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As this has been mentioned quite a lot, I thought we might as well give this a try. In order to keep this as civilized as possible, please read this carefully and make sure you re-read what you've written before you hit the post button!


In this thread, you are allowed to nominate one member for each of the following six categories:


  1. Most Helpful Member: who gives the best answers in the nicest way?
  2. Most Knowledgeable Member: who displays the most consistent knowledge in any (or many) fields?
  3. Most Interesting Member: who's posts are a must read for their diverse content?
  4. Best Debater: the member who you think uses the best debating techniques on the forums.
  5. Most Enjoyable Member: this is a fun category; who makes you laugh the most?
  6. Most Improved Member: who has improved their quality of posts the most in the past twelve months?


The Rules


  • You are allowed to nominate one, and only one person for each category. Your last post on this thread will be counted as your vote; any previous posts will be deleted. Even so, please try and get it right the first time.
  • Please do not nominate any members of staff or resident experts. If you do so, then these will be deleted. This is all about you guys in the community. Here is the Staff List.
  • Please, reply to this post with the following format:

    1. Member name
    2. Member name
    3. Member name
    4. Member name
    5. Member name
    6. Member name


    Each member name corresponds to the appropriate category. Be careful not to mix them up, because we won't know and don't have the time to check! If you don't know how to format your post like this, then look at the BBCode Guide before you post.


    Any posts not of this form will be deleted. The mods will show no mercy on this point, since we have to go through all of these posts at the end of the day.


    [*]You are allowed to nominate one person for up to two different categories.

    [*]You are not allowed to nominate yourself.

    [*]If, for whatever reason, you do not wish to nominate somebody for a particular category, then please leave that name blank. However, you must submit a nomination for at least one category.

    [*]This thread will remain open for precisely one week. After that, no more nominations will be accepted.


Please adhere to the rules. Any posts not complying with this will simply be deleted.


This is supposed to be a bit of fun, but for this thread at least, we have to get it right. Remember, you've got one week to submit your nominations.


Have fun!


1. 5614

2. (Not in a position to judge this... so I'll pass)

3. AzurePhoenix

4. DV8 2XL

5. In My Memory

6. revprez/phcatlantis/patcalhoun/philcandless/pcs



2.YT2095 X Moderator

3.Sayonara X Administrator





To reiterate:

Please do not nominate any members of staff or resident experts. If you do so, then these will be deleted. This is all about you guys in the community.

1. 5614

2. Ooo, toughy. Probably IMM.

3. Not sure, but I find ecoli's posts interesting. So ecoli.

4. Bascule

5. insane_alien

6. I haven't been here long enough to say.


1. 5614




5. azurephoenix



i dont pay enough attention to figure out which member i would nominate for the other positions, and im sort of confused about why the staff members arent eligible. you guys are an integral part of the community, and one of the catagories in staff is made up of people who have been specifically selected for their helpfulness and knowledge.




1. Bascule Edit: Removed Martin since he's an expert

2. Edit: Removed Martin since he's an expert

3. Herpguy

4. Cap'n Refsmmat or Bascule Please choose one or the other.

5. AzurePhoenix

6. Pcs

  Callipygous said:
im sort of confused about why the staff members arent eligible. you guys are an integral part of the community
Thanks, but we can't be trusted with something this big. "Absolute power", that sort of thing.

1. Bettina maybe it's been a while, but I remember her being exceedingly sweet

2. IMM so many people in so many categories, but Memsy is always golden

3. Couldn't judge this if I tried

4. IMM never at a loss for words

5. I like too many peoples

6. can't say


three outa six.... I feel so unfulfilled. Maybe if I could see their dueling techniques in a life or death battle match I could come up with more definate choices. Combatants, choose your weapons; we've got whisks, bug-zappers, hooked fishing rods and a Bible soaked in napalm.


That was tough...there's so many good people in all those fields.


1. 5614

2. Ashennell

3. Bascule

4. In My Memory

5. insane_alien

6. pcs


1. 5614

2. insane_alien

3. Cap'n Refsmmat

4. AzurePhoenix

5. penagte.

6. [VOID - have not been here that long]


There should be a seperate one for staff! Staff should have some sort of poll, its only fair :)




Ryan Jones


1.Capn Refsmmat

2. IMM

3. Azure Phoenix

4. YourdadonaPogos

5. AzurePhoenix

6. sunspot




1. Most Helpful Member: who gives the best answers in the nicest way?

2. Most Knowledgeable Member: who displays the most consistent knowledge in any (or many) fields?

3. Most Interesting Member: who's posts are a must read for their diverse content?

4. Best Debater: the member who you think uses the best debating techniques on the forums.

5. Most Enjoyable Member: this is a fun category; who makes you laugh the most?

6. Most Improved Member: who has improved their quality of posts the most in the past twelve months?


1. 5614

2. Even though we have our disagreements "ecoli is one smart guy"



5.AzurePhoenix amuses me

6.Can't say. Not as faithful as I'd like to be :)


Lol, should we have one for the person who asks the most questions? Or perhaps the most intriguing?


We really need more than 17 people posting nominations. If you haven't already participated in the SFN User Awards Nominations yet, please do it NOW! :cool:


actualy I think it would be an idea to give this poll a 2 day extension, in all fairness, this place was down for a couple of days.


Its been 13 days and the results are as follows:

Most Helpful	Most Knowledgable	Most Interesting	Best Debater	Most Enjoyable	Most Improved
5614		Ashennell		AzurePhoenix		DV8 2XL		AzurePhoenix	pcs
5614		Bascule			AzurePhoenix		AzurePhoenix	AzurePhoenix	pcs
5614		ecoli			AzurePhoenix		Bascule		AzurePhoenix	pcs
5614		Herpguy			AzurePhoenix		Bascule		AzurePhoenix	pcs
5614		In My Memory		AzurePhoenix		Bascule		AzurePhoenix	pcs
5614		In My Memory		Bascule			Bascule		AzurePhoenix	pcs
5614		In My Memory		Bascule			In My Memory	AzurePhoenix	sunspot
5614		In My Memory		Bettina			In My Memory	AzurePhoenix	sunspot
Bascule		insane_alien		Bettina			In My Memory	AzurePhoenix	yourdadonapogos
Bascule		Jim			Cap'n Refsmmat		yourdadonapogos	AzurePhoenix	yourdadonapogos
Bettina		Klaynos			ecoli			yourdadonapogos	herme3	
Cap'n Refsmmat				Herpguy					In My Memory	
Dak					In My Memory				insane_alien	
ecoli										insane_alien	
In My Memory									penagte	
In My Memory									Ryan J	

5614 (8)	In My Memory (4)	AzurePhoenix (5)	Bascule (4)	AzurePhoenix (10)	pcs (6)



Maybe Dave only needs to set up a voting poll for Best Debater. The rest seem to have pretty clear winners. He's going to decide later today.


No, no no! These were nominations, not votes. So it doesn't make any difference how many times someone is nominated - it is only important that they are.


So the vote for most helpful for example should now allow voting between 5614, Bascule, Cap'n Refsmmat, Dak, ecoli and IMM.


At least that was how I understood 'nominations' to function!

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