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Strange Web Site Behavior


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I have noticed some web sites that act very strange when you access them. Two examples I have found are:






After these pages load the content, my computer will continue to send and receive data. Are these sites downloading something on my computer? I'm also confused about the purpose of the first site. There isn't any content except for a message that says, "Welcome". However, somebody is spending time advertising it. What is the purpose of that site?

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It looks to me as if the first one is automatically making you "click" on games for it using iframes (hence all the loading it loads all the games pages as well just doesn't let you see them)


The second one is also probably appearing to take more time due to the offsite iframes it is using.

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I don't understand the concept of the iframes. Why does it want computers to automatically click on games when the user can't see them? Could they be trying to overload the server of the web site with the games? Why is somebody wasting their time advertising these sites?

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Some games you get experiance points or whatever for getting other people to click on them, it is therefore advantageouse to create these sites. The fact the user can't see them is to make people post them on sites and say "what is this site for" so more people click on them.


An iframe alows multiple webpages to be loaded inside one.

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Its probably something similar to the reasoning behind this, although using some kind of in-game reward as opposed to money (as klaynos said).


One of the iframes in the first site points to http://www.darkwars.org/index.php?a=clicked&id=90570 which, when viewed, gives this message:


"You have just been recruited as one of Dansri0t's regular buyers!"


So yeah, cheeky manipulation of the 'in-game insentive for reffering' probably.


slightly off-topic, but one of the popups from the site above is the funnyest ive ever seen. 'IQ test. Are you stupid? click here to find out' lolz. I might click it just to see what happens.


Out of interest, what's the difference between iframes and frames?

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The key difference between regular frames and inline frames is this:

Regular frames take a number of individual pages and kind of put them into one window.

An iframe is like a 'window' on a page that lets you see part of another page. So it's kind of like a page inside of another page.

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