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A thread on what everyone thinks of everyone else as would be fun :P

I agree, let's make a game of it. How about, each post is what you think of the person who posted before you. Negative comments okay, but no flaming.

I agree, let's make a game of it. How about, each post is what you think of the person who posted before you. Negative comments okay, but no flaming.

I like your avatar, very buggy :)


You have changed yours, I see. Presuming the other was as you are, then is this one as you would prefer to be? If so, very Manga.

gcol, your avatar is very interesting.


you make interesting posts, mostly in the chemistry forums... I don't always respond, but I read almost everything you post.

gcol, your avatar is very interesting.


If I could find one that looked like Rip Van Winkle, Imight use it.


Maybe you two actually know eachother...


Bascule, you point out a lot of things I don't realise, that's why I enjoy reading your posts.


I'm not sure whether you should be a scientist or a stand up comedian Insane Alien...your acronyms were hilarious.


Bascule you still remain one of the main reasons I've stuck with SFN...just hope I didn't cause to much contention with my views on Dawkins attacking religion. :confused:


Oh wow, thanks Herpguy...I own a few GALS (Giant African Land Snails) hence the name. They're hibernating at the moment, I'm going to wake them up in a few weeks (when the weather warms up a bit)...can't wait. :)




Herpguy, with regards to what Insane Alien said you've made some good posts...and you're only 11, keep it up, I'm sure you'll do very well in the future.


Ha ha...cheers, and there's me thinking I was gonna get flamed for being a bit nuts, and being rash and quite rude on occasion (tempting fate maybe.) I guess nobody can accuse me of being boring.


Thanks YT2095 ! :)


YT2095 is the type of guy that would make a really bad enemy but a really good friend.


Very true.

YT2095 is the type of guy that would make a really bad enemy but a really good friend.


:rolleyes: oddly enough, that`s been said to me few times in "real Life" also :)


Lance: with a little more time to aquire Tech Know-how and a better financial circumstance, has the makings to acheive something great!


Thanx, I have a Friend to thank for that one :)


I don`t really know you properly yet as a poster, but I`de hazzard to say that You and Mokelle would have countless hours of good chat together sharing a common interest, I`ve not seen him online for a while, but look him up anyway :)

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