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Sayonara is a big cheater, but is loved by all anyway


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cor blimey, i`m second from top!?

I know I leave it on all day when I`m awake, and click refresh every half hour or so, but I didn`t think I was THAT enthusiastic :)

although Science makes my whole life worth it, along with other things, trivia really, ya know, wife, food, sleep etc... :)

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This is indeed true ;)


How is it calculated though? it can`t be by simply sitting on the chan, as I`de more than likely win hands down (too lazy to close down at night).

and so I know it`s not based on that alone....actualy don`t tell me, I`ll prolly get accused of cheating myself ! and then the next thing ya know I`ll have a "Pink Heart" avatar aswell! :P


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If it were me, I'd have written a clause into the Online Time hack that blocks logging for the "who's online" page or deducts the time spent there.


However, even if I did there would still be a very obvious way of cheating with no evidence whatsoever.

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sayonara's a cheater at everything


so is Fafalone. he's in the irc 24/7, and yet he only talks maybe 2/10 times I go there....


I'm beginning to wonder if he's really not there *scratches head*

but would my computer really lie to me?

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