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I heard about this project on the Radio today, so just out of interest I thought I`de share this Test with you all: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/


it`s the Implicit Association Test, and can be VERY! revealing about your feelings, conscious or not.


now, you don`t HAVE TO post your results here but feel free to if you wish :)


there are several test catagories, take your pick!


Hey, I took a look. It doesn't really apply to me because I have no idealogy (and I didn't like how categorizing it was, but I understand why it is), but I think it may do the world some good by giving these whackos a chance to actually think about what they think. Thanks for posting it.


hmm i seem to be neutral for all of them. well nearly neutral. says i slightly prefer straight people to gay people and same with yound to old.


i don't like the bit where you put good and bad in same option as gay/straight and old/young black/white etc. although i think i can see where there going with that, somebody who is racist against blacks would automatically associate bad words with black people and click that option even if the option for bad words was with white.


IMMs results:


Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for John Kerry compared to George Bush.


Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for White compared to Asian.


Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for Helpers compared to Leaders.


Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Rich People compared to Poor People.


Your data suggest a moderate automatic identification with Love compared to Money.


i don't like the bit where you put good and bad in same option as gay/straight and old/young black/white etc. although i think i can see where there going with that' date=' somebody who is racist against blacks would automatically associate bad words with black people and click that option even if the option for bad words was with white.[/quote']


Yeah, so did I but I don't think the person who made the test took into consideration that there are people with horrible short term memory(me). I kept getting x's by the end of the test because the buttons had been switched around so much. :embarass:


thank Goodness for that!


ever wondered why I never posted my results? `coz the exact same thing happened to me, nice to know I`m in good company :)


Damn... I just saw this post now, and I'm very interested in taking this test, unfortunately I have a bio lab in 5 minutes. :-(


I prefer Abraham Lincoln over President Bush


I prefer thin people to fat people


"Your data suggest a moderate association of European American with Harmless Objects and African American with Weapons compared to African American with Harmless Objects and European American with Weapons." (this in large part thanks to MTV, rap videos, and video games)

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