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Britain Braces for Virus/Midge Invasion


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From BBC.co.uk:


Britain is preparing to repel an invasion of midges carrying the bluetongue virus, a disease which can rapidly lead to the death of up to 70% of sheep in an infected herd.


The bluetongue virus has been a problem in Africa for many years but recently has begun to spread North as the range of the Culicoides midges which carry it has increased.


Efforts are underway to develop more effective vaccines to protect the national stock of sheep in the event that the virus reaches the UK. The virus exists in a wide band up to 40 degrees North and 35 degrees South, but recent outbreaks in Europe as far North as 44 degrees indicate that the range of the carrier midges has increased by more than 800km.


After the foot-and-mouth outbreak that recently decimated animal herds in the North of England procedures for livestock control and quarantine protocol have been reviewed significantly in order that future efforts may be directed more efficiently and in a shorter time period.


Affected animals suffer extensive swelling and haemorrhaging in and around the mouth and nose. They also go lame and have difficulty eating properly, and may suffer from blindness.


Full article here.


Note: Image shows Culicoides imicola midge, which spreads the disease.

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Ahhhh the midge. One of Scotland's defining features; we hate to go trekking anywhere remotely rural cos these little blighters (toned down language) will suck you dry.


I hate them so much. Now theyre carrying a horrible sheep killing virus, I hate them even more.

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