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Quite a random thing happened today walking home, as I managed to bump into Anthony Stewart Head who's the guy who plays Giles from 'Buffy the vampire slayer' and the prime minister in 'Little britain'.


I was quite taken aback at first, but my friend who's obsessed with Buffy, ran over to him hystericaly so I joined her and ended up talking to him for quite a while. He was genuinely a really nice guy and I found out his daughter, who im going to have to ''befriend'' is due to join my college in september.


Anyway, have any of you met or know anyone thats famous?


The most famous people I have met are:


Billy Gibbons and Dusty Hill of ZZ Top

Alice Cooper


That's about it, I guess


Ooo dear... well I used to be a bouncer at an A-list club in Miami... A few off hand:


Mike Tyson

Carmen Electra

Britney Spears

Justin Timberlake

Cameron Diaz

Wayens bros (all 7-8 however many there are)

Martin Lawrence

P Diddy (came by often, almost weekly)


Ugh... you meet so many celebrities it becomes a norm, actually a pain in the ass because you have to go out of your way to "watch" them when 400 people are in the club, and you only have 12 bouncers. Its stupid and a waste of manpower. But yea, its exciting at first. BTW out of all the celebs I ever met, believe it or not but Britney Spears is the biggest tipper. She dumped 5,000$ tip on the staff one night... :eek:

  Pêön de ■ said:
BTW out of all the celebs I ever met, believe it or not but Britney Spears is the biggest tipper. She dumped 5,000$ tip on the staff one night... :eek:


I'm sure thats a mathematical error of hers rather than generosity.


I don't know if I would call it meeting but I talked to Kevin Smith the other day. I was waiting in line to take a teacher certification test and he wondered over from the comic-con that was going on in the convention hall next to the one I was taking my test in.


let me think... um... nope, nobody. Though I'll hopefully be able to meet Ron Glass (Book, from Firefly/Serenity) and Terry Brooks (fantasy author) soon, at a sci-fi convention.


It's funny, but I assume that if I saw a celebraty, I'd be surpirzed how short they are.. people look taller on TV, probably.

  aj47 said:
I'm sure thats a mathematical error of hers rather than generosity.





Cameran Diaz was the biggest bitch of them all. She was with Justin Timberlake at the time, and she went to use the bathroom. Well when she returned I did not recognize her (she is very ugly in real life) and I held my arm out. Well instead of telling me who she is, she starting walking into my arm as if somehow it wasnt there. Well she did this for about 15 seconds until her personal bodyguard realized what I was doing and whispered in my ear who she was. What a skank... :rolleyes:



Cameran Diaz was the biggest bitch of them all. She was with Justin Timberlake at the time' date=' and she went to use the bathroom. Well when she returned I did not recognize her (she is very ugly in real life) and I held my arm out. Well instead of telling me who she is, she starting walking [i']into[/i] my arm as if somehow it wasnt there. Well she did this for about 15 seconds until her personal bodyguard realized what I was doing and whispered in my ear who she was. What a skank... :rolleyes:


HA! I knew she must be ugly... ever since I saw The Mask I knew that...


Six Nobel prize winners. Also have a high-school friend who works in TV as a writer/producer; when he was with Star Trek TNG, some of the suggestion I made actually made it into the script.

  swansont said:
Six Nobel prize winners. Also have a high-school friend who works in TV as a writer/producer; when he was with Star Trek TNG, some of the suggestion I made actually made it into the script.


What were the suggestions?


I`ve worked for a few and so can`t name names contractualy.


but casualy, I met Nanette Newman when I was in London shopping, Tammy Wynette in calgary canada, Bev Bevan in a local pub, Phill Taylor and Eric Bristow (played darts with them both, I came second).


Bascule, you met Alice Cooper! Lucky Ba$t!

  aj47 said:
What were the suggestions?


Another friend and I brainstormed with the writer one night while he was writing "The First Duty" (Wesly, at the academy, gets into trouble and crashes his spacecraft) The Kolvoord starburst was my idea, though I had given it a different name (Andorrian clusterf***, which obviously wasn't going to make it to the final script). Another friend had the idea of igniting the plasma to take the place of a smoke trail, like the Thunderbirds or Blue Angels would do. We wanted Wesley to be killed, but that couldn't happen, so he broke his arm and had second-degree burns. The mention of Statistical Mechanics was a reference to both of us, who were in grad school at the time and had both just taken that class and not enjoyed it very much.


In the episode where they are sweeping (analagous to degaussing) the Enterprise, I had suggested an "exotic antibaryon sweep" which got shortened to baryon sweep, which scientifically is just silly. Protons and neutrons are baryons.


That is so freaking sweet, swansont, especially considering I'm currently reading the book, "the physics of star trek"

  ecoli said:
That is so freaking sweet, swansont, especially considering I'm currently reading the book, "the physics of star trek"


Science had a way of getting ignored when it stood in the way of the plotline, though.


I've met David Cone and Tim Raines (baseball players who are very polite and down to earth). I've played poker with Ron Livingston (Played Peter in Office Space. Ron and I never were in the same hand together but he was a pretty cool guy to talk with. Mentioned how while he appreciates his fame from Office Space, he's really sick of being known as "that guy from Office Space.") I was also, ahem, "introduced" to the Secret Service people who were serving for Candidate George W. Bush.


If any of you guys have heard of the Canadian show "Trailer Park Boys" I know two of the actors in it. But I'm not sure how popular the show is even in Canada, I'm not sure if its broadcast in the US.


Bill Nye came to some sort of science demonstration at my grade school, and i got dragged to an autograph signing by some soap oprea guy by my mom when i was younger. Although i didn't really "meet" them i did get to see NIN from about 5 feet away when they came to seattle last time, which is definately my favorite "celebrity sighting" of the lot

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