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KGB declassifies infamous Blue Folder


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Not too long ago, the KGB declassified the Blue Folder which is said to hold information regarding the existance of aliens.




Quite an interesting read.


Now to my point.


Ok, this is going to be really really really out there, so stick with me.


As you may or may not know or remember, Norman Rockwell's "War of the Worlds" broadcast caused a huge amount of mass confusion as people thought the world was actually being invaded. After this, do you suppose that the United Nations, or some other world wide association decided to increase the exposure of the concept of aliens to the world in an attempt to lessen the chances of mass chaos if aliens were to truely show themselves.


This would also prove, or give rise to evidence, that the government has known about aliens for quite some time.


Look at how many things lately pertain to aliens, countless tv shows, many blockbuster movies, articles, news pieces, and now the Blue Folder being declassified.


I suppose you could call it a conspiracy on a global scale, but could you recognise this as a possiblity or just pure fantasy?

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Movies about aliens have been around for decades, they are not a recent thing.


Add to that the fact that all govs in the West have been strenuously denying the existence of any such craft or people (to the extent of totally impossible "explanations") I don't see how you could conclude that the govs are trying to prepare us for contact.


A similar idea was floated in the UFO community in the late 70's, early 80's. The argument was that movies had changed from "Aliens as monstrous invaders" to lovable Ewoks, Wookies and E.T. From this it was concluded that the govs were trying to change the way people thought about aliens to prepare them for the public announcement of contact. Hasn't happened yet.


If however it has been known for some decades that we are not alone, then there is a simple explanation for the actions of the govs concerned.


During the 50's and after, the world was in the "Cold War". The peoples of the West depended on their military to protect them. Given the times, how could a gov go to it's people and say "Yes there are craft entering our atmosphere. We don't know who they are. We don't know where they're from. We don't know what they want. We don't know if they're hostile or not. If they are hostile we can't do anything about them anyway as they are too advanced for our weapons to hit them."


Now the Cold War is over, these same authorities can't really go to their people and say "Oh, by the way, we've been lying to you for 60 odd years about UFOs. We still don't know who they are, where they're from or what they want, but we thought you'd like to know that we've been lying to you all this time." So they just let the situation ride, business as usual.


The thing I've always found fascinating about the whole UFO thing is that they seem to be only slightly ahead of our technology. Reports from the 1800's describe them as "Airships" complete with propellors. One from the 1600's tells of the anchor of an "Airship" coming down and getting caught on a Church steeple. A sailor (Human) climbed down the rope, apologised to the rather nervous priest, freed the anchor and rode it back into the clouds. There must be a psych thesis in there somewhere.:)

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Haha, I can't believe how rediculous that post was, upon re-reading it I retract all statements.

Heh, when I typed it I hadn't slept for quite some time and had been drinking far too many caffeinated drinks.

Believe me, if I were in the right state of mind when typing it, I wouldn't have been wrong in the authour of war of the worlds. >.<

In any case, that theory wasn't even mine, I just wanted to see your take on it.

Next time, I'll be sure to sleep before posting. :rolleyes:

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and I can't believe I typed it!


However, I do know where I got the normal rockwell thing from, when I was typing it, I was listening to a comedy central commercial for "Christopher Titus: Norman Rockwell is Bleading" I must have gotten my wires crossed.


Well, atleast there's now a reason! lol


still, monster+lack of sleep=bad for me

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