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One dimensional sense.


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I believe I have an analogy as to how a single dimension might be percieved, and how we might see other dimensions .


You cannot smell where something is coming from, how big it is, what it looks like or whether it is moving. It is merely an indication of something that exists, although you can tell the difference between objects, and increasing or decreasing intensity would offer a hint as to its relative movement.


But imagine smell is the only sense you have. You do not have sight, hearing or even contact senses, but you can move around out of your own free will, indicated only by your sense of smell.

The smell would change as you find new objects, get stronger as you move towards them, but is only a slight indication, and you would never know if you came in contact with the object.


Sight could be used for this analogy as well, if your vision were limited to intensity and color alone, without definition of form. Same with sound using pitch or loudness, with access to only one frequency at a time. But we are to well acquanted with these other senses, and are left with a less formidable example to go by.



Now, if we were given a sense of time, it may well have been limited by a temporal spectrum, depending on how time plays out in all dimensions, and might be limited in how far into the future we can sense (and perhaps past) or how far around us we can sense. Although I doubt we would be able to "see" into the future, and would probably experience it as a sort of intuition, I could offer a glimpse of what it might be like.


There is an effect used in movies where the image on one frame is partially preserved on the next as a slightly blurry, transparent overlay. Now imagine the overlay coming before the solid image, appearing several seconds before and intensifying as the true "now" moment approaches. This is how time might look.


As an intuitive sense, it would be alot like an imminent danger, an expensive vase rolling off of a table, and with an ever-increasing feeling of enevitability you watch as it approaches the tiled floor. We would sense it as we might sense a gust of air before we were struck by a fist. But chances are, we would not be able to predict specific events, but more likely something like the movement of varying ammounts of matter, such as someone approaching you.


Of course we will never really know what sensing through time would be like, but just as our the two 2-d pictures in our eyes are combined to give a sense of the 3rd dimension, we just might be able to develop a close approximation.

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One thing to add.


Much like the time dimension sensing, out of phase universes could be percieved in much the same fashion. As yourself in other dimensions would be doing simmilar things as you are now, you would feel the highest intensities by the ones most closely matching your own movements. In a world of infinate universes, your slight tug would be felt by those adjacent to you, as theirs would be by those adjacent to them, and so on until you are completely dissimillar from yourself, at which time you might be a quasar on the opposite side of the universe.


(Edit: The "slight tug" is merely a tendancy for the most simmilar universes to follow a simmilar path to each other. Although there is no physical interaction between them, where there are an infinate ammount of universes, there are also an infinate ammount of paths for these universes to follow, with simmilar and dissimilar universes to our own.)


This is very simmilar to my belief of an ineludable cyclic universe. From an infinate ammound of time there are born an infinate ammount of universes, same, simmilar and completely different from ours, all containing an all-encompasing pattern of simmilarity, which must, yet cannot, repeat itself indefinitely.


(Edit: These universes could be likened to a string of pearls. Your own universe would be the pearl you hold. While the simmilar universes are adjacent to you on the string, their simmilarities are represented by their simmilar positions on the string.


Keep in mind, this post has little to do with the previous one, and to remeniscent of the tv series "Sliders" for me so it ends here.)


On that note...


can anyone here prove that a pattern cannot repeat itself an infinate ammount of times through the course of time, using mathematics? I cannot comprehend a pattern not forming when it has an finfinite ammount of time to do so, yet, an infinate ammount of time renders it impossible for a pattern.

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Sorry to ask (I hope I`m not). can you put the raw basic idea down in laymans terms please?, nothing to long or complicated, just a short conscise version put simply :)

It maybe the wrong end of the day for me, but when a part seemed to make sense, the next sentence threw me and I lost the plot :(

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I have edited the above posts to make them a little more understandable, but I fear demonstrations are in order.


Therefor, I have created examples of single and uber-dimensional sight.




Four-dimensional sight.


I hope these help.


Edit - Four-dimensional sight, with ability to see into the past as well as future.

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Hmmm... an Idea occured to me after reading a Black Hole thread.

I maybe way off here! :)


but aren`t black holes sometimes called "Quantum Singularities"

Quantum meaning smallest part and singular (well that`s obvious).

maybe a Black Hole is a 1 dimensional entity?

if it`s collapsed everything and not even time or light escapes it, wouldn`t it also "suck in" known dimensions too? as it seems the 1`st thing your stripped of when entering one is Time, and then width (spaghetti effect) then I should imagine that on arrival you`de be robbed of your height too leaving a 1 D entity, or have I just put 2 and 2 together and made considerably more than 4? :)

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$h!t :(

sorry dude, it (the url) doesn`t load :(


as for the rest of it, It`s wee bit over my head.

I only understand the VERY "basics" (maybe not even that)... a Star collapses after exhaustion and falls back in uopn itself, creating a small tiny sphere (about the size of a base ball roughly) but has the same mass as the original star (minus the bits that got lost when it popped).

With an understanding of atomic structure (chemistry based mainly) I can only assume that what happens is that all the "free/empty space between a Nulcleus and orbiting electrons" is dramaticly reduced. and so it retains the mass, but loses its volume.

from here it becomes such a dense but tiny peice of matter, that nothing will escape it as its mass does not equal the volume that it would under "ordinary" conditions (still a star and huge), so now, not even light will escape it, its gravity (usualy a weak nuclear force) is now compressed so much.

if it messes with Light, then the rule book is out the window with regards to conventional Physics (and not too good with that either).

THAT is about as far as I understand it :)

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4. Astrophysics. A point in space-time at which gravitational forces cause matter to have infinite density and infinitesimal volume, and space and time to become infinitely distorted.


5. Mathematics. A point at which the derivative does not exist for a given function but every neighborhood of which contains points for which the derivative exists. Also called singular point.

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Originally posted by alt_f13

can anyone here prove that a pattern cannot repeat itself an infinate ammount of times through the course of time, using mathematics? I cannot comprehend a pattern not forming when it has an finfinite ammount of time to do so, yet, an infinate ammount of time renders it impossible for a pattern.



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