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New York? I can't believe that the DA's office is actually thinking about pressing charges. Yes, it was a pain in the arse but it still is how the unions represent themselves.


Out of curiosity, what did you do when the strike was still going on?


Skated the eight miles to work and back home. My back is killing me after 3 days of doing that - but it was actually faster than taking the train.


But the strike was entirely pointless - I mean, they're going back to the table with the same 6% they were talking about before. All the strike accomplished was to inconvenience millions of people.


spare a thought for us UKers then, there`s gunna likely be an Ambulance strike again here, for xmas and the new year, basicly the new year demand on these services is 400% over the norm, they want more cash.


can`t in all honesty say I blame them, but....

  YT2095 said:
can`t in all honesty say I blame them, but....


I think it is despicable. They are putting the lives of innocent people at risk to satisfy their own greed. I would have no problem with limited strikes at some other time to aire their greivances, but not at Christmas time.


Academics went on strike last year (about tution fees) and no-one noticed. It was discussed at the time whether we should have stuck during the exam period - this would have meant that final exams could not be done and everyone would have to resit in September. We decided that this would be too unfair on the students (who we were trying to help with the strike) so we didn't do it and struck at a different time of year.


hence the "But..."


I also think it`s a bad time to do it (that`s why I posted in the 1`st place!).

however, with a 400% increase in workload over this period, I think it`s only right that they Should get more recognition in way of Payment at least, it`s nothing to do with "Greed" as you put it, you work ambulances or A&E around new years eve, you`ll see that they and the nursing staff MORE THAN earn their money and then some!

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