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  bascule said:
They think God created a bunch of "kinds" of animals and that descendants evolved from there. Kinda like "Well we believe evolution so far, but as soon as it conflicts with Genesis we gotta go with that"


I just love Creationists. they should be under Contradictory in Websters as an example.


That site makes me ill. It's totally directed at people that don't have any scientific knowledge. It probably convinces them too... sad really.




I love it.


Creationists have correctly countered both Eve’s ‘age’ and the Neandertal assertions by saying that the molecular clock calibrations are way off.


hmm... evidence?


oh, here we go!


Although not all studies to date have found the same high rate, at least two studies, looking directly at substitutions occurring today, have found rates as much as 20 times higher than previously assumed.5 Studies on the bones of the last Tsar of Russia also showed that he, along with 10–20 % of the population, actually had at least 2 types of mtDNA, a condition called ‘heteroplasmy’, also caused by mutations.3 This, too, throws off the ‘molecular clock’ calibrations.



if it happens once, it must happen, oh, 20 times as much as those nasty evolutionists say!


You see that a lot with Creationists, especially on a "high-class" site such as answersingenesis. They slyly explain what they're about to get past all of the complex intricacies of complicated issues, and what comes out is a lot and a lot of contradiction. Like the molecular clock or the "semi-evolution," they cover up so quickly with little puns and evangelical BS. I swear, even if I was a Creationist (which I'm not) I still would only see that site as a Big Lie.


(I happen to think a lot of creationists are just as silly as flat-earth believers)


C'mon. You can't really think that. Nobody, I mean nobody, actually believes the earth is flat. Right? Please tell me I'm right.


Here is the fine print (sorry Cap'n)


  Flat Earth Society said:
The Flat Earth Society is not in any way responsible for the failure of the French to repel the Germans at the Maginot Line during WWII. Nor is the Flat Earth Society responsible for the recent yeti sightings outside the Vatican, or for the unfortunate enslavement of the Nabisco Inc. factory employees by a rogue hamster insurrectionist group. Furthermore, we are not responsible for the loss of one or more of the following, which may possibly occur as the result of exposing one's self to the dogmatic and dangerously subversive statements made within: life, limb, vision, Francois Mitterand, hearing, taste, smell, touch, thumb, Aunt Mildred, citizenship, spleen, bedrock, cloves, I Love Lucy reruns, toaster, pine derby racer, toy duck, antelope, horseradish, prosthetic ankle, double-cheeseburger, tin foil, limestone, watermelon-scented air freshner, sanity, paprika, German to Pig Latin dictionary, dish towel, pet Chihuahua, pogo stick, Golf Digest subscription, floor tile, upper torso or halibut.


Does this mean they have a sense of humor? Or does it mean they're out of their f***ing minds! They already are anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter.



Yeah, its quite comical. I was actually listening to a Debate in audio of a phone debate.




According to Kent Hovind, they were called Dragons, LOL.


Whats sad is that people take this guys word, fact for fact.


If anyone is intreseted, i'll upload it for you to hear.


wow, that flat earth stuff is hilarious


they somehow decided that experiment (forget who it was) proved the existence of ether, only that we weren't travelling through it

  • 4 months later...

Ever wonder why dinosaurs weren't in the bible? They were! Watch this video to find out where.





!??! At seven minutes he claims Noah only brought two of every sort of animal onto the arc - he brought the ancestor to the horse, donkey and zebra onto the arc...


So how exactly did the epihippus magically turn into the horse, zebra and donkey? Through millions of years of evolution? Nooooo.... couldn't be that. FSM did it.


From the 'Flat Earth Society website':

"Once again, picture in your mind a round world. Now imagine that there are two people on this world, one at each pole. For the person at the top of the world, (the North Pole), gravity is pulling him down, towards the South Pole. But for the person at the South Pole, shouldn't gravity pull him down as well? What keeps our person at the South Pole from falling completely off the face of the "globe"?"


That made me hold my head in shame. Seriously, these people can't really think like that can they?


Is there any money to be made in this sorta crap? And I don't imagine hot chicks are lining up for the chance to boink these guys, so I'll assume they're just former or current stoners or the progeny of evil brain-washing science-nazis who authentically believe in their little delusions.

  AzurePhoenix said:
Is there any money to be made in this sorta crap? And I don't imagine hot chicks are lining up for the chance to boink these guys, so I'll assume they're just former or current stoners or the progeny of evil brain-washing science-nazis who authentically believe in their little delusions.


Damn - no money, no woman... Guess I'd better strike it off the list of Possible Career Directions.


Thing is, I know a few stoners, and even they aren't this irrational. These guys are dedicated to delusion. There are plenty ofexamples of such behavior on the net, and I actually find it quite deperessing. Thankfully most people can see this garbage for what it is. A couple hundred years ago, though, we might have been singing a different song.


Back on the dinosaurs... one of the most interesting arguments for incorporating dinosaurs into the Bilbical universe is how they and Adam and Eve coexisted, but were killed off in the Great Flood.


I find it so interesting that the bible can't stand on its own, so propogators incorporate evidence of actual events as found by scientists, and then refute other evidence from the exact same sources, claiming it's not true because it doesn't coincide with scripture. They can twist words of the bible to suit their needs, and people believe it... Something the Taliban did fairly well...

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