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New interpretation of gravitational constant

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Here I offer mathematical model of gravitation on the basis of the following experimental facts:

1) The part of the universe, observed by us, almost completely consists of hydrogen and helium (H~80%, He~20%, to the share of remaining elements of Mendeleyev's Table fall approximately 1% of mass of the universe).

2) Dielectric (and magnetic) constant of dense bodies (solids, liquids and cold gases) differs from the dielectric constant of vacuum.

3) The relict radiation of the universe (Cosmic Background Radiation) corresponds to energy jump between two main quantum numbers n=117 and n=118 in the Balmer-Rydberg's formula for the spectrum of hydrogen.

4) Photons are spread rectilinearly and have no the rest mass.

5) Atoms have a rest mass and can magnify and diminish it at the expense of absorption and emission of photons.


Formulas and drawing see in attached file: gravitation_e.doc


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vlamir said in post #1 :

Here I offer mathematical model of gravitation on the basis of the following experimental facts:


5) Atoms have a rest mass and can magnify and diminish it at the expense of absorption and emission of photons.



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The URL doesn't work because it has spaces in it, and the automatic parsing in this page stops when it reaches whitespace.


This might work

[edit] Well, the parsing worked OK but the PDF appears to no longer be stored there.


Vlamir, people don't download .doc files because they are notorious for spreading macro viruses and malicious VB script. it has nothing to do with the size.


Not that I'm saying you have written a malicious script, just that people are less likely to download your document if it is a Word doc.

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net moy drug, eto ne robota :(


Äîêóìåíò íå ñóùåñòâóåò, âîçìîæíî â àäðåñå îøèáêà.

Åñëè âû îáðàòèëèñü ïî àäðåñó âèäà http://www.sinor.ru/~user/... è óâèäåëè ýòî ñîîáùåíèå, ïèøèòå íà user@sibmail.ru, ãäå user - ñëîâî, ñëåäóþùåå çà çíà÷êîì " ~ " â URL.


Hmmm.. forum doesn`t support Russian font, but you get the picture :)

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I myself don't understand in what the matter.

The file is load with the help of other programs, for example Internet Explorer and Physics Forums. But Science Forums does not want "to talk" with sinor.ru.

I am not pleased with poor quality of operation of sinor.ru, but I do not have choice.

In ours small town there are no other companies.

On Monday I shall ring there and I shall do "washing of brains", as I have still other claims to them.

So far, I see one way out (zip-file 182Kb).

But you need Acrobat Reader.

dipole of speed.zip

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I have made only one premise:

"Atoms consist of vibrant rings of energy. Energy has speed of light in rings".

From this premise I started my experiments in the field of mechanical resonances in 1998.

Next I make mathematical simulation with the help of the formulas of classical physics and I check the premise with the help of spectrums of emission-absorption of atoms and with the help of data about a crystalline structure of elements of Mendeleyev's Table.

I do not exclude, that my technique is not enough modern, but up till now my premise yields more precise outcomes and is more obvious.

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I shall be very grateful to you, if you will point even one experimental fact, which disproves my math:

"The Value of gravitational constant is determined by percentage of hydrogen and helium in the universe".

I like to speak by the language of facts and formulas.

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For a start, you have the method wrong. YOU have to give evidence for your views [altering the current system], not me disproving yours.


'5) Atoms have a rest mass and can magnify and diminish it at the expense of absorption and emission of photons.'


Isn't a fact. Should I go on?

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At radioactive decay of heavy atoms the daughter nucleuses, alpha-particles, beta-particles, neutrino and gamma-radiation are arise.

The gamma-radiation carries away a part of mass ( the law of conservation of energy-mass).

The gamma-radiation is short-wave electromagnetic waves.

The photons also are electromagnetic waves.

Should I go on?

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Probbaly not, because as MrL_Jakiri stated, one if your premises is not a fact.


feel free to post your ideas on this site, but dont expect them to be agreed with when there are fundemental discrepencies in the manner in which you derive theories.

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Discussion about, can or cannot photons carry away a mass of atoms is particular.

In more perspective plan, the task about the gravitational constant is inseparably linked with infinity and zero. In the meantime, I don't know how to approach to this problem.

At first, it is necessary to understand, how the law of superposition in relation to curvature of speed should work.

If to go by simple integration on all infinite space, in outcome we should receive "a continuous black hole".

In reality it is not present, but there are discrete celestial objects, which have anomalous gravitational force.

It is possible to assume, that the universe is not infinite, but to prove it experimentally hardly probably.

It is possible to assume, that there is a certain mechanism of the outflow of gravitation. Then it is necessary to search for this mechanism within atoms, but not in the sky. Here I want to say, that the model of atom taken from the sky, requires, that in the sky there was an infinite set of absolutely identical objects.

Secondly, it is necessary to invent mathematics and to explain, why the variable component of curvature of speed cannot be magnified over some fixed limit. Then we can more specifically put the task about registration of gravitons and, accordingly, about speed of gravitation.

Thirdly, it is necessary to understand to what reduces infinite increase of constant component of curvature of speed. The infinite curvature is a zero in space.

The answers to these problems become more categorical estimation for my idea.

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feel free to post your ideas on this site, but dont expect them to be agreed with when there are fundemental discrepencies in the manner in which you derive theories.


I thought that's what this site was made for? to discuss theories of science and such, to educate one side of the debating side more


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no point

merely trying to point out the fact that it appears that a large number of you were ganging up on this dude :P


personally, I like hearing other theories ;) even if the current laws of science would not permit for them.

now if I could just get to reading those thingies, I'd be all set to say whether or not I agree or disagree

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