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You know more than me about this Rad E. This is what my impression was.


I thought that we only have the texts of Plato etc, becaue the arabs had them safe. I thought the crusaders burnt the library, and generally burnt all the copies the west had.


Seems that history is another subject I should leave to others!


May be there was another earlier incident! :)


Just looked it up, the library was destroyed about 400 AD, crusades as you stated were 600 years later???


I believe it was Julius Caesar who burnt it in c.47BC on an attack on Cleopatra's fleet. Then it was rebuilt, destroyed by the Romans under Aurelian in c.AD273, and then finally in AD390 by Christians who believed knowledge was basically evil, but this obviously wasn't the crusade since the first one was in AD1095.


Thanks, for that Fafalone, that clears it up. I knew a lot of the old masters works were destroyed, in many cases forever at Alexandria!



lots of the collections were said to be copies of the originals. Hopefully a lot of the originals are still out there.

Just aman


I do not know Aman. My limited knowledge, has the opinion drawn from forgotten sources, that most of the works were lost and only recollections remain.


I have seen it stated that if it wasn't for the arabs keeping some works, ie the illiad, Plato's works etc, we wouldn't have anything!


I have also read that when modern scholars tried to understand Stoicism, they failed to make sense of the philosophy, mainly I suppose because Stoicism was the philosophy directly before Christianity.


Many of the Christrian doctrines come directly from Stoicism.


Christianity was far more mystical and simple, and only required faith. It won with the uneducated masses. :)


The library contained originals, all visitors to the city were searched for scrolls, if found they were confiscated, checked for presence in the library, and if not there the visitors were returned a copy of the original. So, some documents survived because they had a duplicate... but the vast majority was lost. One of the greatest losses in history.


Well Fafalone, we both agree on that one!!


The information must have been astounding, considering the quality of what we do have! :)




Soon the earth will cover us all: then the Earth too will change, and the things also which result from change will continue to change forever. It is only in rebirth that things remain intact.


A person can neither lose the past nor the future: for what a person has not, how can any take this from them. Therefore the present is the only thing of which a person can be deprived, if it is true that this is the only thing which they have, and that a person cannot lose a thing if they have it not.


Time is like a river made up of events which happen, and what a violent stream: for as soon as a thing has been seen, it is carried away, and another comes in it's place, and this will be carried away as well.


Death is such as generation is, a mystery of LIFE.


Many grains of frankincense on the same altar: one falls before, another after; but it makes no difference.


Ancient Stoic philosophy.


A river is a river unless life tosses some crap in it or maybe on the other hand a baby in a basket. Life's chaos is what changes the river.

Just aman


No kidding. Hope you don't get six calls from Sydney with sweet voices saying guess what Zarkov. The world needs responsability from men to plan the amount of kids us nasty old men should have. I think overpopulation is the worst threat.

Just aman


For some reason most of the world seems to think it's more moral to have millions of people starving to death than tell people they can't have as many children as they want. Certainly can't depends on people to self-impose limits. The less intelligent tend to breed more, giving them an evolutionary advantage. Sad state of affairs.


There's five billion people on the Asian continent.:help:

:shrug: :scratch: :shrug: :toilet:

It doesn't look good for the short term future of these people.

Just aman


Well if you start looking at the mass of wants in the world, and the huge shortage of goods to fulfill the needs, yes the prognosis is not good,



There are things happening, ideas, fundamental paradym shifts, that just maybe put us back on the right path for civilisation again.


It could just happen, I am hopefull, maybe it will not happen in the immediate future, but there are signs of hope.


Basically disaster can be a unifying force!! and the real problem is not now, but the future nows, long into the future!!


:) :)


The world needs people with character. We need a hundred acting in a crisis rather than one and ninty nine following. We weed out the special "ones" in certain occupations like ER and FD and PD but all citizens need to have this character.

Just aman


Aman, to be a Stoic, means you must care for the LIFE you belong to.

Our existence on this planet is not a preparation for death, it is a preparation for continued living, passing reverence onto our children, passing hope that we as a living part of LIFE, will protect and propogate our mothe (LIFE).


Until this attitude is commonplace, we all will have to fight for continued existence, battling the spreading cancer of indifference.


Metal poisioning has a major part to play in our present hed long rush to destruction.


I feel if metal poisioning were treated, and a stoic like philosophy was universally adopted, then our world would soon be righted, and our children could inherit a truly wonderful future!!


For me there is still hope, but arragant aggressive ignorance and vested interests are the negative forces that must be overcome.


But first, a telling to the world is the first step, and all those that understand from their heart must join and become active in this fight for survival!!




I loved to watch TV as a kid. I loved Mr. Spocks logic and Klingon Honor. I loved Kwai Changs simple explanations to everything.

They seemed to make a lot more sense than the dogma preached in churches but not practiced at home.

I got lost in Sci-Fi that preached hope.

It's stuff I live by but I'm not a fanatic.

Practice moderation in all your excesses.

Just "Be Good" (ET)

Just aman




Anarchy is the law that exists when there is no formal government; in other words it is the law that is dictated by the conscience.


With the general level of mental decay today, anarchy has become a feared concept.


A Stoic could only ratify sane anarchy.


Such a 'self government' can be expressed as five degrees of freedom:-


Freedom to BE

Freedom to DO

Freedom to SEE

Freedom to THINK

Freedom to SAY


in three dimensions :-


in complete TOLERANCE

in complete SECURITY

in complete TRUST

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