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  AP on irc said:
* Azure pulls down a chart and shows the strong similarities between yourdad's brain and a moldy bar of soap


can soap mold? i just thought the soap would kill the mold that tried to grow.


well i google image searched mouldy soap. It didnt come up with anything which probably means no. I dont think mould particularily likes NaOH as a growth medium nor is its preferred food pure fat.


mold can grow on soap scum, the kind you find in your shower. so...yes and no. soap scum is a reaction with soap and lime, I think, making those hard deposits. To be honest, I've seen soap so scumy and gross-looking, that I swear it could be classfied as mold.


I'm betting if something organic is sitting on a bar of soap it'll cause mold. Soap isn't magically cleaner than anything else, but the glycerine in it breaks the surface tension of water to make it... wetter.


When I first heard about anti-bacterial soap, I remember thinking, "Hasn't soap ALWAYS been killing bacteria?" Rude awakening, believe me.


mold can grow on soap although the PH plays a part, but yes, there`s nothing at all "anti-Bacterial" about Sodium Stearate, and lets not forget that left long enough and Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) will become Sodium Carbonate over time too.

  ecoli said:
just because something is scummy doesn't mean it's a mold.
What about televangelism? I feel like I need some soap after flipping past one of those channels.

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