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grr school


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Ahhhhh university.


Wake up, attend lecture unless hungover.


go back to bed. possibly a quick tutorial later.


go back to bed


cigarette break


out to pub, on to union, stagger home


cigarette break


sleep, definitely no lectures tomorrow.

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M/W/F Wake up, shower, class, class, lunch, class, study, class, homework, sleep by 3


T/R wake up, shower, class, lunch, lab or sleep, class, homework, bed by 2


Note the lack of dinner. No time for dinner any more with 6:30pm classes, or anything resembling a social time until Friday night.


And I've had 4 exams in 2 weeks, all of them annoyingly difficult and requiring several all nighters.

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up - new part time gig (for the next few weeks) - school for internet - home to eat - sleep -

that's until next monday, the it's:

up- new part time gig - school for class - homework/study - home to eat - bed - do over


I have been eating only once a day for three months now:-p too much homework, plus I might get a different job for the school too so that'll totally get rid of my free time:(

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  • 3 weeks later...

fall down --- stay there




go to school, do some crap, go home, procrastinate, sleep, press snooze button too many times, get to school late, hate math, brain explodes, brain regenerates, go on psychotic rampage to enslave the teachers who enslave me, get killed by swat team, the end . . . . or not!

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blike said in post #1 :

Wake up, go to class, study on break, go to next class, study on break, go to next class, go home, eat, homework, sleep, repeat.





greg1917 said in post #2 :

go back to bed. possibly a quick tutorial later.


go back to bed


cigarette break


out to pub, on to union, stagger home


cigarette break


sleep, definitely no lectures tomorrow.


phew, I thought I was the only one doing that



Sayonara³ said in post #3 :

Work, home, eat, sleep, up, lather, rinse, repeat




You lucky guy...

One day...i'll have a sched like you



fafalone said in post #4 :

M/W/F Wake up, shower, class, class, lunch, class, study, class, homework, sleep by 3


T/R wake up, shower, class, lunch, lab or sleep, class, homework, bed by 2


Note the lack of dinner. No time for dinner any more with 6:30pm classes, or anything resembling a social time until Friday night.


And I've had 4 exams in 2 weeks, all of them annoyingly difficult and requiring several all nighters.



how do you stay awake?

when i pulled an all nighter last monday, it was so difficult to stay awake!!

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