in the UK who may know something, just hard to get in touch with him with the time difference.



I am currently thinking of studying physics and have had this view for approaching 2 years now.


The only other option for me would be some sort of computing course.



I have looked at some uni's sites and I do already have the contact details (found them just before I created this thread) and combined with the 2 recommendations I will certainly get in contact with them.

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