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Similiar Stem Cells in the intestines of Fuit Flies and Humans

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According to a news realise from Carnegie Institute of Washington. Embyonic studies of Fuit Flies reveals that the stem cells controling the regulation of the gut are similiar to the one found in humans.


The similiar stucture in gastrointenstinal tract hints that perhaps Fruit Flies and humans came from the same ancestor.


Benjamin Ohlstein] The fact that fruitflies have the same genetic programming in their intestines as humans, strongly suggests that we were both cut from the same evolutionary cloth more than 500 million years ago


This link between humans and fruit flies also bodes well for the further research of intentinal tract diseases and cancers.


We’re excited because we know from previous experience that studying a process in a model system, such as the fruitfly, can greatly accelerate our understanding of the corresponding human process.


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